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Finding Love—and Dogma—in Unexpected Places: Jeff Chu’s Gay Christian Odyssey

…where I genuinely did ask myself, “What if they are right? What if they’re right about America and the world and about me and we’re all going to hell because this little band of believers in Kansas is right about all this?” That wasn’t made up for dramatic purposes. This is something that I really thought about, and as I met people I tried my best to put myself in their shoes, behind their glasses, and read scripture as they read it and understand…

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Trumpist Strain Among Evangelicals Predates Religious Right

…gia in the shaping of Christian conservatism. The nationalist and nativist right has a long history, traced long ago in John Higham’s Strangers in the Land, and Trump has emerged as its most recent champion. This is a political tradition older than the religious right. In fact, Trump (probably accidentally) invoked it in his reference to “America First” in a recent “serious” foreign policy speech. The America First campaign of the late 1930s, of c…

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New Book on Trump and Evangelicals Gets it Mostly Right

…lical resistance to activist government emerged out of resistance to civil rights. It has no other meaningful origin. Prior to the Civil Rights Movement and the Reagan Revolution, white Southerners had voted Democrat, supporting organized labor, government infrastructure programs, and investment in education. The big government argument is precisely the point at which Republicans values united with Southern racism to transform American politics. P…

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Attack on the US Capitol Has Many Journos Finally Taking White Evangelical Authoritarianism and Christian Nationalism Seriously

…all the aftermath of the white supremacist violence at the 2017 “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, when Jeffress appeared on CBN asserting that “there is not a racist bone” in Trump’s body. Presenting Jeffress’s and Graham’s latest remarks in context makes their nakedly self-serving nature obvious, and Jervis, Ramirez, and Ruiz-Goiriena did even better by citing keen observer of the Christian Right Sarah Posner, author of Unholy…

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The Story of a Post-Holocaust Group Seeking Revenge Against Nazis is Part of the Story of Israel Itself

…he Likud Party which has dominated Israel for decades, moving even further Right in the last election. In fact, Likud’s coalition partners, such as far-right activist Itmar Ben-Gvir, made revenge their ideological centerpiece, something that echoes throughout the messianic ideology in the Settlements. Part of the Israeli far-right sees Jewish redemption through a “theology of revenge,” as elucidated by scholars Adam and Gedaliah Afterman, noting t…

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A desolate road in Israel lined with security fencing.

Decadence, Sickness, and Death: Mourning and the Israel-Hamas War

…hat armed resistance will not achieve the goals they justifiably seek: the right of national determination. But on October 7 things were put into an entirely different register. Hamas’ brutal attack demonstrated that, although the organization may have formally amended its call for Israel’s destruction, it continues to assert that “Israel has no right to exist in this region.” And in doing so, it sows the seeds of its own destruction. On the other…

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Beth Moore’s Departure Could Hurt Southern Baptists and Move Them Further Right

…ir feet, as Moore did, with the shrinking remainder moving steadily to the right. We’ll know if that’s the case in a few years. So the Moore decision is not without significance, even if it is attenuated. Will it affect American Christianity more broadly? That’s a bit more difficult to argue. In fact, this story seems illustrative of the idea that there’s really not one single Christianity in the U.S., but multiple, often competing Christianities….

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Even Richard Dawkins is Right Sometimes

…he great generosity of science, and its great strength: It is actually all right there, ready to be seen and understood. It is relievedly explicit. It takes effort, sure, just as Enns suggests; it’s not easy to become a professional research biologist. But the reason biologists agree on evolution is because it’s a relatively simple matter to be objective about fossils and genes. Unlike the objects of religion—the divine and humanity’s relation to…

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Bush’s New Book: “Damn Right I OK’d Torture”

…nctioned and authorized the use of torture. Bush writes that he said “Damn right” when the CIA asked for permission to torture Khalid Sheik Mohammad by waterboarding him. He also admits that he approved the use of waterboarding on other suspected al Quaeda leaders. Torture is illegal. When Bush admits—even brags—about torturing other human beings, he puts, yet again, an important question before the American people: Will we hold accountable those…

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At the UN, Conservative Christian Agenda Cloaked in Human Rights Language

…when it comes to human rights. The first is to reject so-called collective rights. Rights are said to belong to individual persons, not to collective entities such as families, except in the derivative sense that individuals are entitled by their individual rights to be in collectivities in various ways. The other conservative impulse is to reject so-called positive rights, rights that are said to place a heavy burden on states to provide somethin…

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