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Mormons Prepare to March in LGBT Pride Parades Nationwide

…tails on LDS pride parade contingents here.) First up is June 3, Salt Lake City. I spoke with Erika Munson, organizer of Salt Lake City’s Mormons Building Bridges group, a contingent of at least 100 self-described “active, faithful” Mormons that has been invited to walk at the head of the Salt Lake City pride parade. How did you come to organize Mormons Building Bridges? I’ve been active in the LDS Church all my life. I was a teenager in Boston du…

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Saving Teens from Obama: When Bible Study Goes Wrong

…ted to get the kids thinking,” they told me. When I wondered if purchasing tickets for the kids using Salvation Army funds could be a violation of the church’s tax-exempt status, Miranda argued that she didn’t see a problem. Since the Bible is applicable to every facet of private and public life, she reasoned, how it would be possible to talk to the kids about anything government-related without jeopardizing their tax-exemption? “Our hands would b…

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Pride Month & Prejudice; ‘Worrisome Time’ For LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…er stage. He fiercely campaigned against benefit fraud with the slogan “welfare cheats cheat us all.” He pledged to invest in large infrastructure projects, reform tax laws for the self-employed and has proposed to ban “essential” public workers from going on strike. Varadkar also promised to represent the “people who get up early in the morning,” in an effort to harness the support of Ireland’s rural farmers, the middle class and elderly — rhetor…

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Holding Out for a Hero: New ID Book Aims to Save You From Despair of Evolution

…bability of a protein evolving by chance” argument is standard creationist fare, and it has been refuted convincingly over and again since at least the days when pro- and anti-IDers had to dial in over modems to argue with each other in alt-newsgroups. What makes the argument misleading—however often it’s repeated—is that ID proponents wildly deflate the probability of getting a functional protein through unguided processes. They take an existing…

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Note for Today

…was tempted to wash everything this morning, just so I would know how they fare through the regular wash cycle, because with three weeks away, I will need to do laundry. But then, maybe I’ll only be able to use the hotel service, which accounts for an expense locally one needs to know about before going. In Indonesia this would be cheap so not a big deal, but who knows in Makkah and Madinah; and what about cleaning my underwear? But some of these…

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Churches Can No Longer Hide the Truth: Daniel Dennett on the New Transparency

…ing discoveries of science. Gods and flaming chariots are nothing, they’re cheap comic book fare, compared to what we actually have learned about stars and galaxies and the like. I think that there’s a sort of mirror image, an opposite of scientism, which has a real tin ear for the breathtaking awesomeness of science. All you have to do is listen to David Attenborough or Carl Sagan or other brilliant expositors of science to see just how jaw-dropp…

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Rebranding the Mormons

…Baton Rouge, Colorado City, Jacksonville, Pittsburgh, Rochester, Oklahoma City, St. Louis, Tucson, and Minneapolis) “weird,” while suggesting that the ad campaign is actually a strategy to pave the way for Mitt Romney’s 2012 run. Unlikely. (And anyone who thinks Mormons are placing all their eggs in Mitt Romney’s basket hasn’t heard of Jon Huntsman.) Meanwhile, progressive Church members themselves are trying to reconcile the new image…

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Eclipseville, USA: The Birthplace of ‘Little Green Men’ Proudly Hosts The Point of Greatest Eclipse

…t was utterly novel—but it wasn’t. Extraterrestrial encounters were common fare in the media of the early Cold War. What is interesting about Hopkinsville is not that it was unique, but the ways Americans in general, and the residents of Hopkinsville in particular, made the incident an expression of their anxieties. The eight years between Billy Ray Taylor’s sprint back to the Sutton’s farmhouse and 1947’s widely reported crash of a mysterious obj…

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Too Late for Apologies: Three Steps the U.S. Bishops Should Take to Prevent Another Sexual Abuse Scandal

…10 the principal of a Catholic elementary school had warned the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph that a priest “fit the profile of a child predator,” and the diocese didn’t take action against the priest for six months. Fr. Shawn Ratigan was arrested a few weeks ago on three counts of possessing child pornography. The diocesan review board never saw the case. Bishop Robert Finn eventually apologized.  These recent developments should not have bee…

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Teaching Love: Soulforce Takes it to the Quad

…hair salon that Schenck and Loyd run on the ground floor. How have the men fared in the two decades since they moved to Arkansas from New York? “We haven’t been shot at in two, maybe three years,” says Schenck, who was working as a bar-back in the Stonewall Inn on the day of the riots in 1969. “For our first pride parade, we had over 1,800 protesters and over 3,000 people holding a prayer vigil. This past year we had just one rabid protester. We’v…

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