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Delillo and Doctor Strange: Orientalist Fantasy is Alive and Well

…er, who references both harem fantasies and 90s moral panics about Eastern European sex trafficking. “I watched her unravel the ribbon from her hair, slowly, and the hair fall about her shoulders,” Jeffrey narrates, laboring for sensuality. Then, “I stood and moved into her, smearing her into the wall, imagining an imprint, a body mark that would take days to melt away.” This is the most explicit sex scene in the novel, and it’s also violent. For…

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Ten Books to Read After You’ve Watched “Lemonade”

…njure, Hoodoo, and root working, and how those traditions reflect African, European and American influences. She considers both healing and harming practices and how notions of religion and magic overlap. From slavery days to the present, many African Americans have readily moved between Christianity, Conjure, and other forms of supernaturalism with little concern for their purported incompatibility. Diana L. Hayes Georgetown University Forged in…

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Bernie’s Roman Holiday

…king about Francis’ meeting with Patriarch Bartholomew in Lesbos about the European refugee crisis. As if that weren’t bad enough, Sanders showed up with his family in tow, undercutting the high-minded moral message he was supposed to be delivering, and Oh, sweet Jesus, did they really put his logo on a picture of the Pope?! All this in service of a message that won’t impress or inspire anybody who wasn’t going to vote for Sanders to begin with. I…

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Catholic Church Campaigns Against Gay US Ambassador; Global LGBT Recap

…nder recognition law to ensure that it reflects internationally recognized best practices. Dominican Republic: Religious Leaders Ramp Up Campaign Against Gay US Ambassador As we have reported previously, Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez has been an outspoken critic of openly gay U.S. Ambassador James “Wally” Brewster. American activist David Mixner reported this week that the Cardinal is not simply making criticial statements but is wagin…

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Rev. William Barber: Jazzman for Justice

…ifferent musical forms, including slave songs, spirituals, blues, ragtime, European folk music and opera. This new creative concoction originated in Louisiana where Creole culture was prominent. There French colonizers had intermarried with Native Americans, African Americans and the Spanish, creating an unprecedented zone of intercultural interaction. The historical fact of racial and cultural mixing opens a window to understanding what jazz orig…

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Religious, Spiritual, and “None of the Above”: How Did Mindfulness Get So Big?

…o translate Buddhist ideas into Western contexts. They did so to challenge European impressions of Buddhism as nihilistic, passive, superstitious and ritualistic. In embracing science, they positioned Buddhism as rational and centered on the individual. Moreover, the inviolable truths of Dharma embraced and surpassed Western science, making Buddhism superior to the colonial religion of Christianity. The popularity that mindfulness enjoys today is…

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Tweeting ISIS Attacks: A Lesson in Not Learning a Lesson

…Stalinism, but I consider this progress: At least Dawkins thinks Islam is European, which is more than we can say for many hotheads and bigots out there, who will try their hardest to use this attack to cut back on immigration, asylum and multiculturalism. That is incidentally the wrong response—if tens of thousands of Syrians find the door slammed shut in their faces, and have nowhere to go, no way to support their families, and no options for t…

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Mormons Declare Same-Sex Marriage Apostasy, Deny Baptism to Children of Same-Sex Couples; Colombian Court OKs Adoption Over Church Objections; Franklin Graham Praises Putin’s Anti-Gay Policies; Global LGBT Recap

…ation that would ban anti-gay discrimination in the workplace, defying the European Union, which said the legislation was a condition of joining a zone of countires that allows visa- and passport-free travel. Poroshenko’s government was dealt another blow when a member of Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s own party denounced the bill in a passionate back-bench address. “As a country with a thousand-year-old Christian history, we simply cannot all…

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Savita Halappanavar’s Heartbreaking Death

…t risk and thus access a life-saving abortion… a failure for which the the European Court of Human Rights ruled against the government in 2010. Such legislation has still not been passed, though, and Irish Catholic bishops have supported a campaign to keep it from being passed. Arguably, not having a simple and straightforward procedure whereby doctors could say “This lady might die if she doesn’t have an abortion, and no, she can’t travel to Engl…

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Are We Living Through World War III?

…massacre “just ushered Donald Trump to the White House, Britain out of the European Union, Marine Le Pen to the French presidency, and the world into a downward spiral of escalating violence.” Omar Mateen, Cohen argues, is the 21st century’s Gavrilo Princip. The man who ends one age and starts another. But the bumbling, stumbling Princip, whose ridiculous assassination attempt succeeded against all odds, seems an odd comparison to Mateen; for one,…

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