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Mainline Protestantism a Shambles? Tell Us Something We Haven’t Heard

…eryone spineless wimps who stand for nothing except vague and gooey middle-class niceness. —Clueless 19th-century rationalist holdovers who still believe it’s possible to look at things objectively because, I don’t know, our schooling was so full of Moustache Grooming 101, practicums in The Care of Tweed Frock Coats, and private lessons in Somber Intonation that we simply never got around to critiques of modernity, or something. Pretty impressive,…

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As Culture War Rages, What’s the Status of LGBT Rights on Catholic Campuses?

…aching the course in 1983, I’ve always had a gay person come in and give a class on same-sex relationships. There are no more or less gays today than there were then, but they were much more closeted then,” Parrella recalled. “Now students raise their hands and come out during that class session.” Of course, Santa Clara may be an exception to what is typically a stricter rule. The Bishop of San Jose, Patrick McGrath, puts effort into maintaining a…

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A Nobel Prize for LGBT Civil Rights?

…, are at real risk. Sexual diversity is not an American issue, or a middle-class one, or a white one. Sexual and gender minorities are at risk everywhere—in fact, especially when they aren’t white, middle-class Americans. Third, and relatedly, LGBT equality is a (I won’t say the) defining civil rights issue of our time. This is not because LGBT people are at more risk than, say, undocumented immigrants, or that our struggle for equality is more co…

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Eight Theories on the Prickliness of Mitt Romney

…ight theses: A. a personality flaw B. a result of having been insulated by class privilege C. a result of developing his leadership style in an LDS institutional culture wherein leaders are expected to appear “flawless” and dissent and open disagreement is not sanctioned D. a consequence of a pragmatic-technocratic outlook that values incentives and outcomes over human processes (the New York Times calls it the “Mitt-bot” phenomenon) E. discomfort…

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Blankets, Booties, and Jesus: Spiritual War on the Uterus in Rick Perry’s Texas

…f women who have had abortions. “You can be forgiven. You are not a second-class follower of Jesus.” The role of crisis pregnancy centers, he says, “is to help [clients] know Jesus Christ.” Evangelicals see these centers “almost as an extension of the church.” He’s opposed to distribution or discussion of contraceptives at CPCs, adding, “most conservative churches would say no. They’d say, let’s disciple them and help them toward purity.” In addit…

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Note to the Tax-Slashers:
We Are Already Serfs

…ney—who were, so to speak, placed into debt peonage by the elite political class. As our country’s own debt doomsday nears, it might be good to peel back the simplistic corporate media narrative to see the big picture. We are broke and we’re paying more and more to service our national debt for one primary reason: for decades, but especially during the George W. Bush years, our political leaders have systematically exempted the rich and powerful f…

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Why All the Silly Devil Talk Should be Taken Seriously

…rofessor Griff. If we look at this through the lenses of race, gender, and class identity in the U.S., we begin to see that it is no accident that talented, powerful, popular, and rich African American male rappers, along with female artists, are being targeted by these claims. There is no better way to temper black men’s influence on tween and teen audiences, for example, than by claiming they are evil. (MC Hammer is himself black, but he seems h…

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Nobel Laureates Tell Gov. Jindal to Repeal Anti-Evolution Law

…c Freedom” bills, which pave the way for sneaking creationism into science class. While lawmakers have denied the law has anything to do with inserting creationism into science class, I’ve written about how members of Louisiana school boards interpret the law here. Whether lawmakers will heed a bunch of bona fide experts in their fields remains to be seen, but their statement certainly adds a lot of weight to Kopplin’s argument that LSEA is a “job…

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Debating God: Atheist and Evangelical Face Off at Notre Dame

…lmost immediately fell asleep. Though Harris read his notes from a gray MacBook, it was only Craig who had slides. This proved significant. Though the title of the debate was “Is Good from God?”, it didn’t appear on the default Notre Dame slide. Craig went first, and he displayed his own more formal title overhead: “Is the Foundation of Morality Natural or Supernatural?” Then, as far as he was concerned, he set the terms of the debate. He laid out…

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Marriage Remains on Hold for California Gays

…uples to put their lives on hold and suffer daily discrimination as second-class citizens while their US District Court victory comes to its final conclusion.” The National Organization for Marriage, forgetting that real human beings are affected by such a ruling, showed its usual class with an “in your face” to attorneys Ted Olson and David Boies proclaiming: “the Dream Team of Olson and Boies continue their unbroken string of losing actions in e…

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