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Russia Expels Gay American Pastor, An Epidemic of Anti-LGBT Violence in Brazil, And More in the Global LGBT Recap

…sodomy challenge Activists in Belize have been waiting for more than three years for Chief Justice Kenneth Benjamin to deliver a judgment in the United Belize Action Movement’s challenge to the country’s sodomy laws. The court had announced that the ruling would be delivered on July 27, but on that day the court announced that delivery of the ruling had been postponed until August. 10. Isle of Man: First same-sex couple legally married Marc and Al…

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Ann Coulter and GOProud: In Bed Together Once Again

…parently already forgotten what her association with GOProud cost her last year: a gig at WorldNetDaily’s “Take Back America Conference.” WND’s editor and CEO Joseph Farah accused Coulter of “legitimizing a group that is fighting for same-sex marriage and open homosexuality in the military—not to mention the idea that sodomy is just an alternate lifestyle.” Coulter called the notion “silly” saying she gave speeches to a lot of different groups wit…

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There’s no Legal Reason for Churches to Receive Quarantine Exceptions

…nization understands them. (Full disclosure: I was slated to speak at this year’s American Atheists Convention in Phoenix, Arizona over Easter weekend before it was postponed until next year, and I remain slated to speak when the event is able to take place.) Fish, who hails from Michigan himself, contends that the “irresponsible and dangerous” exemptions from public health measures in response to the coronavirus pandemic that some governors have…

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No Buddhists in Washington?

…ambhala Mountain Center, each of which attract thousands of visitors every year for programs of contemplative practice and study. Consider Maitri Compassionate Care in San Francisco, a very early North American AIDS hospice established by the late Issan Dorsey of the Hartford Street Zen Center. Consider the Prison Dharma Network and the National Prison Hospice Association, both founded by Sensei Fleet Maull of the Zen Peacemaker Order. Consider th…

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“He Got Away With It”: Conversion Therapy Survivor on Dr. Joseph Nicolosi’s Legacy

…is mother and father’s parental rights, becoming a ward of the state at age 16. Now a second-year law student at the University of California Los Angeles, Kendall has spent the better part of the past decade vocally opposing conversion therapy, and joining with state and congressional leaders who have sought to outlaw the harmful practice on minors. “Someone’s death is always a tragedy for those who loved them, and I do not intend for his friends…

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Capitalism and the Anti-Modern Pope

…been a prominent feature of the global religious landscape since 1979: the year Jerry Falwell founded the “Moral Majority”; the year the Ayatollah Khomeini returned to Iran; and the year John Paul II became the first non-Italian pope since the mid-1500s. Bruce Lawrence already performed an important comparative analysis of such religious anti-Modernism in 1989, in an important book called Defenders of God. In the specifically Catholic context, bot…

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Denying Darwin: Another Peculiar American Institution

…credited with coming up with the single greatest idea ever. After his five-year journey round the world on the HMS Beagle, Darwin returned home in 1836 with a collection of wildlife and the genesis of a truly revolutionary idea. A year after his return, he sketched the notion on which all of modern biology is based—a roughly drawn evolutionary tree, topped with the cautious caption, “I think.” I visited Darwin’s grave yesterday in London. He is bu…

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The Women’s March, Anti-Semitism, and ‘The Jewish Farrakhan’

…urok Enterprises, causing a fire that injured 13 employees and killed a 27-year-old employee, Iris Kones, from smoke inhalation. Hurok was an impresario who often booked Russian acts to perform in America. The bombing, widely believed to be the work of the JDL, resulted in many of those who disagreed with Kahane, but who defended his right to speak, distancing themselves from Kahane and the JDL. It was in many ways, his “Waterloo.” But he still re…

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Sheldon Adelson’s Long Game

…nt (a story we know thanks to Vogel’s reporting, by the way): earlier this year Adelson chastized Chris Christie for using the term “occupied territories,” and extracted an apology from a man who hopes to be president of the United States. He can only do that because he has money. Will it influence the outcome of the election? Probably not. But it will dictate how candidates speak. Adelson’s money isn’t just about the world of Super PACs. As Haare…

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What Does the ‘Traditional Family’ Have To Do with Pussy Riot?

…mpose its version of religious values and rights in secular settings. Last year at the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva, the Russian government proposed developing a resolution that would allow “traditional values” to trump human rights. This is a controversial topic to bring up in a UN human rights setting—especially when one considers that issues like female genital mutilation, marital rape, so-called “honor” killings and forced and…

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