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Raelians’ “Clitoraid” Met With Suspicion in Burkina Faso

…r of fund raising projects, including an “Adopt a Clitoris” campaign and a number of partnerships with companies that make vibrators. This funding was used to recruit and fund a team of surgeons (who are not Raelians) and to establish a “pleasure hospital” in Burkina Faso. There is some controversy as to what percentage of women who undergo the surgery will be able to experience orgasms as Clitoraid, claims. But so far, Clitoraid has received much…

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After More Mass Shootings It’s Time to Call Out White Supremacy in the Pews

…what’s going on, but too few seem capable of saying it. We now have a fair number of political and civic leaders who are willing to say the word trauma and talk about the all-pervasive violence in this culture, not to mention the extent of mental disturbance and the fact that American civilians have more assault rifles in their possession than does the U.S. military. All well and good. But we have too few leaders who will talk about the deeper roo…

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Union Busting for God: Catholic Colleges Invoke “Religious Freedom” to Violate Catholic Teaching

…could require the university to “hire faculty openly hostile to our Jesuit way of teaching and Catholic identity,” and make it harder to “remove a faculty member who seeks to undermine our core religious identity.” Loyola Chicago also objected to an SEIU union on religious grounds, stating that it has the right to “govern our institution in accordance with our values and beliefs, free from government entanglement.” Between 2004 and 2014, Loyola Ch…

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How to Make Nones and Lose Money: Study Shows Cost of Catholic Sex Abuse Scandals

…The church is not a democracy,” Clohessy stresses. “So people have limited ways in which they can express their disgust.” Withdrawing donations is an obvious way to make that disgust known. In my own research, multiple young adults who grew up in Catholic families said that the sex abuse scandal did indeed contribute to their decisions to leave the church. Emily, who was raised in a devout family and at one point considered becoming a nun, reporte…

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No Conspiracy Theories Needed: Abortion Foes Cry Racism

…kely to gain steam as well, as an Oklahoma congressional panel cleared the way for a vote on an anti-sex selective abortion bill this week). But more important than new ideas was the opportunity for emotional impact. “I propose that we—the pro-life movement—adopt as our next goal the banning of sex-and race-selective abortion,” said Mosher. “Even those who believe in the absolute right to destroy a child under any and all circumstances, it is safe…

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Are We Entering the End Times for Mainline Seminaries?

…nce existed mainly to train full-time pastors faced reductions in both the number of churches that could support such positions and the number of people eager to take the more challenging, but lower paying, church jobs that remained. Some seminaries shifted their missions to serve the academy or society more broadly, while others trained more part-time, second-career and lay pastors. These shifts were less abrupt than decisions to close or merge a…

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Mormonism’s “9/11 Mosque Moment”

…olleague Hussein Rashid pointed out in this must-read piece), Mormons, the number two most disliked religion in America, have no business contributing to public rage against the number one most disliked religion in America.   Nor in trafficking in falsehoods like “Islam is an ideology, not a religion,” a line I’ve been hearing from a few Mormons in recent days.   Islam is in fact a religion for which Mormon leaders from the time of George A. Smith…

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Is Twitter Doing Enough to Remove Extremist Content? An Ex-Employee Weighs In

…g to identify potentially radical organizations and individuals. The Green Number, or Numéro Vert, is a private telephone hotline in France where family and friends can report someone they fear may become radicalized. And in the U.K., Prevent is a program that essentially creates ‘trigger warnings’ for teachers and institutions to report the potential for radicalization. I do not mean to condemn or even criticize these programs, merely to point ou…

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‘Heretics’ or ‘Atheists’? A Response

…eism needs moderates like us. One of my friends in particular compares the way that people think of the term atheism to the way that they think of the term feminist. By this he means that over time many people who support women’s rights have shied away from using the term because it has become associated, rightly or wrongly, with an especially negative, single-minded person. For instance, when this friend was the teaching assistant for a class on…

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No ‘Christian Compassion’ in Tony Perkins’ Response to Anti-Gay Bullying, Suicides

…munity is doing to his worldview and the justification that to act in such ways based on ‘the other’ acting in those same ways is not acceptable. It’s also a shame the Washington Post gave voice to someone trying to win a battle and tear down bridges, instead of building those bridges for the Kingdom. Reconciliation is a funny thing that takes shape in a number of forms within opposing communities. But one thing I know is true: it does not start o…

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