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What Was Your Sign?, Pro-War MLK, & Benched for a Headscarf

…ame when he decided her headscarf posed a choking danger on the court. The Florida pastor who threatened to burn Qur’ans has been banned from Great Britain. Operation Rescue founder and veteran anti-choice activist Randall Terry is planning to air graphic anti-abortion ads during the Super Bowl. Meanwhile, FOX has rejected a Super Bowl ad from an online store named “Jesus Hates Obama.” Was Mark Twain anti-Christian? Philip Yancey, an Evangelical w…

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The Week in Religion, Poetically

…t need no stinkin’ permits: The Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida continues its plan to burn Qur’ans on 9/11 despite not having a fire permit. A Christian milita that had planned to provide protection for the church has withdrawn its support. The group, Right Wing Extreme, says the burning “does not glorify God.” Who knew national Go Topless Day (August 26th in case you’d like to join in) had religious roots? Turns out the event i…

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If Abortion Isn’t Health Care, What is It? 

…care act that passed in 2010. That legislation was overruled recently by a Florida judge. Appeals will take time and a Supreme Court case is in the making. President Barack Obama has made clear that he has no intention of rehashing it all. Even Catholic bishops, who learned that progressive nuns and the Catholic Health Association were not on their side against the health care act, have agreed not to go back to square one though they will undoubte…

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Religious Leaders Demand Apology from West for Anti-Islam Comments

…f religious leaders has sent a letter to freshman Republican Allen West of Florida, calling him to apologize for anti-Islam remarks he made recently on an episode of “The Shalom Show.” On the program, he said that his congressional colleague Keith Ellison, who is one of two Muslim members of Congress, is the “antithesis of the principles on which this country was established.” The signatories to the letter include the Rev. Welton Gaddy, President…

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The Week in Religion, Poetically:

…constitutional endorsement of religion.Gainesville officials have denied a Florida church a permit for its planned Quran burning. Need a little more junk in the trunk? Skip the gym and head over to eBay where you can bid on a booty enhancement spell from a Wiccan. $8.95 and free shipping. Julia Roberts will no longer talk about religion. Thank you. Roberts said she remembered her mother’s wise words: “You’re an actor, act. Don’ at talk about polit…

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Believe in Evolution?: Let’s Have a Show of Hands!

…ult was this image that will appeal to the Republican base but likely make it more difficult for whoever wins the nomination to run to center in the general election. I’m hoping that when they assemble in Florida next month for a debate and straw poll they’ll get a new question in this same format: Raise your hand if you reject evolution as a scientific explanation of or human origins….

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Romney Accuses Obama of Stifling Religious Liberty

…tive coverage to their employees for years. As I wrote on the night of the Florida primary, and as I predicted earlier in January, these supposed liberal attacks on “religious liberty,” and in particular, the contraception requirement, would become an essential theme of the 2012 presidential campaign. Romney, fighting off Newt Gingrich’s campaign theme that he is a “Massachusetts moderate,” today jumps on the bandwagon in hopes of sealing the deal…

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The Theology Behind Alabama Official’s Demand to Flout SCOTUS

…rsoll, associate professor of religious studies at the University of North Florida and author of the forthcoming book from Oxford University Press, Rebuilding God’s Kingdom: Inside the World of Christian Reconstruction. Rooted in Calvinist theology, Christian Reconstruction teaches that society’s only legitimate “authority” is granted by God, to different “spheres,” such as church, family, or the government. In this theocratic view, the government…

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Barbara Ehrenreich’s ‘Wild God’ is Not Here to Help

…h—came much later, just a few years ago. She had moved to a cottage on the Florida Keys, where, enveloped and awed by nature, she began to feel that she was being drawn into something….I came to think of it as the Presence, what scientists call an ‘emergent quality,’ something greater than the sum of all the parts—the birds and cloudscapes and glittering Milky Way—that begins to feel like a single living, breathing Other. But lest she err on the s…

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Was Student Who Claims She Was Suspended For Saying, “Bless You” Mimicking God’s Not Dead?

…n isolated event. A week earlier, a professor at the University of Central Florida sent an open letter to his class after a student allegedly stood up in class and called on his fellow students to refuse to participate in a discussion of “religious bigotry.” The cultural “script” for both of these incidents appears to be Harold Cronk’s recent film “God’s Not Dead,” in which Radisson (Kevin Sorbo), a philosophy professor, requires his freshman stud…

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