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A New, Softer Prosperity Gospel Still Can’t Deliver On Its Promises of Health and Wealth

…your socioeconomic status. Bowler considers Joel Osteen an example of this new, softer prosperity gospel. Prosperity preachers began to refashion their ministers into sleeker, more inclusive forms in the early 1990s. More than a decade removed from the scandals wrought by the prosperity stars of the 70s, the movement now had people from all walks of life, talking in ways that a broader audience could relate to. Bowler writes that “the movement had…

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Are They Jewish Bones? Battle for Separation of Synagogue & State in Israel

…ets fired from Gaza. The Ministry of Health, which approved and funded the new construction promised that the new wing would be completed in 2011. This is where the bones, Jewish or otherwise, enter the picture. During the excavation of the land allotted to the new ER a small ancient graveyard was uncovered. Archaeologists from the government’s Israel Antiquities Authority judged the graveyard to be from the Byzantine period (around 600 AD), a tim…

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How Robert Bellah (1927-2013) Changed the Study of Religion

…around the world, but when he first wrote “Civil Religion,” it was a bold new idea and an innovative way of thinking. This was when I first knew Bellah, in Berkeley in the late 1960s, when I was a graduate student and later his colleague in the religious studies program. I saw how influential Bellah was on generations of graduate students—not only in sociology but also in religious studies. During those days he frequently reigned over the religio…

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Reality as Revelation: “Hail Caesar!” is the Coen Brothers’ Most Religious Movie Yet

…in the film Mannix acts as the suffering son to the unseen strict father (New York studio executive Max Schenk, another historical figure.) It is a typical Coen joke that the two characters laden with most religious symbolism are two out of the only three characters based on real people—perhaps that makes Herbert Marcuse the Holy Ghost? As Mannix takes on the sins of the world, or in this case, the studio backlot, he is tempted three times by a s…

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White Nationalist Ideology Shines Through at Elite MAGA Conference: Inside NatCon Part II

…et on the New Jersey transit and it was very clear that when I commuted to New York in the 80s, the—the composition,” she pauses, choosing her word carefully, “of the train was much different than it was when I left in 2020. And it seemed to be families…how in 20 years can the population of counties be so fundamentally transformed? And what are the implications for this in the future? As they bring in their own culture, and there’s nobody to push…

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Comparing Gender Transition and Surrogacy to War and Human Trafficking, Vatican’s ‘Dignitas Infinita’ is an Intellectually Embarrassing and Harmful Mess

…cial statement on morality, reflects neither participation nor openness to new sources and new voices. The dissonance makes obvious that the power structure hasn’t changed a whit since Vatican II. The second, and to my lights the more egregious problem, is the complete absence of any pastoral sensitivity which ought to be the hallmark of every church teaching. A group of parents connected with the Malta-based, Catholic-rooted, pro-LGBT organizatio…

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New Poll Shows Most Americans Don’t Care about Romney’s Mormonism

…w wrote, “only Mitt Romney has broad potential appeal.”  Only Sarah Palin, Newt Gingrich, and Ron Paul come close to Romney in name recognition, but more than 60% of voters say they would never vote for any of them. The Pew survey also shed new statistical light on a favorite subject of media and Republican handwringing: Romney’s Mormonism. A healthy majority of Americans (68%) say that it would not matter to them if a presidential candidate was M…

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Fragments of Secular Sanctity

…red, and Art declared its independence from Religion. This created a whole new way of seeing, a new and distinctively modern culture of display, and a subtly religious perspective where the line separating real bodies from visual imitations began to blur. We live in that world of hybrid forms still today. The body is a site of conflict as well as a source of uncanny cultural production.   So the body parts of the paradigmatic “man of science” are…

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In Trump Sexual Assault Speech Michelle Obama Articulates a New Political Morality

…onal—speech Thursday morning at a rally for Hillary Clinton in Manchester, New Hampshire. Mrs. Obama is often overshadowed by the better-known rhetorical gifts of her husband, but she is a powerful speaker in her own right. As she demonstrated in Manchester, she is often capable of bringing to light political realities that have been previously hidden or incoherent. In this case, the speech was indeed political, but in large part not directly part…

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The War on Terror is Over; Tahrir Buried It

…erhood is the most visible sign of a possible role for religion in Egypt’s new political landscape. There are, however, several factions within the Brotherhood, and serious divisions on strategy. The old guard does not want to form a political party, for example, but the new Freedom and Justice Party is largely made up of independent Muslim Brotherhood members, and younger Brothers have sought to form other political parties. There is also an indi…

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