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Including Bono on Glamour’s “Women of the Year” List is Two Steps Backwards

…l and important stand for inclusivity by placing Jenner on its list—and refusing to back down from her inclusion even as right-wing and transphobic trolls complained that Jenner wasn’t “really” a woman—this year’s list takes more than two steps backward. On Twitter, reaction has ranged from praise for the wealthy, prominent rock star, to the all-too-common exasperation women experience when men are given credit in spaces supposedly dedicated to ho…

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Irony Watch: Trump’s Travel Ban Violates Religious Freedom Act According to ACLU Lawsuit

…ce Priebus that any immigration orders would not include a religious test. Using religion as a key factor in determining who may lawfully enter the U.S. is a violation of the federal RFRA, the complaint contends. The executive order will impose “a special disability on the basis of religious views or religious status, by denying or impeding Muslim Plaintiffs, on account of their religion, from accessing benefits relating to their own or their fami…

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Hungarian Mayor Wants to Import White Christians, Ban Muslims & LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…Christianity”), migrant-phobic, Donald Trump-defending, Vladimir Putin-excusing Burke is unrepentant and even defiant, continuing to preside over a far-right, neo-fascist-normalizing cheer squad out of the Holy See. This Vatican operation, called Dignitatis Humanae, or the Institute for Human Dignity, whose advisory board includes two of the four cardinals openly challenging Francis on marriage and sexuality, is slavishly promoting Burke’s favori…

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Religion as a Front for Tyranny: A Roundtable on the Timeliness of Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

…tanding of religion as a tool of social control. As she said recently in an interview in Sojourners, the people in control in Gilead aren’t “really interested in religion; they’re interested in power. They’re not interested in belief or in faith; they’re interested in compliance, and they’re using religion as a way to get the compliance, because once you set up a state religion like that … anybody who doesn’t agree with you is a heretic.” We have…

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Andrew Sullivan Really Took This Opportunity to Misread Intersectionality?

…y situated, for their privilege. It’s about recognizing that privilege and using it to upend the systemic injustice faced by those who hold more marginalized identities. That’s a far cry from Sullivan’s conclusion, based on a jerky YouTube video from a single event, that those who value intersectionality seek to silence dissent. Of course as an admirer of a philosopher whose work he described, to Johann Hari, as “an anti-ideology, a nonprogramme,…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…chief of staff who also heads a Christian military organization, have been using gay dating apps to identify gay soldiers, according to a story in Quartz by Jeyup S. Kwaak and Isabella Steger: Army investigators have been trying to dox suspected homosexual soldiers through the use of dating apps, with at least one soldier arrested so far for allegedly engaging in homosexual acts, according to the Military Human Rights Center of Korea (MHRCK), an a…

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The Problem with Moral Nuance on Abortion for Democrats

…anization was to help the Democrats reclaim “moral and religious language” using Catholic social justice teaching. But organizations like Catholics for Choice claimed that the real purpose was to move the Democratic Party away from its support of abortion rights in an effort to court conservative-leaning Catholic voters. According to a report from Catholics for Choice, Catholics in Alliance (CACG) asserted that anti-poverty measures would be suffi…

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Healed of the Sin of Religion: At Church with Sara Miles

…or than conservatives. You talk about these very progressive congregations using “charity” or of “doing good” to distance themselves from those they’re serving. I think the desire to be good gets expressed in different ways. I have a friend, a volunteer at our food pantry, who sleeps in the street under a bridge and is here at 7:30 in the morning because he wants to do something for people. He’s got a passionate desire to give something, because h…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…olution and, given the long history of white oppression within the church (using the Bible to justify slavery, supporting Jim Crow segregation, condemning the Civil Rights Movement, to name a few), to what exactly were they “reconciling” in the first place. But that didn’t always lead to disengagement. To this day many evangelicals of color have continued this work in white evangelical spaces, including the very leaders who prompted the movement i…

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Hayworth: Just Say “Neigh” to Gay Marriage

…wn for friendly interview with the John Birch Society, where he accuses John McCain of presenting himself as conservative but who “legislates as a liberal,” which would certainly be news to actual liberals. What is happening here is clear: this is yet another right winger using extreme statements to get his free 15 minutes of air time and to rally his religious right base who fervently believe that homosexuality is akin to bestiality or any other…

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