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You Gotta Have Heart: A Response to Critics of “Why I’m Not an Organ Donor”

…inds of support. This kind of work is an uphill battle. I don’t anticipate changes any time soon. But isn’t it the case that not being a donor just makes the organ scarcity worse? Maybe. But almost all aspects of the economy run on scarcity, either real or imagined. Since I interpret the organ donation system as an economy, I assume that even a lack of real scarcity will lead to the creation of imagined scarcity. Does anyone really think that when…

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How Gay Should We Allow Feeding the Hungry To Be?

…ex marriage to be employed at World Vision.” The letter explained that the change in the employee conduct policy reflects the reality of its engagement with Christian denominations which “in recent years have sanctioned same-sex marriage for Christians.” In an interview with Christianity Today, World Vision’s U.S. president Richard Sterns affirmed the group’s commitment to traditional Christian values, including sexual abstinence outside of marria…

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In Trump Era, Young Muslims Question Respectability Politics of Mosques

…ross-section of issues—from surveillance and immigration reform to climate change and criminal justice reform. Yet at the start of the Trump presidency, the majority of Muslims in the U.S. continue to interpret “Muslim issues” narrowly, from a security and First Amendment perspective. This narrow focus is increasingly frustrating to younger American Muslims whose participation in Muslim life is evolving in creative ways. Specifically, many assumed…

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Trump Considers Pulling USA Out Of Human Rights Council; Indonesian President Blames Democracy For Rise of Militant Islamism; Global LGBT Recap

…nder people had a high degree of acceptance in Malaysia. But this began to change with a series of state legislative initiatives, beginning in the 1980s, that criminalized transgender people and forced them underground. Under these discriminatory laws, transgender people can be arrested simply for wearing clothing deemed not to pertain to their assigned sex. In a 2014 report, “I’m Scared to be a Women: Human Rights Abuses Against Transgender Peopl…

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Mitt Romney’s Honesty Problem

…mney candidacy. For even if we make allowances for a couple of substantial changes of mind or heart—and certainly every life deserves a few—there is enough videotape out there to make a pretty compelling case that for Romney, calculation prevails over principles in matters political, and that when confronted with questions about his own changes in position, rather than indulge in a candid (and humanizing) bit of public self-examination, the candid…

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Gay Marriage Measure Dies in Maryland

…ons. Del. Cheryl Glenn (D-Baltimore City) presented an amendment Friday to change the language of the bill to replace “marriage’’ with “civil unions.’’ Glenn said she had promised activists supporting same-sex marriage she would be lead sponsor of legislation providing protections, but only if those protections are legally termed “civil unions,’’ not marriages. “It’s all about the word of God,” she said. “It truly is.” Another concern was just how…

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Bob McDonnell’s Christian Reconstructionist Thesis

…s views change over time (in fact suspicious of people whose views seem to not change). But candidates for public office owe it to voters to be specific about what has changed and how these changes have, or have not, effected the entire framework they have previously endorsed….

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American Anti-Gay Campaign in Africa Opposes “Fictitious Sexual Rights”

….” She added that her organization presents research showing that gays can change orientation. Such research is relevant to her stance because, “laws that promote violence would discourage therapy for people with unwanted same-sex attraction.” I asked Mrs. Slater if she considers a 14-year jail sentence a form of violence. She said that her organization has no position on that question saying, “FWI does not dictate to nations what specific laws pe…

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Does Atheism Have a Misogyny Problem?

…might make women uncomfortable? Does Watson have the “right” to ask men to change their behavior? And do men have the “right” to dispute how women should or shouldn’t feel in such situations? From his comments, it’s clear that Dawkins subscribes to a relatively austere conception of rights: as long as you’re not openly threatening or abusing people, you’re not violating their rights, and so any discomfort they may feel with your behavior is someth…

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Tim LaHaye’s World: We’re Living In It

…emographics have long been pointing, I have my doubts about the conceptual change we are told will accompany this shift), LaHaye’s style of seeing a particular reality into being is going nowhere, precisely because the conditions they had a part in shaping seem so final, so unshakable. It is also difficult to avoid appraising LaHaye’s public life outside those many proclamations that Donald Trump is the candidate America deserves, or that his Twee…

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