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Life After ‘Roe’: Clergy Consider Handing Out Morning-After Pill in Church

…, Schaper is now the Senior Minister at Judson Memorial Church in New York City and still active in the faith-based fight for reproductive justice. Schaper spoke with RD about the progressive clergy response should the Supreme Court overturn Roe. This interview has been edited and condensed. What should clergy be thinking about now as we consider the possibility of Roe overturned and many states re-criminalizing abortion? Very good question. Obvio…

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Pope: Heterosexual Marriage “Makes Europe Europe”

With all the diplomatic comings and goings in Vatican City, L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican weekly newspaper, is kept busy reporting on which diplomats are leaving, which new ones are arriving, what members of the Church hierarchy are retiring, and so on. The descriptions of new arrivals to their diplomatic posts at the Vatican are especially interesting since they always begin with the same three markers: how old the ambassador is, whether he…

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How to Meet Muslims: A (Cinematic) Primer

…done to the region and its peoples, regardless of their religion and ethnicity, you would certainly be shocked to watch Paradise Now. Many may be deeply upset by this film, and for good reason. It is at times hard to watch, but harder to look away from. It is the best of what a movie can present: an image that continues long after the screen has gone dark. And it has an ending that you and your friends will be talking about for hours more. The Bu…

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The Surprising Catholic Roots of the War on Xmas

…ociety. His first faux controversy was a protest over a VHI ad on New York City buses that showed the performer Madonna next to the Madonna, which he called “a form of blasphemy.” The “controversy” earned Donohue widespread media attention—the ads were removed—and more ginned-up instances of “anti-Catholicism” followed, like a protest against the 1995 movie “Priest” that caused the Knights of Columbus to dump 50,000 shares of Disney stock as a pro…

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Polygamy Bus Tour, ‘Spiritual’ Healthcare for Christian Scientists, Baptizing an Alien…

…queue and instead take the “Polygamy Experience” bus tour through Colorado City, Arizona. Not only is President Obama a Christian, but, according to his wife, he always carries a picture of Mary Help of Christians in his wallet. Elsewhere in Washington, the National Cathedral is getting a new cathedral cat. Catherine of Tarragon will spend her retirement in North Carolina and Carmina will take up residence at the church. Christian Surfers, USA uni…

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Oedipus Complexity: Is it Enough to Fire Men Accused of Sexual Misconduct?

…sers, to fully account for his actions, to wander like Oedipus outside the city gate or sit in sackcloth like the penitent outside the door. It is accountability devoid of catharsis. The flip side of this vacancy is that there’s no real way for a person to be restored or reconciled. They can, after the blows to income and standing have been sustained and the furor passes, just drift back. As Rebecca Traister cuttingly observed in an essential essa…

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Bin Laden’s Death Does Not Prove that Torture Works

…e detained a person who knows the location of a bomb that will go off in a city and kill thousands of people—can’t use bin Laden’s death to support their argument. The ticking time bomb argument depends on a belief that torture produces actionable intelligence quickly, but it’s taken ten years to find bin Laden, so unless the bomb wasn’t set to go off for a decade this argument is meaningless. Even if you set aside the facts that show that torture…

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Will Istanbul Ever Be a Part of the European Union?

…ed eerily like something Thomas Friedman would write.) Istanbul’s the only city of its size, prestige and power in a vast area of the planet—you have to go to Moscow in the north, probably Dubai in the south, central Europe in the west and probably India in the east to get this kind of economic power. It doesn’t deserve to be second fiddle to anyone, and with Turkey’s rise, I can see it playing a global role, in the near future, commensurate with…

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Muslim Mickey Mouse Tweet as Egyptian Wedge Issue

…lashed out at Sawiris during a recent public meeting in Mansoura, a large city in the Nile Delta region. Morsy spoke mostly in general terms allegedly accusing Sawiris of “insulting Islam” with the tweet. Morsy also made clear that his comments were political and not aimed at Sawiris, because he was a Copt. Sawiris, a Coptic Christian, responded by filing a complaint against Morsy with the Egyptian prosecutor general.     The Free Egyptians Party…

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Manchester—Last Gasp of a Failing Terror Movement?

…of Mosul is now free from ISIS control. Only the northern sections of the city are still dominated by ISIS holdouts, and their area dwindles almost daily in house-to-house combat. The northern portion of Syria, near the Turkish border, has been freed by Syrian Kurdish forces, and a combination of military forces is closing in on the capital city of the ISIS caliphate, Rakka. Perhaps more importantly, the ISIS troops have become demoralized in the…

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