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A Note to Megyn Kelly & NBC: How to Talk About Conspiracy Theories

…cholar I’d like to offer some framing from my Religion and Popular Culture class last term, where we studied a series of conspiracy theories from the Illuminati to Pizzagate. As we often do in religious studies, we started with definitions. Importantly, there is such a thing as a conspiracy. People do conspire to commit crimes, to gain power, and probably to other ends. The difference between a conspiracy, and what we call a conspiracy theory (of…

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Wearing White is Not Enough: A Conversation with Cherisse Scott of SisterReach

…r women’s lives and the lived experiences that we have—regardless of race, class, or gender, social economic status, or even sexual orientation. None of those things seem to matter to this administration. The only thing that seems to matter to them is undoing some of the very important work that was done during the Obama administration to ensure that women and girls have access to the health services that we need. Our autonomy is an afterthought….

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The Leadership Crisis at the End of the Megachurch Era

…in the matter, and all from no particular location in our society’s race, class, and gender hierarchies. And so “leadership” in our democratic capitalist language is, in each of these ways, a method of social control. They paper over the real conflicts and contradictions of our society. They promise power without responsibility. If my app wipes out your industry, that’s a you problem, not a me problem. It is thus no accident that some of the most…

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What’s Rome Got to Do With It?: Bannon, Burke, and Douthat’s “Trumpian” Pope

…ts in the U.S. wear the mantle of champions of the oppressed white working class: While Bannon made millions at Goldman Sachs and later pocketed massive royalties from Seinfeld episodes, Pope Francis was walking with the poor in the villas miserias of Buenos Aires. Bannon and Trump are rolling back regulations on the financial industry to help those struggling hedge-fund managers on Wall Street. Meanwhile, Catholic clergy, nuns, and faith-based or…

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Is The Religious Left Emerging as a Political Force? No.

…it like that, thank you very much. (If you don’t believe me, check out the book sales of religious progressives, mine included.) And, yeah, turns out nobody really gives a damn about their pastors’ view on social or political issues. So no, there isn’t really a Religious Left to emerge beyond the groups mentioned in the Reuters piece pushing out press releases and holding rallies in D.C. They may have been “astounded” when 300 clergy showed up to…

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North Carolina Just Tried to Ban Marriage Equality Because “Almighty God” Said So

…ieties throughout prior history.” Looks like NC leg could use a Civics 101 class on how the Constitution & #SCOTUS work (eh, @BetsyDeVosED?). 🤔 #LGBTQ — Lambda Legal (@LambdaLegal) April 11, 2017 The bill is unlikely to pass, and even if it did it would be vetoed by North Carolina’s Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper, the state’s former attorney general who refused to defend HB2 in court. The “Uphold Historical Marriage Act” has be…

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“Pro-Life” Has Officially Lost its Meaning

…ctions on abortion that left the procedure available in practice to middle-class and upper-middle-class women, while cutting off access for poorer and younger women for whom logistical and financial hurdles were most salient. But as a new study makes clear, these restrictions do little to actually protect fetal life. A study of prototypical waiting period laws that require a woman to make two visits to an abortion clinic 72 hours apart found that,…

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Five Signs Atwood’s “Handmaid’s Tale” Dystopia May Be Nigh

…s’ working as the help [that] exists in the enlightened precincts of upper-class liberalism.” While the ethics of surrogacy may be debatable, it’s ridiculous to suggest that it’s a widespread enough practice to amount to wholesale exploitation of lower income women by richer women. Statistics on surrogacy are hard to come by, but according to the Modern Family Surrogacy Center, there were approximately 5,000 children born through surrogacy between…

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New Mag Provides a Platform for Christians of Color

…e planned to hold a meeting with the Congressional Black Caucus. He responds with, “Are they friends of yours. Set up a meeting.” There are so many other segments of the voting bloc that we can look at. We’ve looked at white evangelicals, poor or working-class whites, we get it. What about the poor or working-class blacks who also believed in the things Trump said? How about the Latinos who voted for Trump as well? It’s time to look at some of the…

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Inspirational Quote

The Democrats’ Real Religion Problem, And All Of Ours

…ce have anything to do with it? A: Race has nothing to do with it. Q: Does class have anything to do with it? A: Class has nothing to do with it. Q: Does partisan affiliation have anything to do with it? A: Partisan affiliation has nothing to do with it. Q: Does gerrymandering have anything to do with it? A: Gerrymandering has nothing to do with it. Q: Does political polarization have anything to do with it? A: Political polarization has nothing t…

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