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Turn on the News: Some Abortion Opponents May Opt For a New Vaccine, But Behind Their Skepticism it’s Often a Different Story — of Disinformation, Conspiratorial Thinking, and White Nationalism

…and one proclaims herself confused and leaves it at that. I’m not seeing a lot of evidence that “some” adds up to a significant number. Not, at least, on the grounds of Novavax’s supposed selling point. To be fair, that’s not all there is to the piece. In fact, the question about Novavax’s allure reads like a wrapper for a bigger narrative about anti-vaxx activism merging with right-wing Christian nationalism. There’s an interesting story to be to…

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Is the Satanic Temple Just an Elaborate Prank? 10 Questions for the Author of ‘Speak of the Devil’

…Devil and the First Amendment How do you feel about the cover? I like it a lot. There was a lot of anxiety about the cover, because we wanted it to be distinct from the poster for Penny Lane’s documentary Hail Satan?. But the statue “Baphomet with Children” has become the key icon for this movement and it seemed silly not to feature it on the cover. Is there a book out there you wish you had written? Which one? Why? Our Non-Christian Nation by Jay…

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Lindsey Graham’s Lying “Eye-ranians”

…if applied to other communities would make the speaker loathsome—‘I met a lot of liars, and I know Jews are liars’—or Chancellor Palpatine—‘I met a lot of liars, and I know Jedi are liars.’ The focus of the anti-Muslim bigot is, if you can’t tell yet, ‘lying’—the Muslim, it is argued, is a congenital deceiver, nearly Satanic (is that the dog whistle?) in his deceptiveness. But the focus on lying reaps other tax-free dividends, in part because the…

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Google’s Benevolent Interfaith Big Tent

…aring the story, she returns home, opens Google India, and tracks down the phone number for the sweet shop her grandfather mentioned. Within seconds, she has called the store on her smart phone, and Yusuf’s grandson—who answers—has likewise opened Google to research visas for a reunion too long denied. We can understand the implications of this storyline by putting it into conversation with its longer historical context. The logic of the plot—that…

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Gay Marriage Supporters Rally People of Faith for Washington’s November Vote

…hington United for Marriage press secretary. “In California, they talked a lot about rights, and they didn’t talk enough about what this means for couples, for people who love each other,” he said. “Faith communities are not monolithic, and we have a huge swatch of Christian denominations working with us now.” Discussions during the phone bank covered the Golden Rule, whether the Leviticus view of homosexuality as an abomination also extended to e…

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Behind a Recent Stunt in Idaho Lies a Dangerous Theocratic Movement

…serious danger to women and trans men, were introduced by Herndon. In her phone interview with RD, Abbott brought up the December 22 service as an example of likely illegal political organizing by a tax-exempt church, which she says is one of her biggest concerns. A self-described “fourth-generation Bonner County girl” who forthrightly states, “I deeply care about consensus issues; I hate political parties,” Abbot referred to the year of Trump’s…

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The Pope in My Pocket; We Are All Dilettantes Now

…or sell for under two dollars). And unlike the internet, the space of the iPhone feels not just private, but personal. Yes, the iPhone might be my means of connection with the world—it is, after all, a phone—but it is also my own little password-locked garden that I carry with me wherever I go. Moreover, I can remake the landscape with a few flicks of my fingers whenever I choose. As a result, the territory necessarily mixes the sacred and the pro…

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Spiritual McCarthyism and the Catholic Vote

…Obama’s National Catholic Outreach Coordinator] informing him of the three phone calls, requesting that he respond to my question: ‘I would like to know whether the Catholic National Advisory Council for Sen. Obama is still operative.’ He has not replied. Donohue’s statement continued:   It would appear, then, that the group no longer exists. It is not hard to understand why. After being criticized by the Catholic League, Archbishop Joseph Naumann…

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How Muslim Civic Activism Helped Pass California’s Prop 47

…r pledge cards and enlist volunteers to canvass potential voters and staff phone banks. He said that the positive responses to his phone pitch for Prop 47 were an unexpected surprise. “It’s been amazing to see how many people were supporting this,” Hakim said. “There are more people that think about justice than I realized!” The momentum for collaborative Muslim faith-based activism around Prop 47 began to build earlier this year, when Jawaid and…

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Exclusive: Columnist Jonathan Merritt on his Sudden Departure From Religion News Service

…lete Socolovsky from the email chain. When Merritt’s assistant scheduled a phone meeting with Gallagher to discuss the contract in April of this year, Gallagher never informed Socolovsky about it. When Merritt finally reached Gallagher on the phone in April of this year, he says Gallagher was “placing the blame [for the delay] on Jerome” for not reading Merritt’s emails, which “was all very weird and unprofessional, and it made me uncomfortable.”…

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