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Capricology: Television, Tech, and the Sacred

…ith organized crime and with the distrust of their new government. It is a classic immigrant story, made all the more poignant by the contrast between the two brothers: one tattooed in ways which make it impossible for him to deny his own identity, while the other seeks to mask his identity, having adopted an assimilating name and demeanor. He refuses his mother-in-law’s suggestion that he take his son back to the world they came from, yet he’s co…

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Catholic Bishops Do Siskel & Ebert

…ergy, and—you guessed it—human sexuality. After review, the films are then classified into the following categories: A-I—general patronage, A-II—adults and adolescents, A-III—adults, L—limited adult audience, films whose problematic content many adults would find troubling, and O—morally offensive. Here is a sampling of movies in a few of the categories: A-I: The USCCB Office of Film and Broadcasting denotes that this category is rare as “nowadays…

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McCain’s Prosperity Preacher

…new age credos like the power of positive thinking, and attainable middle class prosperity of the post-World War II era, the Word of Faith movement took hold in the 1950s followed by a doctrinal merger with televangelist Oral Roberts’ seed-faith theology in the 1960s. With the explosion of religious broadcasting in the 1970s, the result today is seen not only in the preaching of Hagee and Parsley, but also in most of the country’s leading televan…

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Why are Nuns and Monks in the Streets? (Parts I & II)

…, “children under 18” and individuals who are (or whose parents have been) classified as having politically problematic views are prohibited from entering the monastic life. —Party officials ultimately decide who will or will not be granted “official status” as monk or nun. Large monasteries in the TAR often have an “unofficial” monastic population that can be up to half of the official number of resident monks—a kind of waiting list. Although res…

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In the Papal Pocket: Benedict XVI and the Press

…mplicit reference to the ban on the ordination of women and women’s second-class citizenship in Catholicism was publicized around the world. The Pope did not comment directly at the time, but the fallout from the Vatican was harsh and unyielding toward Theresa Kane, the Sisters of Mercy, and Catholic women in general. Virtually nothing has changed in thirty years. Catholic women are not ordained, hence not involved in most church decision-making….

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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

…-Semitism. Hagee adds some contemporary touches—such as his variation on a classical conspiracy theory alleging that “international financial power brokers based in Europe” seek to control the world. That class of conspiricism derives from the Protocols of The Elders of Zion and also from Henry Ford’s anti-Semitic tract, deeply influential in Germany in the years preceding the rise of Hitler’s Third Reich, “The International Jew”—a document that,…

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RDBook: Power Belongs to God

…e for me to explain away the Bush Doctrine as oil and realpolitik, or even class resentment, until I spent a day at a “prophecy conference” in a packed church in affluent Santa Barbara, California. Don’t worry about human suffering in the Middle East, the pastors taught, worry about God’s will. People nodded and took notes, and in that room everything I thought I knew about the world felt worthless before the vision of mystical order. Talk like th…

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…sh State in Palestine claimed custody over continued Jewish existence and preservation of Jewish history and memory, nationalizing the Holocaust and its survivors.” This was an analysis that M.K. Gandhi and his followers could not accept. For we see that when the extent of the German genocide of the Jews was revealed to the world, Gandhi’s opinion on the fate of the Jews remained unchanged. He called their murder the century’s greatest crime, but…

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A Religious History of American Neuroscience

…ne, a Boston-based reformer with a knack for inspirational writing. In his classic account The Varieties of Religious Experience (1902) James used Trine’s blockbuster, In Tune with the Infinite (1897), as an epitome of the emergent practices of concentration, mental repose, and healthy-mindedness then percolating in New England and elsewhere across the country. Though an unabashed popularizer, Trine was not a light-weight. With an educational pedi…

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The Immorality of Immortality

…e philosophic version of the traditional beliefs in angels. Moses was in a class of his own among humans, but he was neither an angel nor God; Moses remains human and was able to translate his profound understanding into laws that guide human action. In other words, even in regards to Moses, Maimonides was clear not to erase the boundaries between the human and the divine, and to acknowledge the humanity of Moses. But it is precisely the boundary…

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