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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…. So it’s more about representation and identity than it is about specific codes or laws.” Even though some political activists in Middle Eastern and North African countries promote “Islamic law” in reaction to the imposition of European-style government and legal systems on them, there is no single school of thought on what shari’ah, or divine law, is or means—and there is no single, accepted legal code. “If Islamic law were some book where you c…

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4 (or 5) American Muslims For Ben Carson to Interrogate

…n 2016, and well after he’s forgotten by 2020, Peter Kassig could’ve run in 2024. And why not? He certainly had the credentials. After high school, Peter became a U.S. Army Ranger, and was deployed to Iraq for several months with a special operations unit. Peter later returned to the Middle East as a medical relief worker. While delivering supplies to a town in Syria, however, he was abducted by ISIS. Peter’s journey to Islam began before his capt…

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The Right is Deeply Divided Over Support for Israel — Though It’s Not About Justice for Palestinians

…ng that flies.” “This is not just an attack on Israel,” stated Nikki Haley, 2024 presidential hopeful and former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. “This is an attack on America because they hate us just as much…this is the reason that we have to unite around making sure our enemies do not hurt our friends.” Senator Lindsey Graham called for “coordinated effort between the United states and Israel to put Iran out of the oil business by destroy…

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The Religious Right’s Apocalyptic Visions of an Obama Presidency  

…aw of the land.” The aftermath of the U.S.’s withdrawal of all troops from Iraq by 2010, saw a flooding of that country by Al Qaida operatives from Syria and Iran: “A Taliban-like oppression has now taken over” the country, and “hundreds of thousands of ‘American sympathizers’ have been labeled traitors, imprisoned, tortured, and killed.” At home, Obama directed U.S. intelligence services “to cease all wiretapping of alleged terrorist phone calls…

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Jesus Goes to the Dark Carnival: Hell House Gets a Makeover?

…as “living their dream of defending the country they love,” having gone to Iraq to “love and serve Jesus Christ, the Hero of all mankind.”  This obviously suits the post-9/11 mood of many evangelicals in which America’s wars are God’s wars and God’s heroes are America’s heroes. Cultural sewage of the type that Nancy Grace built her career transmitting also plays a significant role in other Judgement House narratives. Adult predators are a persiste…

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Gay-Hating Church Burns “Idols”: A Report

…tes heading into the hundreds of thousands) associated with US-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are the events that could doom relations between the Muslim world and America. Symbolic acts do matter, but the ones performed by sanctioned US representatives—the unnamed soldier who used the Qur’an for target practice or Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin’s 2003 comment that the Christian God is “real” while his Muslim opponent’s deity was merely an “idol”—are far…

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If Muslims Stop Drinking Will They Become Violent?

…an oppositional identity. We are coming up on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War, a fraudulent conflict that was sold to the public by a right-wing, openly religious American president. Yet he was opposed in his decision by many people of faith (just as there were people of no faith on either side, from Christopher Hitchens’ cheerleading of war against Muslims to far-left anti-war activists who felt no affiliation with organized religion.) But…

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Weeks After Turkey’s Failed Coup, Thousands Have Been Arrested Over a Book

…id meet with people who were related to Hizmet organizations in Turkey and Iraq. They were very helpful in locating refugees for me to interview in Istanbul, at refugee camps near the Kurdish city of Diyarbakir, Turkey, and near the ISIS border outside Erbil, Iraq. My Hizmet helpers were businessmen and academics volunteering for the movement, and none of the organizations with which these Hizmet volunteers were associated were called Gulen Moveme…

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I Always Knew Santa Was Make-Believe: A Retired Pastor on Losing Her Faith

…hought he was hearing from God, like Joshua at Jericho. He seemed to think Iraqis would eagerly lay down their arms before our triumphant Lord. On public radio, I heard a teenage brother and sister describe their reasons for enlisting, beginning with their mistaken belief that Iraq had attacked us on 9/11. She was 17 and eager to leave school. He was 19, heading for boot camp. Was he afraid to die? No, he said: “I’m a Christian. So, I know where I…

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Goy to the World: What Does Hanukkah Have to Teach Us About Living in Empire?

…ban or Hezbollah than Zapatistas. Just as—to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq—we may look more like Seleucids than saviors. No surprise there, since we may look like Seleucids even to ourselves. To be part of an empire and to admit as much invites any number of discomfiting questions. If it is dishonest to deny the fact, is it naive not to accept the reality and make the best of it? Might an empire be a force for good? Or is “force for good” an…

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