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UPDATED: Oklahoma Personhood Bill Not Dead…

…e for their unwillingness to put their reassurances in writing, proposed a number of amendments. So did other legislators, such that by the time SB-1433 was scheduled to be voted on, it was groaning under the weight of amendments.  But the real turnaround came when Speaker Steele proposed an amendment to an amendment that, in essence, would have given teeth to the reassurances that the Oklahoma bill would do no more than the Missouri language. Tha…

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Rumors of the Suicide of the Liberal Church Are Exaggerated: A Response to Chris Hedges

…imself, who made pragmatic compromises that were largely commendable in the 1930s but far less so in the 1950s. Still, the key point is straightforward if you want to think with the radical Niebuhr: keep your eyes on the prize, but be humble and realistic enough to embrace lesser evils. Hedges and I agree that liberal churches are internally contested and that our “good guys” do not always win. We seem to disagree over whether significant institut…

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UN Human Rights Council Creates LGBT Watchdog; Orthodox Council Affirms Traditional Teaching on Family; Pope Francis Says Church Should Apologize to Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…tside the church will bring their children to Sabbath school and a growing number of openly gay students will attend Adventist academies and colleges. Like the SCC’s black members in the 1960s, gay Adventists will be able to hold their faith community legally accountable for any discriminatory responses. And, as was the case with segregation, the church will find itself once again in a losing battle against social change unless it learns from its…

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Pope Francis Praised for ‘Civil Unions’ Comment, But Justice Begins at Home—In the Vatican

…ned for civil approval in Argentina, Bergoglio advised the bishops that by supporting civil unions they could perhaps stave off marriage equality. Of course that strategy failed miserably when Argentina became the first country in Latin America to approve same-sex marriage in 2010. It’s important to underscore this datum of theological history in order to ground the current conversation in reality. Whether the Pope still holds the view that the re…

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Growing Catholic Resistance to Bishops’ Crusades

…nt to speak on women’s issues.” In Washington State, meanwhile, “A growing number of Seattle’s Catholic parishes are saying ‘no’ to Archbishop J. Peter Sartain’s offer that churches become signature gathering points for Referendum 74, the ballot measure to roll back Washington’s recently passed same-sex marriage law.” Notably, among the parishes declining to participate are St. James Cathedral, the seat of the archdiocese, and Christ Our Hope, a n…

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Warships, Animals, Pubs Eligible For Blessings From Church of England, But Not Same-Sex Couples; Global LGBT Recap

…o execute gay people by having their heads cut off and is believed to have supported the arrest, detention and torture of a number of people on suspicion of homosexuality by the country’s National Intelligence Agency. While Barrow has so-far espoused a far more democratic and human rights based approach than his predecessor, his views on homosexuality have never been publicly expressed, until now. His reported comments do not quite suggest that he…

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Old Sins Cast Long Shadows: America’s Enduring Fascination with the Ten Commandments

…actice, material culture and daily life as well as the law. I then spent a number of years tracking down, unearthing and interpreting the many iterations of the ancient biblical passages that turned out, much to my surprise and delight, to be just about everywhere in the United States of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. What’s the most important take-home message for readers? What a country! The stalwart, enduring presence of the Ten Comman…

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No ‘Christian Compassion’ in Tony Perkins’ Response to Anti-Gay Bullying, Suicides

…engagement with this topic consists of getting as many people as he can to support him against someone else’s son, daughter, mother, father, aunt, uncle—all targeted to one specific population of people. The attempt to garner enough support within public opinion to make one irrelevant, less than or undignified are all signs of a bully; definable by any dictionary. Even the infamous gay Hollywood bully, Perez Hilton, had a small awakening. The ince…

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Elaine Howard Ecklund Wants to Dispel Myths Surrounding Religious Resistance to Science

…a—I don’t know if I should say unusual, but I can say that there’s a large number of religious organizations in Houston. I think that’s patently obvious, but also true from the research. There are potential civic resources through those religious organizations. You saw it in the kerfuffle about Lakewood, the big church there on the freeway, opening its doors. And people saying “why isn’t this enormous church opening its doors for people as a shelt…

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Growing Up Gay in 666: Fred Phelps in Retrospect

…ay says it more starkly: “Not to oppose hate is to endorse it.” When he was 13, in the early 1960s, Irigonegaray’s parents took him to the State Capitol in Topeka to show him where laws were made, impressing upon him the importance of preserving freedom and liberty for all. This was no ordinary sightseeing trip or civics lesson, his family had just fled Castro’s regime in Cuba. “Any time anyone is made less equal, we all are,” Irigonegaray says, n…

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