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Contraception Furor v. Catholic Realities

…bishops, can still teach and believe what they wish. No one forces them to use contraception. Rather, it is employees of Catholic institutions, including janitors and housekeepers, whose rights to make their own decisions about health care are impinged upon. Blaming the victim is an old trick, but, in this case, few people are buying it. Not Religious Liberty, but Religious Influence Religious liberty language is attractive, especially in an elect…

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Catholic Church Bans Gay Film: This Week’s Global LGBT Recap

…el Lavers. The petition — which an anonymous person posted on Tuesday — accuses Brewster of promoting “an LGBT agenda inconsistent with the Christian cultural values and tradition of the Dominican Republic.” It specifically criticizes Brewster and his husband, Bob Satawake, for visiting a school. The petition also notes the two men “supported” last week’s official launch of the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s latest international af…

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Decoding Rick Warren’s Appreciation for Chick-fil-A

…in the context of a specific interpersonal relationship. However, when you use conservative coded language like “lifestyle” to describe the lives of a particular category or class of people, you are engaging in hate speech, you are perpetuating a rhetoric of fear, even when you surround such rhetoric with words like “love” and “compassion.”  You can think you “love” me personally all you want, and you may enjoy my winning personality endlessly. We…

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Beloved Immortals: Science, Miracles and ‘Jellyfish Time’

…world of the jellyfish from very different vantage points, though not because he is a scientist and I am a theorist of things divine. Rather, because he sees the jellyfish as something that drinks from the fountain of youth and I see it as a sign of some kind of magic. But is the gulf between us really so deep? In his book The Constant Fire: Beyond the Religion vs. Science Debate (University of California Press, 2009), the astrophysicist Adam Fra…

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What Ben Carson’s Pyramid Theory Might Say About His Foreign Policy

…ed by Christianity and U.S. foreign policy. There are many examples of the use of dubious archaeological evidence to advance narratives of racial, religious, and national superiority, and all too frequently, they have been marshaled in an effort to justify policies of conquest. In a speech in 1811, New York Governor DeWitt Clinton argued that the complex burial mounds found throughout North America were built not by American Indians, but by member…

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Pope Invites his Flock to Join Facebook: Is the Digital Reformation Here?

…money. In all of these categories, participation was higher among internet users than non-internet users, making clear that digital or so-called “virtual” practice is an important component of the “real” relationships and commitments made by believers today. Texting, blogging, tweeting, and posting on Facebook group pages and personal profiles have become, as I argue in my own forthcoming work on the topic, important modes of relational and spirit…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Jihadis?

…ntimidation, and censorship, and then argues for censoring the Qur’an. Because ‘Islam’ causes ‘extremism,’ an assumption that’s never proved, nor the terminology even defined. Islam in turn is what the Prophet Muhammad did (as per the claims of extremists, not any other Muslims). The way to stop extremism then is to eliminate or modify the personality of the Prophet Muhammad, either directly (i.e. through the use of force) or, as Hirsi Ali now pro…

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A President “Anointed By God”: POTUS Shield and Religious Right’s Affair with Trump

…argue in their book that that helps [these leaders] gain market share, because they’re really free and flexible. They give people this sense of having a supernatural experience and a sense of doing something really important—which is to bring not just your neighbors, but your whole nation to God, and really help create something like the conditions for Christ to return. That’s pretty heady stuff. Does the Pentecostal bent of POTUS Shield signal a…

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Unmasking the “Veiled Prophet” Behind a 135-Year-Old St. Louis Tradition

…oseph or an analysis of both affect and argument in the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Religious Art, on the St. Louis University campus. Such juxtaposition points to the ultimate use of the Arch City Religion Project as, itself, a kind of lens, a tool through which citizens—scholars and students as well as congregants, laypeople, policy makers, even parade-goers—can see the familiar in a new light. Drawing attention to that which is so…

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2 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back, 1 Step Sideways: The Chaotic Progression of LGBTQ Inclusion at Christian Colleges

…the organs of both sexes, capable of either active or passive functions—to use the organ by which (s)he is most aroused or the one which (s)he is more susceptible” provided there is no same sex intercourse. “If…(s)he should fail with one organ, the use of the other can never be permitted,” Cantor wrote, “but (s)he must be perpetually celibate to avoid any similarity to the role inversion of sodomy, which is detested by God.” He is merely articulat…

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