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Forget Right or Wrong

…researchers share the unsurprising finding that “young adults engage in a number of religious practices less often than do older Americans.” What they may mean to say is traditional religious practices: weekly attendance at religious services, weekly scripture reading, daily prayer, and weekly meditation. (My guess is as good as yours on the greater expected frequency of prayer in the survey.) The Pew survey design is problematic—and this is wher…

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A Reforming Tradition Struggles With Change

…onal ministers, associates in ministry, and deaconesses, and currently the number of women and men preparing for ministry in ELCA seminaries is roughly equal (Susan Candea, “Wisdom Has Blessed Us”). While there are certainly some in the ELCA who continue to oppose women’s ordination, those numbers are small and grow smaller with each passing year. The same, I suspect, will be the case for the issue of gay and lesbian ordination forty years from no…

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“I Speak to God in Public”: Are Young Black Millennials Reclaiming a Theology of Resistance?

…om 24 to 20 percent among historically black Protestant denominations. The number of 18-29 year olds among Catholics and evangelical Protestants ticked up 1 percent respectively, and among mainline Protestants it saw a 9 percent increase. In the interest of equity, blacks make up 9 percent of those who are unaffiliated with any religious tradition (“nones”), and of that, the numbers trended upwards among 18-29 year olds. Many news outlets covered…

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It’s Not Me, It’s You: Catholic Values Dumping Trump

…hile significant from the perspective of recent trends, however, even that number must be put into perspective. When discussing “Catholics” for the purposes of politics it’s important to remember E.J. Dionne’s famous maxim that “there is no Catholic vote, but the Catholic vote matters.” That’s because the white Catholic vote tends to mirror the demographics of voters in key Northeastern swing states like Pennsylvania. And this explains some of the…

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The Gospel Church and the Ruining of Gay Lives: An Interview with Anthony Heilbut

…, and then I say, thinking of all the ruined gay lives, this really is the number that no man can number. It’s also interesting to me that “Writing It Out” is followed by the section “War on the Children.” Such an organization suggests that the latter was a reaction against the former—that as these voices emerge, there’s this really virulent reaction culturally against them.  And also it’s so very political. As the church has become more right-win…

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Dispelling the Zombie Myth of White Evangelical Support for Trump

…who seldom or never attend church (17% in 2023 to 24% in 2023), but these numbers are far below the proportion of the general population who have opted out of religious services (54%). And while there has been some fluctuation among the “super attenders,” those who attend church once a week or more, a majority of White evangelical Protestants still report attending church this frequently—a rate more than double the general population (54% vs. 24%…

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Special Report: Have Evangelical Colleges Succumbed to “Theological Paranoia”?

…glish professor Paul Borgman, in many cases targeted faculty were offered “buyouts.” In return for these severance packages, they were forced to sign “draconian” non-disparagement agreements meant to prevent them from speaking out about their mistreatment. (A number of sources confirmed that similar non-disclosure agreements have been used at Cedarville, and Steele indicated that most members of Gordon’s LGBTQ working group signed confidentiality…

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Republicans “Evangelizing” Catholic Voters

…Catholicism, is in many ways the most traditional Catholic of the sizeable number of Catholics jostling for the GOP nod. Bobby Jindal has labeled himself a “Catholic Evangelical” and even hosted “The Response,” a prayer extravaganza that amounts to a full-out paean to Christian nationalism. Rick Santorum has long courted the Christian right with his anti-abortion rhetoric and was once named by Time magazine as one of the nation’s “25 Most Influent…

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Pussy Riot Members Sentenced to 2 Years for Offending Russian Orthodox Church

…all those who, free themselves, speak out in our support. There are a vast number, I know. I know that a huge number of Orthodox people are standing up for us. They are praying for us outside the courtroom, for the members of Pussy Riot who are incarcerated. We’ve seen the little booklets Orthodox people are handing out with prayers for those in prison. This shows that there isn’t a unified social group of Orthodox believers as the prosecution is…

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The Devil is in the Details

…own resources in the local currency. I love that. The only drawback is the international transaction fee. It was five dollars when I was in Indonesia, so I had to hit the ATM machines that offered the maximum withdrawal amounts. Keep in mind a family of five could survive on less than 300 USD per month, so some of the machines would dispense as little as 50 dollars US maximum, and from that I still paid the five dollar transaction fee. Better to g…

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