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Jews and Muslims Join Forces for Academic Freedom

…ed that the opposition was based on inaccurate information found on one website,, a product of the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The site is still in operation today. This experience was my wake-up call that right-wing Jewish organizations are using our campuses to promote a specific political narrative about Israel and Palestine, using threats, intimidation and donor monies to further their goals. At the beginning of this…

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Fake, Evil, Spiritual, Commodified; What’s the Truth About Popular Yoga?

…ry popular culture defies the ability to locate any cultural object at one site or sites. And in the case of postural yoga, we cannot locate it in my chosen sites alone. However, as a practical move, this study uses them as windows into the incalculable sites of the construction, dissemination, and practice of yoga. I had to carefully select from case studies in my effort to demonstrate that the postural practice we most associate with yoga today…

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Is The Episcopal Church Driving Drunk?

…mes blatantly. The Christian Post, a conservative evangelical on-line news site that claims non-alignment but leans heavily right, has given the story heavy coverage. In one of its articles CP linked Cook to Gene Robinson and to other Episcopal Bishops–including a dead one–with alcohol problems. (Robinson went to rehab during his episcopacy). An editorial that ran on the website of the American Anglican Council called the incident “[s]ad for the E…

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Reporting from Paris During COP21: A Haunted Sabbath

…dral Canon, was away in Canada dealing with visa problems. I went to their site to get directions to the church and ended up listening to several excellent sermons, including one the Sunday after the bombing at La Republique.) On this Sunday, Rev. Harper covered asserted multiple times and ways that politics and religion are siblings, not enemies. The Baruch 5: 1- 9 text mattered: “Take off the garment of our sorrow and affliction, O Jerusalem, an…

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Krapp’s Last Tweet: The Rise (and Fall?) of Privilege in the Digital Economy

…like teachers and journalists who, presumably, are equipped with the requisite tools of discernment and judgment. Like individual memory, though, cultural memory shifts over time—rightfully so, and not without struggle. Consider, for example, recent efforts to revise marginalizing histories in American educational curriculums. As evidenced by debates over ethnic studies programs in Arizona and California public schools, such struggles are politic…

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Experimental Theater Meets Experimental Faith: The Wooster Group’s “Early Shaker Spirituals”

…recreation of that source. The performers wear visible earpieces and microphones over their plain cotton dresses so as to stay in sync with the recording. The Shakers too, we find out, though famous for their “shape-note” musical notation, also learn their many complex songs by ear. Members of both groups are perceived to have sacrificed a worldly career for a cause that can’t possibly “pay off” in this life, prompting admiration and scorn from o…

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Satan, Contributor to Teen Vogue‘s New “Sodomy” Section?

…er/their attention is directed elsewhere. If I were plotting to lead large numbers of Christian youth to their damnation, I would aim for something a bit more consequential than a single issue of Teen Vogue—with all respect for its circulation numbers. I mean, I would try for systemic corruption. It might be possible, for example, to render Christian teaching about sex so shrilly ridiculous that it provoked widespread ridicule. (Imagine what it wo…

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First Congregational UCC, Ripon Wisconsin

Cheese State Reality Check: On The Wisconsin Idea and the Social Gospel

…tian co-religionists. White Evangelical Christians voted for Trump in huge numbers in a large part because they were fearful that they were ‘losing’ their country and they placed whiteness and nationalism over the Gospel. One of the most important task before us is to come up with a vision for Wisconsin and for the nation that is inclusive of all people and is more compelling than the one that is in power today. What world are we dreaming of and h…

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Here Comes President Boo Boo: Trump’s Tour as Reality TV

…moments which led to the characterization, by an unnamed State Department official, that the President acted like “a drunk tourist… Loud and tacky, shoving his way around the dance floor.” Of this, too, there were photographs, and video clips. Much has been written on Trump as a “reality TV president,” from the way his background on The Apprentice helped him into the White House to how that show was echoed in the theatrics of the transition proce…

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When a Pride March Means Owning the Shame of Racial and Economic Injustice

…king our bodies through an affluent corridor between Hollywood & Highland (site of the Oscars) and good old West Hollywood, where we can then get slammed as usual. March organizers have compiled a long list of community partners, notably including some major unions and CHIRLA, a leading group defending immigrants here and nationally, but the vast majority of partners are already gay-oriented organizations. The collective self-critique that #Resist…

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