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Baptist Blogger who Discovered Land Plagiarism says Investigation is “Unprecedented”

…berally from a Washington Times column by Jeffrey Kuhner and an Investors’ Business Daily editorial about the Martin case without attribution. Some of the verbatim, unattributed quotes from the Kuhner column included: [H]e [Obama] said, If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin.  The president’s aides claim he was showing compassion for the victim’s family. In reality, he poured gasoline on the racialist fires. Under pressure from the Cong…

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Cozy Cottage or House on Fire? Thomas Kinkade’s Theo-Aesthetic Legacy

…of these feelings through some curious approaches to painting and a shrewd business distribution system. Critics easily dismissed his paintings as kitsch, poor art, or perhaps not even art at all. While I don’t really like Kinkade’s paintings, I believe it would be naïve to simply dismiss his work, to stop querying the deeper reasons for its mass appeal. Kinkade’s pictures may or may not tell us much about art, but they do tell us about the work o…

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Evangelicals Struggle With the Role of Churches in Society

…rns for the welfare of society, many conservative evangelicals harbor deep reservations about supporting any programs that seem to deprioritize evangelism or run the risk of becoming too liberal or too secular. Socially engaged evangelicals counteract those concerns by insisting that faith-based activism can ideally be a vehicle for greater evangelism, not a distraction from it. But they often face strong ideological resistance and logistical cons…

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Does the Inquisition Explain the Modern World?

…ut Murphy strains to connect the Inquisition to the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II, to McCarthyism, to the “dirty war” in Argentina, to the proliferation of security cameras in present-day Britain—in short, to practically any and every relatively recent infringement upon civil liberties. Murphy has a particular disgust for the Bush administration’s use of torture, and with good reason; the waterboarding “debate” made me feel…

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The Republican “No Schools Left” Program

…he believes “the state government should start to get out of the education business and put it to the local and into the community.” In case it’s not clear that “the community” means parents, not citizens though local government, Gingrich clarified: “I agree with Rick’s point… and I’d urge the local communities the turn most of the power back to the parents.” Ron Paul joked, “Newt’s going in the right direction, but not far enough.” The religious…

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Presbyterians Make Right Choice on Israel Divestment

…ips with Jews. Yes, some Jews supported the divestment measure—but not the American Jewish mainstream, which is generally liberal but tends to be emotionally attached to Israel. What do they see? They see the Jewish state being singled out and being forced to make itself more vulnerable by a Christian denomination. Now, again, that “force” is only symbolic—but you can see why even non-paranoid Jews might feel that their concerns are not being hear…

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Ex-Gay Groups Go Back to the Future

…lying to ourselves and others. We were hurting people,” Bussee recalls. Now that “pray away the gay” is quickly headed for the historical dustbin, Gagnon and his “ex-gay” enthusiasts will need a new generation of leaders to keep the snake oil business going. I have a suggestion. Instead of relying on new “science” why not get medieval on homosexuality and hire former Navy Chaplain Gordon James Klingenschmitt? He recently claimed on The David Pack…

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First Gay Bishop? Give Me a Break

…e Robinson of not living his life. He is a senior fellow at the Center for American Progress. On Valentine’s Day he appeared at a press conference in New York City with other members of the group Faithful America and delivered petitions calling on MSNBC to stop using the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins as a commentator given FRC’s record of “dishonest, incendiary rhetoric about gay and lesbian Americans.” Related news: Conservative breakawa…

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KS Republican Repeats Obama/PP Conspiracy Theory

…adopted four children who are “each of them either black, Hispanic, native American.” The ultraconservative Values Voter Summit—organized by the Family Research Council—is no stranger to “black genocide” anti-abortion conspiracy rhetoric like Huelskamp’s. Star Parker compared abortion to slavery and the Holocaust at last year’s event, saying “God is true and man is the liar”; Lila Rose, whose hoax “film” features a donor offering Planned Parenthoo…

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Irony of the Iranian Women’s Burqa Ban

…we the cool heads who bloody well leave each other alone and mind our own business? If you don’t want them taking away your guns or your porn, you’d better not call them out to take away our hijabs. There are voices calling for wisdom: leave the hijabis and the burqa-wearers alone; perhaps, in time, they will raise bare-headed daughters. Perhaps they will get tired of being rabble-rousers (because surely, a woman in a burqini is only trying to th…

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