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Five Signs Atwood’s “Handmaid’s Tale” Dystopia May Be Nigh

…en’s control of money away from them, this is an effort to stop women from using their own money—which is what tax refunds are—to pay for abortions. States are in the middle of an effort to find ever new and creative ways to prevent women from getting abortions, even with their own money, or shaming or endangering women for seeking abortion. Ten states now ban all insurance plans, even private plans, from providing abortion and 25 states prevent p…

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Australians Vote Overwhelmingly For Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…ts in Australian society. Opposition was concentrated in suburbs with high numbers of working-class immigrants on the suburban fringes, including locations popular with Islamic communities. Brazil: Conservative Christian activists protest gender theorist Judith Butler At Inside Higher Ed, philosopher and gender theorist Judith Butler describes to Scott Jaschik her experience earlier this month in Brazil, where “she faced an ugly protest at which s…

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“Make The Mass Latin Again”: The Pope Francis Backlash Comes Home

…1898. Like most dioceses, San Francisco has seen a precipitous drop in the number of seminarians in formation, and there are currently only 93 students enrolled. The Sulpicians were informed in October of last year “that we are no longer invited to provide Sulpician administrative leadership to St Patrick’s,” and the rector, Fr. James McKearney, was forced to resign, in a decision that “just came out of the blue for reasons that are still not clea…

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Don’t Feed the Trolls

…re creative than anything Beck has come up with. For another, Beck is just using the same routine perfected by the likes of Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, and Fred “God Hates Fags” Phelps: Say something stupid, outrageous, or outrageously stupid. Wait for predictable liberal reaction. Make sure the papers spell your name right. Profit! It’s attention-seeking, in other words. In Fred Phelps’ case, it’s done for no better reason than to hurt people. Th…

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Dear Readers: Letter From an Anonymous Liberal Pastor in Trump Country

…n appointment in another nation, then shelling out for airfare, food and housing, all the while hoping that he could be processed in whatever time he had available. In the meantime, I got in touch with some of our elected officials. One of our senators’ staff took an interest in the situation, and graciously agreed to do what they could for the family. The office of our US Representative declined to intervene until the family tries to return to th…

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The Muslim Ban May Be Unconstitutional, But It’s Not Un-American

…dies swinging from Southern trees like strange fruit, the effects of warehousing and killing Asian Americans in detention camps, the genocidal removal of Native Americans from the homes they built and the destruction of their relationship with the earth, a prison industrial system that profits the few at the expense of millions of Black and Brown bodies, and mass graves of Mexican migrants on the Southern borders. Something demonic has been at wor…

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Bannon’s “Alt-Facts” Satan

…Access Hollywood tape, bragging of “grabbing” the sexual organs of women, using crude but clear language, with that equally infamous statement from President Clinton, “I did not have sex with that woman,” turning to nuance to obfuscate, deploying seemingly precise language to permit an alternate precision. Clinton’s statement, at least, existed in the world of facts; it was disconfirmed in detail in a special prosecutor’s report. Alt-facts thus h…

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The Deafening Silence of “Religious Freedom” Defenders on Trump’s Muslim Ban

…challenge trans-inclusive interpretation of federal nondiscrimination law using provably false transphobic scare tactics (as ADF continues to do in both state and federal courts) expose their true motivation when they are utterly silent in the face of blatant religious discrimination against non-Christians. Would ADF and Becket have responded differently if Trump’s executive order had not explicitly privileged Christian migrants? It’s impossible…

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The “Religious Freedom” President is Gutting the Rest of the 1st Amendment

…current reports and studies, and, tellingly, tried to discourage them from using Twitter. No one in the administration has directly commented on the irony that the chief executive, who prefers to issue his fiats in 140-character outbursts, feels it necessary to censor government agencies that dare to tweet facts about the resources they protect. Regardless, this kind of content-specific censure goes against longstanding American standards that (at…

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Uncertainty About US Role In LGBT Human Rights Under Trump; Global LGBT Recap

…ty described as India’s first LGBT student leader. Cambodia: Photo exhibit using Khmer wedding rituals Charmaine Poh, a Singaporean-Chinese documentary photographer based in Singapore, has created “Close Enough,” an exhibition that explores the life of LGBT people through the metaphor of Khmer wedding rituals. El Salvador: Human Rights First brief on anti-LGBT violence Human Rights First released a brief about anti-LGBT violence and murder, along…

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