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Data-Mining Denominations: Same-Sex Marriage Edition

…people are by intensity, measured with the simple hack of subtracting the number of people Strongly Opposed to same-sex marriage from the number Strongly In Favor. Not surprisingly, since the Unitarian-Universalists only had 6 percent opposed, their position on the chart hardly budged at all. Other groups traveled a little more. Mainline Baptists, for example, strongly disapprove just a little more than they strongly approve. Evangelical Baptists…

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What’s in a Name? Religious Nones and the American Religious Landscape

…igion that really doesn’t fit what is going on in real world. Rather than imposing a category that forces a multi-dimensional reality into a dichotomous measure of religious or not, or thinking about religion as a purely numbers game of what group has the most adherents, we might shift our attention to focus on how religion, values, relationships and meaning really operate in the lives of individuals and communities—religious or not….

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Belize Overturns Sodomy Law Defended by Religious Right, Ugandan Officials Will Continue to Suppress Gay Groups, And More on the Global LGBT Recap

…nority. David’s groomsmen were also accused of being gay. One of them felt compelled to come out via social media after the pressure. David’s family was harassed by neighbors and local hooligans. He hadn’t told his family we were getting married. They were not even aware he was gay. David’s sister called to make sure we knew that she knew and she supported us. She relayed that his mom was not admitting anything and continued to defend David to any…

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Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old?

…evil so deep and enduring that few people want to talk about it. The sheer number of victims and their willingness to come forward despite whatever stigma they might endure give this case special status. The colonialism alone is repulsive; the legal ramifications boggle the mind; and the religious implications for a very Catholic country are staggering. If this is how the new guidelines work with regard to sexual abuse victims, I say back to the d…

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Jonestown at 40: The Real Conspiracy Is More Disturbing Than the Theories

…Jones was a rogue CIA agent who killed everyone to prevent his secret from coming out. Comedian Dick Gregory claimed that forces from the CIA and the FBI used the Jonestown bodies to smuggle heroin into the United States. I catalogued these and other theories about motive in a 2002 article. Most of these explanations have been debunked. Matthew Thomas Farrell painstakingly assessed the mind-control account offered by John Judge, who wrote what has…

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The Plot to Turn the Synod into a “Plot”

…conduct of the synod. The letter also gives the pontiff latitude over the composition of the synod in Articles IX and X: In choosing those who are to represent the episcopal Conferences of one or a number of nations and the religious institutes in the Synod of Bishops, great attention should be paid not just to the general knowledge and wisdom of individuals, but also to their theoretical and practical knowledge of the matter which the Synod is t…

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As Gaza Burns, Jews Disagree, Protest & Pray

…ssiles Hamas has fired (2,270)—some reaching as far north as Jerusalem—the number of Hamas’ smuggling tunnels uncovered (31), the number of Israeli soldiers killed in action (29). These numbers will likely change every hour. In the weeks leading up to the Israeli invasion of Gaza and now as increasingly grisly accounts and bloody images emerge of Palestinian homes and hospitals blown apart, American Jews are conflicted—alternately protesting again…

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New Poll Reveals Jews May Be Open to Change in Israel Policy

…id to have been rejected by Arafat, but which actually fell apart due to a complex series of failures on both sides). The 69% of respondents (the number is even higher among Jews under 30) opposed to Avigdor Lieberman, the ultra-nationalist politician who has advocated the “transfer” of Israeli Arabs and will most likely be taking up a minister’s portfolio in the new Netanyahu government, further emphasizes the survey’s dovish tilt. But an importa…

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Evangelicals ‘Crossing the Tiber’ to Catholicism

…ing Faith, Losing Faith: Stories of Conversion and Apostasy. Thomas Howard comes in at number five on McKnight’s list of significant conversions, behind former Presbyterian pastor and author of Rome Sweet Home, Scott Hahn, and Marcus Grodi founder of The Coming Home Network International, an organization that provides “fellowship, encouragement and support for Protestant pastors and laymen who are somewhere along the journey or have already been r…

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Workers Once Forced the Social Gospel Into Churches—Can It Happen Again?

…hing to defy the law.” While such rhetoric may seem shocking to us, it was commonplace at the time. But something in the news reports did take me aback: namely, that throughout this sermon, “the people turned to each other with looks of approval; and occasionally a movement of that sort commonly described in brackets by the intelligent reporter as ‘sensation,’ swayed them.” Who were these people, I wondered, who reveled in such calls for violent r…

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