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The Gray Lady’s Regard: Ritual and the Wedding Pages

…No matter their source, though, it is these formulas that haunt beyond the Sunday smirk they may provide. What love, so formatted, can survive exposure? Every dating service and yenta knows that monogamy thrives when matters of money, sex, and religion are settled. The poise recorded in Weddings/Celebrations tempts satiric demolition by its readership; not because the formulas are inherently foolish but because to believe love might be made from a…

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My Womb for His Purposes: The Perils of Unassisted Childbirth in the Quiverfull Movement

…minational leadership. Chmielewski’s description of herself in signing her online writing, “Homeschooler, Homebirther, Homechurcher,” is an apt summary of the lifestyle: one of deeply interwoven home industries, where a family is reliant on itself to as great an extent as possible, but ultimately always reliant on God. As Chmielewski wrote on her blog, “God never meant for man (Pregnant Women) to surrender himself (herself) to the total control of…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

…lture—its science, its religion, its poetry, its prejudice—mobilize in the service of that cause. These are as much the technologies of war as the weapons themselves. At least since Carl von Clausewitz first spoke of the “fog of war” (an inevitable unknowing that reigns over every battlefield), the challenge of warfare has been to lend order to chaos. There is a war within every war, one pitting the ballet of orderly abstractions against the scram…

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God Grows Up: Robert Wright’s Evolution of God

…ll the divine. I get into this in the book’s afterword, which is available online. In any event, I do hope the historical narrative will be fun and informative even for readers who don’t accept the arguments. And, by the way, most of the book is historical narrative, not arguments. What alternative title would you give the book? This is the first book I’ve ever written where the title on the original book proposal remained the title of the actual…

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Lessons Learned this Ramadan

…t, I am not having the best relationship with the tour company I selected (online), so even now I feel a bit uncertain if this will be my year. Few things have made me feel so vulnerable and yet so motivated of late. So I will take this with the small wisdoms or the lessons I learned this Ramadan. In no particular order: Although Allah is always present, in the company of conscientious and devout believers, ones experience of that Divine presence…

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Everyone Should Know the Story of Cary Crall

…ays and lesbians and indefensible to those not of our faith. After running online for hours, Crall’s editorial disappeared from the Web edition of The Daily Universe by the morning of September 8. (I called The Daily Universe’s Editor in Chief on September 8 at about 11 a.m. PST to inquire about the status of the article; my call was not returned.) At 4 p.m. MST on September 8, The Daily Universe issued the following statement on the Web page wher…

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Women2Drive in Saudi Arabia

…d the Arab Spring have dramatically reshaped opportunities for Saudi women’s rights activists to publicize and grow their campaign. One group has even launched a Manal Driving School online to provide education and resources to future Saudi women drivers. As Manal Al-Sharif has said, “A rainstorm starts with a few drops.”…

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Can Poetry Heal the Planet?

…hton, Russell Leong, John Martone, giovanni singleton, Will Staple, Robert Sund, and Dorothy Walters. Secondly, there’s the diverse lineage upon which Stephen Levine draws. While he was a pioneer in bringing Theravada Buddhism to America in the 1960s, he’s studied under Neem Keroli Baba and Nisargadatta Maharaj as well; so, unlike most Buddhists, he might refer to God (a.k.a. the Beloved, the One). There’s nothing wrong with that, of course: the B…

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Abdul-Rauf’s Latest Park51 Fail

…e, fully-functional and fully-professional team, and have cleaned up their online presence. In addition, they have controlled their messaging, and the view from New York was that they were making progress in repairing broken relationships. All of this work went on while Abdul-Rauf was silent. Now he starts making statements on something over which he has no control, but over which he exercises a disproportionate impact on in public discourse. He d…

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The Uneasy Coexistence of the Cairo Rumor Mill with Muslim Principle of Isnad

…anti-Mubarak activists inside and outside Egypt – I’ve been looking at the online debates quite intently, and see that those in Egypt are beginning to argue with those outside of Egypt. A feeling is beginning to spread that there are some inside of Egypt who feel that ideology is driving those outside of Egypt, and that those outside of Egypt are asking people in Egypt to do things they themselves wouldn’t do – like risk their lives by going to Ta…

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