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Why Has the Critique of Hypocrisy Run Out of Steam?

…eapon is indigenous to the Christian tradition, even to the point of being serviceable in the critique of other Christians. A famous American example was launched by Christian abolitionists against Christian slaveholders. Frederick Douglass’s Narrative of the Life of a Slave is premised on this critique of hypocrisy, his belief that you couldn’t possibly be loving your neighbor as yourself as you simultaneously bought, sold, manacled, starved, rap…

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Beware of Yoga, Taking the Jesus Out of AA, Atheist Billboard Wars—The Sequel

…. However, a lawsuit has been filed against the construction of an Islamic center in Murfreesborough, Tennessee. The original version of the Big Book, the guide for Alcoholics Anonymous, reveals how co-founder Bill Wilson and early editors shifted the language of the book from Christian language to more ambiguously spiritual terms.  Apparently, it wasn’t Moses who parted the Red Sea. It was just windy. A school superintendent in Wellesley, Massach…

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What Does the Catholic Church’s Patriarchal Structure Have to Do with the Failure of the Amazon Synod?

…kes were breathtakingly obvious and relatively easy to fix. Start with the center-periphery model. Rome is the center; the Amazon is the periphery. A proper meeting about the region would have been held in the region, not in Rome. That way, bishops from around the world would have been in the minority, experiencing Amazonian culture on its own terms in all of its specificity, generosity, and struggle for survival. Some Roman types were heard to de…

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Et Tu, Bibi?

…nding Beck. Just last year, at his Restoration Weekend, Horowitz’s Freedom Center hosted Christians United for Israel’s John Hagee, long a crusader in this supposedly epic battle, who told the audience: [W]e must snap out of this politically correct fog and admit that we are at war with radical Islam. This is a war of survival.  This is a war of good versus evil.  This is a war of light versus darkness.  This is a war between those who love life a…

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Civil Unions Battle Heats Up in Italy; Church Leaders in Malawi Defend Criminalization of Homosexuality; Report on LGBT Student Group Sparks Backlash in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

…zation’s offices “are a homosexual recruitment center rather than a social services center.” This is just the latest challenge in James’s life. The son and grandson of Pentecostal preachers, he was born and raised in a rural village in the Karagwe district of northwest Tanzania. Family acceptance was predictably difficult for the young gay man, but with the support of his uncle he was able to leave isolation behind, be accepted by his mother and a…

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It’s Up to You, New York… To Oppose Islamophobia

…fully fifty communicants – Walloons and Dutch.” In addition to the Native Americans already here, New Netherland from its earliest days was notable for its racial, ethnic and religious diversity. Nearly a century after Giovanni da Verrazano, an Italian navigator in the service of France, discovered the inlet into New York harbor and the island we call Manhattan, Henry Hudson, an Englishman under contract to the Dutch East India Company, nosed the…

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What Pence and Kaine Reveal About Divides in Catholicism

…Think Progress: …if this sort of dissenting spirit was unique among modern American Catholics, one could plausibly argue that the United States has created an environment that bifurcates Catholics in unusual ways. But it’s not: In 2014, a global survey conducted by Univision found that most of the planet’s Catholics disagree with the church on birth control, abortion rights, divorce, and priestly celibacy. But of course what really divides the lef…

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Chick-fil-A Means “Anti-gay”?

…Shape Foundation that promotes “traditional” marriage as well as a retreat center near Rome, Georgia. Gays and lesbians looking for a retreat should look elsewhere, however. In an email exchange with one gay blog, the retreat center made it clear that it defines marriage as being between one man and woman and gay couples would not be welcome. Boycotts of Chick-fil-A have been called for, but as any consumer knows, fighting injustice is not as easy…

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Yes, Let’s Talk About Kermit Gosnell

…nt of a Philadelphia social worker, pointing out that the community health center which serves the same low-income neighborhood in which the Gosnell clinic was located is considered to be one of the city’s best facilities. But as a recipient of federal funding, of course this center could not offer abortion care. So why did Gosnell’s patients not go to a better, i.e. safer, abortion clinic, for example, the Planned Parenthood in downtown Philadelp…

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The (Mostly Catholic) Anti-Abortion Roe v. Wade Schlep

…the United Methodist Church but no official standing, sponsored a worship service before the march. Reports indicate that a mere seventeen people were in attendance, including some who are pro-choice. It was a day for papal flags, banners like “Archdiocese of Chicago,” handmade life-size crosses, and even a gold crozier that someone brought along to add gravitas, or maybe just in place of a cane. It was hard to make out from my perch in an office…

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