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When Blasphemy Was a Riot (But Didn’t Cause One)

…most a year ago and sold twenty million tickets in France (and nearly as many abroad). Intouchables is a funny and moving comedy, but as politically correct a story as you’ll find: a black young man bordering on delinquency is hired by a tetraplegic wealthy man to be his assistant-nurse-chauffeur. They have a ball together doing crazy—and sometimes nasty—things, and save each other from an apparently inexorable fate. Charlie Hebdo (named after Cha…

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Romney to Talk Mormonism Tonight: Risky?

…Back from my Bloggingheads hiatus, I talk with Get Religion’s Mollie Hemingway about whether Mitt Romney’s plan to discuss his Mormonism tonight at the Republican National Convention benefit his candidacy: And we also discussed the significance of the fact that Barack Obama is the only Protestant on both presidential tickets:  …

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Thoroughly Modern Mormons

…ek Mall features luxury high-rise condominiums and upscale shops like Tiffany’sand Nordstrom’s. Many LDS people view the City Creek Mall as an emblem of savvy financial stewardship, a sure-to-be-profitable $1.5 billion investment designed to revitalize Salt Lake City’s downtown—yet another wholly owned commercial subsidiary of a prosperous multinational institution. Others express real reservations about the mall, voicing concern that a religious…

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What Will Orthodox ‘Republicanity’ Look Like?

…that Democrats need to get better at telling stories than at crunching the numbers, in this battle of the budget, the numbers actually matter. Hell, it’s a fight about numbers. And balance. And the virtue of justice. What this latest budget battle, and the question of raising the debt ceiling, and the straw polls are revealing, is just how Tertullian a wing of the Republican Party has become. It not only offers absurd arguments with a straight fac…

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London Calling: “Our Great War Is a Spiritual War”

…ciated with inequitable distribution of education, opportunity, and the shiny stuff that goes with ill-gotten wealth continues to incite tightly twined spiritual and political outrage. When such outrage spills into the streets, the enduring tradition has been to brand dissenters as villains, hooligans, and rioters regardless of their actual participation in any violent action and without consideration of underlying causes that may not justify but…

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The Trouble With Francis: Three Things That Worry Me

…l church, beginning in Rome, owes reparations? I do not see signs of them anywhere, nor do I expect to any time soon. Opus Dei is not a clothing line, but a deeply ideological Catholic group that stands for very conservative religious values. Rachel Maddow was not tapped for the media job for a reason. Granted nine months is a short gestation even for a newbie pope. But waiting quickly becomes complicity when there is so much at stake—so many live…

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Huckabee Channels Rushdoony

…te over the founders’ intent. What Barton is talking about—and what Rushdoony talked about—is the meaning and purpose of history. Rushdoony called it a “Biblical Philosophy of History;” Barton often uses the term “Providential History.” Either way, it’s all about God’s hand guiding the purpose, history, and future of America. In the promotion for a collection of Rushdoony lectures in an audio CD series last July, Reconstructionist American Vision…

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Answers in Genesis Seeks Tax Breaks for New Theme Park

…evelopers of approved projects the sales tax paid by visitors on admission tickets, food, gift sales and lodging costs. Developers have 10 years to reach the 25 percent threshold. Rob Boston, a spokesman for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, says there are concerns over the project, but it’s too early to tell whether the proposed business incentives would be unconstitutional in that it would involve excessive entanglement with r…

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Everything You Think You Know About the Dark Ages is Wrong

…the caliph’s library in Cordoba were at least 40,000 books (some said as many 400,000); Gerbert’s French monastery owned less than 400. Many of the caliph’s books came from Baghdad, known for its House of Wisdom, where for 200 years works of mathematics, astronomy, physics, and medicine had been translated from Greek and Persian and Hindu and further developed by Islamic scholars under their caliph’s patronage. In the world Gerbert knew, Arabic wa…

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Niqab and Short Shorts

…absurdity of the French burqa ban. I love the idea because it raises so many questions. Women who are supposedly being objectified by the men in their lives are told they will be “liberated” by going uncovered. But what about women who are objectified and feel they need to act as sexual objects by the men in their lives? Do they not deserve the protection of the state? Or is objectification acceptable as long as it is for the pleasure of the men…

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