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Secede, For The Kingdom of Bernie Has Come Near

…om the Union. No, if they’re interested in anything, it’s the kind of self-sorting that’s been going on in American society for quite a while now. Which is to say, they’ll “secede” by continuing to move to places like Portland or Ann Arbor or Minneapolis or any of the other big metro areas, while conservatives cluster in the suburbs and rural areas. It’s less secession than fragmentation, in other words. I hope things don’t shake out this way. Act…

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White Evangelical Leaders Still Too Preoccupied With ‘Order’ to Listen to Black Truth

…himself called for first degree murder charges against Derek Chauvin, the Minneapolis police officer who kneeled on George Floyd’s neck for more than eight minutes, and suggested that Trump should have called for justice against Chauvin and the other officers, adding that it might have calmed the riots.) To those attuned to evangelical doublespeak, Jeffress’s invocation of lawlessness alongside racism calls to mind the slaveholding Christian’s fa…

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Derek Chauvin’s Defense, in Keeping with a Long Racist Tradition, Seeks to Criminalize George Floyd

On the first day of the George Floyd trial, Eric Nelson, the attorney for Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin who kneeled on Floyd’s neck for 8 minutes 46 seconds, disputed the independent pathologists’ report that simple asphyxiation—a loss of oxygen—had killed Floyd in May 2020. Mr. Nelson argued that it was a complex process made even more complicated by Floyd’s use of fentanyl and by the “adrenaline flowing through his body.” This is als…

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Rejecting Blood Sacrifice Theology, Again

…gency Tony Jones holds the title of theologian-in-residence for a suburban Minneapolis emergent community called Solomon’s Porch. He is something of a celebrity in emergent church circles, as is Rob Bell, the founding pastor of Mars Hill Bible Church in suburban Grand Rapids. Both are fortyish, hipsterish white guys with well-functioning brains and impressive resumes. Both make a real point of letting you know just how smart and how hip they are….

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NOM Claims Victimhood for the Holidays

…s read this amazing article from a judge in Minnesota who married “a dying Minneapolis man to his partner of 38 years.” Minnesota is facing a vote on an amendment to ban marriage equality. Judge Lloyd Zimmerman tells a touching story about these two men and argues strongly in favor of marriage equality by outlining just how horrifying the “gay lifestyle” really can be: Our neighbors who can’t legally marry take out the garbage, mow the lawn, shove…

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The Perry v. Bachmann Primary at Liberty Unversity

…ann’s assertion, “That’s a false statement,” in response to queries by the Minneapolis City Pages about whether his clinic used the discredited practice. If I were a betting person, I’d bet this doesn’t have much impact on his wife’s campaign. While LGBT rights advocates and allies are right to be outraged, I doubt it would bring any new opposition to Bachmann, who is already well-known for her anti-gay views and voting record. And her supporters…

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Jose Antonio Vargas’ Coming Out and the Power of Stories over Religious Remonstrances

…. I just saw Vargas this past weekend at the Netroots Nation conference in Minneapolis. He moderated a panel, “Obama, the Tea Party and 2012: The Role of Race in Electoral Politics.” It wasn’t what you might expect from the title — but more on that in a moment. I first want to highlight a couple of points in Vargas’ story that relate to religious activism around immigration reform. In his piece, Vargas discusses how his mother and grandparents, kn…

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Methodists Move Toward LGBT Inclusion

…v. Bruce Robbins, pastor of the Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church in Minneapolis. The statement gives a nod to the other denominations who are ahead of them: We are convinced by the witness of others and are compelled by Spirit and conscience to act. We thank the many United Methodists who have already called for full equality and inclusion of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people in the life of the Church. Neither measure goes as f…

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Christians are ‘Jerks,’ The New Scopes Trial, Pastafarians’ Rights

…le to officially leave the Catholic Church. And the Archbishop of St. Paul-Minneapolis says he doesn’t want any “lukewarm” Christians in the church. The Unification Church held its second mass wedding of the year. The Rev. Sun Myung Moon married 7,200 South Korean and foreign couples. The end of the world might be farther off than once expected, at least according to the Mayan calendar. From Qumran to dot-com: the Israel Antiques Authority and Goo…

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Rebranding the Mormons

…Jacksonville, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Tucson, and Minneapolis) “weird,” while suggesting that the ad campaign is actually a strategy to pave the way for Mitt Romney’s 2012 run. Unlikely. (And anyone who thinks Mormons are placing all their eggs in Mitt Romney’s basket hasn’t heard of Jon Huntsman.) Meanwhile, progressive Church members themselves are trying to reconcile the new image with some of the realities t…

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