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Howling at the Moon

…n mind, that this is personal wealth, and not commodities of one’s ongoing business. For example, a car salesperson that deals in thousands of car sales annually might have no less than 100 cars at any one time, but that is not taxed. They say the rationale here is that Islam encourages investment. It is also about avoiding hoarding. Sorry, Mr. McDuck, you’d have to pay hefty just because you like to sit on your gold. The Qur’an describes those wh…

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Mormonism’s “9/11 Mosque Moment”

…piece), Mormons, the number two most disliked religion in America, have no business contributing to public rage against the number one most disliked religion in America.   Nor in trafficking in falsehoods like “Islam is an ideology, not a religion,” a line I’ve been hearing from a few Mormons in recent days.   Islam is in fact a religion for which Mormon leaders from the time of George A. Smith and Parley P. Pratt in 1855 have expressed respect.  …

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The Anti-Defamation League Jumps the Shark

…uys, and many of their very conservative donors drink from the well of the American Right’s Islamophobia—the new anti-communism, as some pundits have observed. Of course, the best weapon against radical Islamism is the moderate Islam preached by Imam Faisal Rauf, who has a long record of interfaith dialogue with the American Jewish community. Indeed, as almost every mainstream Jewish organization has recognized, there’s no better place than downto…

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A Primer on Activism from Unitarian Universalists

…ed and the Boycott Arizona campaign began, the UUA Board of Trustees put a business resolution on the GA agenda to relocate its 2012 Phoenix meeting. Through consultation with the organizations Puente and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), the UUA decided to keep the event in Phoenix, but focus it intentionally on immigration justice. Soon thereafter, immigrant rights leaders in Phoenix invited the UUA to join them for the July 2…

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Anne Rice Quits Christians, Still Dates Jesus

…Christianity will reduce me to trolling daily to see what her next religious status on Facebook will be. Which religion is going to slot up next? I’m guessing nothing, but like many of Rice’s fans, I hope that she’ll get back to the business of showing us real vampires, instead of those insipid ones on True Blood and Twilight. Since she’s decided to focus in on the ultimate bloodletting figure, Jesus, rather than his followers, I’m betting Lestat…

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Euthanasia Billboards, Post-Rapture Pet Care, Can You Tell a Burqa from a Hijab?

…oga and meditation. It is dedicated to the Hindu leader who broke onto the American scene at the 1893 World’s Parliament of Religion, also held in Chicago. The World’s Parliament may return to the United States, as Dallas has made the list of possible host cities alongside Guadalajara and Brussels. This week’s billboard story: A “My Life, My Death, My Choice,” sign in New Jersey has stirred criticism from Catholics and suicide…

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What is a “Religious Progressive” Anyway?

…while they lightly tossed a link from TPMDC at our head: Poll: Majority Of Americans Not Quite Sure What ‘Progressive’ Means. “Define it! Own it! Spare no expense! Send a telegram to the Soviets if you have to!” We briefly considered reminding Our Dear Overlord that the Soviets had been superannuated back when he was still in grade school. But we like our knuckles un-rapped and our invoices signed, so we decided—not for the first time—that discret…

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Kenneth Starr in the “Athens of Texas”

…or did Starr seem just a tad too interested in the tawdry Monica Lewinsky business?) Starr also has been dean of the notoriously right-wing Pepperdine Law School, and he has been in the forefront of supporters for California’s Proposition 8, the ballot initiative that reversed the legalization of same-sex marriages. At the announcement of his appointment, Starr sought to play down his past. “Baylor’s pursuit of knowledge,” he intoned, leaning clo…

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HuffPo Columnist Tries to Link Darwin to Hitler

Since its inception, the Huffington Post’s business model has been one based on providing decent political reporting and serving as a liberal news aggregate of content assembled from around the internet. But in addition to its main news page, it has also built its success on the idea that it will let just about anyone write for them as long as they’re willing to do it for free. In exchange for all this unpaid content, columnists are largely free…

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Mike Lee Wins Utah Senate Primary

…ridgewater tended to emphasize his integrity and capability as a self-made businessman. In the end, the race seemed to come down to who could be tarred as the more “establishment” candidate as well as who could play more effectively to the deeply Mormon Utah GOP. Lee supporters tried to paint Bridgewater as a professional lobbyist who made his fortune by procuring government contracts to fund private business ventures. They also made use of Bridge…

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