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Why I Wrote the Freedom Seder And Why It’s Still Necessary 50 Years After Dr. King’s Assassination

…tian radical A. J. Muste calling Moses the organizer of “Brickmakers Union Number 1” and a pacifist Russian rabbi named Tamaret—wove them all into a new Telling of the tale of freedom. In that Telling, the then ongoing, even now unfinished, struggle of Black America for freedom was interwoven with the ancient story of the Israelites’ struggle to end their slavery under Pharaoh. Where the old Haggadah had what seemed to me a silly argument about ho…

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A Muslim Reflects on Christian Theologian (and UCLA Coach) John Wooden

…er of the amazing things about him. He was approachable, answering his own phone and mail, meeting with complete nobodies like me. I thanked him for the basketball lessons that I had learned from him, but more importantly for the life lessons. His beloved wife Nellie had passed away in 1985 after 53 years of marriage, and my wife had died suddenly in 1992. Coach gave me a powerful model for dealing with that loss, a reminder that those we loved we…

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Pentecostal Prayer Gangs: New Film Documents Religion in a Brazilian Prison

…ader. What was the culture of the prison? At night, there was one guard for 800 prisoners. In the Rio prison system there’s no real government presence; state control in the prisons is just a façade. The prison gangs are the most powerful presence, but the church exerts a strong influence too. There were about 400 inmates in the gang camp inside the prison, and 40 to 50 in the church camp. The rest were neutral people who kept to themselves in the…

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Hajj Journal: M & M

…though this, the men would hover around the tent entries, send notes, make phone calls, actually get their phone cords recharged, and send food and drink through every possible opening in the tent. As far as I could tell, it was always the men hanging around our tent and not the women hanging around the men’s tent. Pretty funny if you think about it. They were like lost puppies without their women. Yet patriarchy would have us think they are the m…

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Jews and Muslims Join Forces for Academic Freedom

…le of supporting anti-Semitism, claimed it was not a safe place for Jewish students, and demanded that the student who had hit Vassal be charged with a hate crime and that Students for Justice in Palestine be removed from campus. It was easy the Jewish and Muslim faculty of the Religion Department to respond, given our ongoing relationships. We issued a statement which said in part, The Temple Department of Religion has a long history of civil dis…

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Colin McGinn: Not the Only Masturbating Philosopher

…olin McGinn’s strange insistence that one can talk about sex with a female student in pure abstraction, and his resulting objectification of that student, is part of a legacy that has gone on for far too long in far too important a discipline. Indeed, these patterns seem to have something in common with the objectification that abusive priests (together with the bishops who protect them) often display toward victims. It’s because the victim was ne…

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Student To Michele Bachmann: “Presidential Candidates Shouldn’t be able to Make Stuff Up”

It’s been a week since 17-year-old Zack Kopplin called out Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann to back up her assertions that there are Nobel Prize winners who endorse intelligent design. And even though Kopplin’s challenge has gotten a fair share of media attention, there hasn’t been a peep about it from Bachmann’s office. Here is Kopplin on MSNBC’s HardBall with Chris Matthews. Love his statement, “Presidential candidates shouldn’t be able…

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Liberty University’s #NeverTrump Petition Is No Shot Heard ‘Round the World

…be in response to offenses perpetrated on…white women. Where was that outrage when Trump was condemning Muslims, Mexicans, blacks, LGBT, the disabled, etc.? Falwell’s response to the student petition: “This student statement seems to ignore the teachings of Jesus not to judge others, but they are young and still learning.”…

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It’s Time to Reconsider Graduation Prayer in Public High Schools

…n context, lower courts have split on the permissibility of prayers led by student graduation speakers. Some courts have considered such prayers protected private student speech, so Lee hasn’t even succeeded in banishing all legal prayer from high school graduation ceremonies. But there are even more fundamental reasons to reconsider Lee. The substitution of moments of silence for prayer suggests that there’s no communal expression of meaning poss…

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The Dark Side of BYU’s Honor Code

…liberals and (as Sanders remembered from her own experience) to shut down student anti-war protests. Clerical leaders serving BYU student congregations have been expected to report content from private confession and counseling interactions to University authorities, impacting the ability for young people who want to resolve past transgressions (even ones committed before arrival at BYU) to do so without feeling that their educations are in jeopa…

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