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Five Social Media Trends that are Reshaping Religion

…ministry: I check in everywhere I go… If I can interact with somebody because they know where I am, or they can find me more easily because I’m on Twitter or where I check in on Foursquare, then I think I need to do that simply because it allows me to be more accessible to everyone else who might be looking for me or ask me something. As the reality of part-time, bi-vocational, and otherwise extra-congregational lay and ordained ministry continue…

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*UPDATE*: Sam Brownback as Religious Freedom Ambassador? His Distinguished Predecessor Hopes for the Best

…ansas, offered this pungent comment on Brownback’s commitment to religious freedom: “His use of religion is little different than that of a bully wielding a club. His goal is not to use religion as a way to expand freedom, but to use a narrow, bigoted interpretation of religion to deny freedom to his fellow citizens.” Oh, and let’s see. What else has ​Gov. ​Brownback​ ​accomplished for the ​good people of the Sunflower State? This Rollling Stone o…

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What Can Fascination With ‘Sister Cindy’ Teach Us About the ‘None’ Generation?

…ful conservative religious people would likely be concerned to discover—to use Christian language—that the scandal of the gospel has largely lost the power to scandalize (an enervation for which they themselves are, in my view, largely responsible). And if religion indeed no longer has this power, then we may perhaps imagine that religion of the kind that made real claims on and demands of people is heading, like that elderly aunt, rather headlong…

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Will the Catholic Church Throw Cold Water on the LARC Revolution?

…dicating that Catholic providers may be gearing up to make an issue of IUD promotion. Even a referral work-around could dampen the effectiveness of a LARC initiative because it interrupts the continuity of care for female patients, requiring them to get an appointment with another provider in another office at another date. This can deter younger and poorer women, who often have difficulty with transportation or getting off from work or school, fr…

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How Did the Buddha Become a Medieval Saint?

…ards, in thinking that religions make use of stories to convey moral lessons? What if, instead, stories make use of religions, for reasons all their own? While particular mythologies rise and fall, the use of narrative as a meaning-making machine endures—perhaps because we’ve always believed more in language than in God by any name. This review originally appeared in BookForum….

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Christian Pol, Attacked for Opposing ‘In God We Trust’ in School, Talks Church and State

…eat others the way we want to be treated. How my church, like many others, promotes making a sacred, lifelong bond between couples who love each other. That we promote marriage and work to strengthen families of same-sex couples just as heterosexual ones. For me, the many scripture passages on love and commitment, on honesty and fidelity, on compassion and understanding, and on the importance of parents caring for each other and their children are…

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Celebrating Religious Freedom Day By Taking Back the Revolutionary Meaning of ‘Religious Freedom’

…Of the three, Jefferson “thought religious freedom was the foundation because without freedom to think and believe, you could not have the other two.” The promise of religious freedom for all served as a rallying point among religious factions and made the Revolution, and the Constitution and its ratification, politically possible. Once instituted, the principle has helped every advance in human and civil rights ever since. Nevertheless, we canno…

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Water Water Everywhere

…me to wash with water in addition to drying with toilet paper every time I use the toilet. This is known as istinjaa’. In my fundamentalist days, I used to carry my own little cosmetic bottle to fill at the sink before entering a public toilet outside of the Muslim world. But in my minimalist old days, I may suffer the loss, but I manage without it. That’s why I love bathrooms in the Muslim world, which tend to have this nifty little hose attached…

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Exvangelical TikTokkers Aren’t a Sign of the End Times, But Here’s What Evangelicals Need to Understand About ‘The Falling Away’

…e attention because of their notoriety within evangelical circles, and because their use of the term and involvement in deconstruction-oriented communities is legitimate. But here’s what David Jeremiah misses: It isn’t just well-known figures with professional histories in the evangelical entertainment industries or ministries who are ‘falling away.’ It’s tens of thousands of ordinary people, in all walks of life, who repudiate his version of the…

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Mass Conversion: Changing Churches to Stop the Church From Changing

…copal churches functions less to “bridge and heal a wound that has existed between Rome and Anglicanism for nearly five hundred years” than as a salve for the sting of change that continues apace in every religious institution—the Roman Catholic Church included? Is the fantasy at work in the Maryland congregation’s appeal to the magisterial authority of the Roman Church is that changing churches can somehow stop the church from changing? Inventing…

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