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Muslims Helped Legitimize Lowes’ Decision to Pull Ads From All-American Muslim

…al media and in news reports.” So, did this fringe Christianist group, the Florida Family Association, really manage to dominate the media narrative through politically correct surrogates who would not acknowledge FFA’s sinister anti-First Amendment agenda? Amazingly not. It seems that the greatest critics of the show have been other Muslims. I think there are valid critiques one can make of the show. Su’ad Abdul Khabeer made some wonderful observ…

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Palin’s Israel Trip

…for Pain in Iowa or South Carolina, although they more obviously could in Florida. Frum, a Republican Jewish Coalition board member, complains in his column that Palin snubbed the group’s offers to sponsor her Israel trip, as it has done for other presidential hopefuls, instead booking it through a Christian tour agency. He thinks, perhaps, that Palin is miffed that he and other RJC board members have been critical of her, but that she’s unwise t…

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The Right Attacks Obama’s Religious Advisors

…therism and Manchurian candidate smears. He picked Pastor Joel Hunter, the Florida megachurch pastor who once was slated to take over the Christian Coalition, sits on the board of the National Association of Evangelicals, and endorsed Mike Huckabee in the GOP primary, to deliver the benediction at the Democratic National Convention. He tapped Rick Warren for the invocation at his inauguration. He annoyed progressives with his picks for his Advisor…

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Gingrich, Israel, and the Assassinate Obama Comments

…ld substantially neutralize the millions of dollars already being spent in Florida by Mr. Romney and Restore Our Future, a super PAC supporting him.” One factor that has endeared Gingrich to the Adelsons and other supporters of the Israeli Right is Newt’s promise to order—on his first day in the Oval Office—the move of the American Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, an idea that, in addition to giving Israeli diplomats many sleepless ni…

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Prepare for Attack on Science by Newly-Elected Republicans

…volution. Rubio voiced support for parents trying to push creationism into Florida schools. Paul refuses to answer a question regarding his belief on the age of the earth. The new senators join incumbents like Vitter, a married “family values” candidate who sailed to victory after being outed for having sex with prostitutes (Just how much hypocrisy does it take to get a conservative Christian boosted from office in that state?), and who has earmar…

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SoHo Properties CEO: Media Reports of Park51 Move a “Falsehood”

In the wake of media reports that Terry Jones, the Gainesville, Florida pastor who was going to burn a Qur’an on Saturday, had agreed to not proceed with his plan because the promoters of the Park51 project had agreed to move it to a different location, Sharif El-Gamal, Chairman and CEO of SoHo Properties, which owns the site, today issued this statement to RD: It is untrue that the community center known as Park51 in lower Manhattan is being mov…

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Qur’an Burning Creates Nutjob Envy

…paid any attention when they did it—but this cartoon-mustached preacher in Florida gets on the Today show and gets coverage in all the major media when simply threatens to do it. Here’s a media lesson for Phelps: timing is everything, Freddie. If you had threatened to burn Qur’ans in the middle of the Park 51 saga, pumped by the media during the silly season before midterm elections, perhaps you would have finally had your 15 minutes or more to sp…

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Gun Group That Promotes Militias Thrilled With O’Donnell Victory

…imaries in Nevada, Kentucky, Utah, Colorado, as well as the non-primary in Florida (where Marco Rubio chased Gov. Charlie Crist out of the primary—and out of the Republican Party). All of the candidates supported by GOA-PVF were opposed by the Republican establishment in their respective primaries. And all of these candidates agree with Gun Owners of America that it is not enough simply to defeat anti-gunners in elections. They must also be replac…

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The Tea Party, the Blind Man, and the Elephant: Part 1

…early 75% raised their hands. Overwhelmingly over the age of 50 (and North Florida, unlike much of the state, has a median age in the 40s) and pretty evenly split male and female, this struck me as the kind of “community organizing” for which conservatives ridiculed President Obama during the presidential campaign. In fact, this tea party group has two women who will come to your home and help you organize a neighborhood tea party modeled along th…

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The Tea Party, the Blind Man, and the Elephant: Part 2

…y officials, referring to the GOP. They warned that the “tea party” on the Florida ballot has been “uncovered” as a ruse by Democrats to “siphon of Republican votes.” But try as I might, I couldn’t get anyone to say much about religion—and I don’t mean just explicit religion. There was no talk of home schools or Christian schools, no real talk about the founders’ religious intentions. They value “moral leadership” but don’t define what that is. Th…

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