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The Conservative Christian Case for Separation of Church and State

…t political candidates, has chosen to endorse Gordon Howie for Governor of South Dakota from the pulpit. Howie has asked for pastoral support and in return has promised to assist those pastors in taking their inevitable IRS trials to the Supreme Court in an effort to end separation of church and state in America. Pastor, I recognize your frustration, and I see how things have come to this. For years America has only shrugged at religion, and recen…

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Sacred Real Estate: What Makes Washington’s WWII Memorial So Dreadful?

…ance, has acquired a whole new symbolic register thanks to its role in the African American freedom struggle of the last century, particularly as the site of Martin Luther King Jr.’s oratory. Who knows what work it might perform in the future. And who can tell what the World War II Memorial might mean to Americans decades from now. If we are lucky, its unapologetic braggadocio will look like a historical aberration; if we are less so, it will appe…

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Religion Reporting as Therapy? Praying for Help with Budget Crisis…

…ouse homosexuality, I can see the Bible being banned in the military.” The Southern Baptist Convention has also turned its attention to the gulf oil spill. The SBC is urging churches to get involved in the clean up and to hold both government authorities and big oil responsible. Questions of Christianity and feminism continue to haunt the Tea Party and the Republicans this week. Is South Carolina’s Nikkie Haley Christian enough for the evangelical…

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DeMint Uses Christian Reconstructionist Mailing List To Raise Money For Angle

…office: Vision to America. Yesterday, Vision to America sent a fundraising appeal in support of Nevada’s Republican nominee to the U.S. Senate, Sharron Angle, from South Carolina Senator Jim DeMint’s political action committee, the Senate Conservatives Fund. Like Rand Paul in Kentucky, DeMint is bucking the Republican establishment by endorsing and raising money for candidates like Angle, whom he calls a “true conservative:” The Senate Conservativ…

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Everyone Should Know The Story Of Alyssa Peterson

…he arrived at the Tal Afar air base prison, Peterson’s unit was ordered to apply “enhanced interrogation techniques” she considered inhumane and torturous.   Alyssa said she couldn’t do it.  She couldn’t be two people.  She couldn’t be herself—a devout Mormon, a person of faith—while implementing torture.   She was officially reprimanded for showing “empathy” to Iraqi detainees and reassigned to another unit.  Days later, she shot herself with her…

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A Muslim Reflects on Christian Theologian (and UCLA Coach) John Wooden

…nter at UCLA. In learning more about Kareem (born Lew Alcindor), I came to appreciate the influence that Coach Wooden had had on him during the racially and politically charged period of the late 1960s. I wrote to Coach Wooden as an undergraduate asking for a copy of his famous Pyramid of Success. About a month later I received an autographed copy, along with a nice note. That in turn led me to his textbook, Practical Modern Basketball, first publ…

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Ted Haggard’s New Church: Gay-Friendly?

My partner and I moved from Atlanta to South Carolina not too long after the Episcopal Church ordained Gene Robinson as its first openly gay bishop. Since we were embarking upon a new life in a new place, we decided to check out the Episcopal churches in the area. I sent an email to the rector of the church in the town we would be moving to and asked him if his church was welcoming to gays and lesbians. His response was one that Ted Haggard would…

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Rand Paul: We Wouldn’t Need Laws If Everyone Were Christian

…ary North abandoned black people to the terrible lawlessness of a vengeful South. Civil-rights movement leaders were fighting for the federal government to secure their rights against the arbitrary tyranny of the political powers in the Southern states, which maintained their hold on local government through coercion and violence. Paul seems to think that good Christians don’t need civil laws (or civil rights laws, for that matter) for them to do…

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Clarion Fund Claims Times Square Bombing Attempt Proof of “Coordinated Jihad Against Western Values”

…(whatever it is) hasn’t stopped Shore – or the director, Wayne Kopping, a South African neocon – from going on television to promote their work. The film has been promoted by numerous neoconservative, Jewish, and Christian Zionist outlets and activists, and no doubt Iranium will receive the same treatment, particularly if it is released around election time and could be used to question whether the Obama administration is doing enough to combat T…

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Invoking God’s Name Like a Bludgeon

…icials who think everyone who goes to college is Christian. For years now, southern California’s Saddleback Community College, a public school part of the South Orange County Community College District, has been offering up Christian prayers at annual scholarship award presentations, graduations and other events despite ongoing requests by students, faculty and members of the public that the prayers offend their religious beliefs. Donald Wagner, p…

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