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Who Gets Paid to Make America Hate? The Roots of the Islamophobia Network

…more dangerous: A monied and sophisticated indifference to reality.  Islam today, science tomorrow. (No, wait; make that misrepresenting Islam and science today.)  We must keep in mind the effect this will have on our constitutional rights and freedoms.  Those who want to target the rituals and practices of a misunderstood religious community can very easily expand their target to other populations.   We’ve come too far as a country, in terms of t…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…tarted becoming a shtick.” In an early October interview with Christianity Today, Warren said that he hadn’t worn a Hawaiian shirt “in two years” and that he “doesn’t even own one.” Warren also said that he was tired of being labeled the new Billy Graham: “I’m very tired of it. I have said many times, there is no successor to Billy Graham… If there is any successor to Billy Graham, it’s Franklin, who has continued to do evangelism. Most media only…

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Top Five Toxic Religion Stories of 2014

…any of the religious standing up for a strong secular civil state, whereas today the vast majority of the self-described faithful in this contest are among those demanding greater deference to religious “liberty.” On the other side, worried about the new encroachments, you will find precious few who say their worry is grounded in part in their robust religious faith. This spells more setbacks for secularism, in my view. At least until the encroach…

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Evangelical Groundhog Day: The ‘Times’ Identifies the ‘Religious Fervor in the American Right’ — Around Four Decades Late

…re in a sort of denial as to the hurt, trauma, and violence it caused. But today’s Trump rallies, anti-masking events, and “freedom” services started in the 1970s (and are drawn from even older streams of evangelical politics, especially in the 1920s and 1950s). The specific sort of evangelical politics reported upon is now three generations deep—it is a maturing political-religious movement. To depict it otherwise is to miss the point. Why do con…

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More Pressure on Obama to Fix His Religious Freedom Legacy

…hey have religious objections to abortion, contraception, or homosexuality. The crux of criticism of the Supreme Court’s decision in Hobby Lobby is that RFRA should not be used to protect religious rights at the expense of third parties. As Daniel Mach, director of the ACLU Program on Freedom of Religion and Belief, has noted, the government “has a vital interest in preventing discrimination in taxpayer-funded jobs.” Many of the groups signing tod…

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One More Day until Marriage Equality vote in New York?

…emptions in the bill. Wavering Republican senators are reportedly seeking broader religious exemptions akin to those contained in New Hampshire’s marriage equality law. CNN and other news outlets have reported that the governor can extend the legislative session beyond today’s deadline and has said that he would do so. Today, a Buffalo television station reported that the marriage vote would likely take place tomorrow; it said the governor and Rep…

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‘Christian Warriors’: Who Are The Hutaree Militia And Where Did They Come From?

…racy to turn the “American Constitution upside-down,” in order to “use our freedoms to promote pornography, homosexuality, immorality, and a host of evils characteristic of the last days.” LaHaye says the “Antichrist philosophy already controls America and Europe,” and that: We are the only nation that can halt the socialist Marxist enthronement of the UN as THE GLOBAL GOVERNMENT of the world, but it will require a conservative administration and…

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What Do ‘The Christians’ Believe? Easter Reflections from a Non-Christian

…n enormous impact on neighborhoods, local politics, and church membership; today and in the future, Hispanic Catholics will make an impact on the life of the Church, ranging from an increase in bilingual services to intensified debates over undocumented immigrants. On the Protestant side, many denominations that were composed primarily of Anglo-Europeans, like Methodists in the nineteenth century, are confronting the rise of ethnic congregations s…

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With Christian Schools At Risk In Israel, Crickets from American Christian Conservatives

…conservative Christian organizations, all of which advocate for religious freedom and support for Israel, I received no such reaction. In response to requests for interviews or comment from Ralph Reed, president of the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Penny Nance, president of Concerned Women for America, and Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, I received just one response—from Reed’s spokeswoman, who said he was unavailable. All…

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LDS Church Launches New Website Calling for Greater Openness and Understanding on LGBT Issues

…start attending LDS temple services again. That’s what I want the most.’” “Today, our authoritarian Church that once had an answer for everything finally said, ‘We don’t really understand everything about being gay but Christ has commanded us to love and the Church needs to become a safe place.’ I’ve been praying for this since 1992.” There is no change in doctrine announced at no revision to the Church’s position that being ga…

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