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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…istian) service and free enterprise, college business programs also taught students to be wary of government encroachments in the form of taxes, regulations, or oversight. But these same programs gladly took government aid and encouraged students to use federal funds to further their own professional goals. Government was a one-way street: the expectation was that it should support entrepreneurship without expecting anything in return. It was the…

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Teaching the Dalai Lama’s Monks: Better Religion Through Science

“Do bacteria require light?” Tashi, one of my best students, wants to know. He sits there in Dharamsala, India, like his Buddhist monk colleagues, cross-legged on the floor in maroon robes, six hours a day learning science from a tall white Jewish guy from North Carolina. Religion often has a hard time of it, especially among academics, and especially among scientists. Of course academics have no problem studying religion and raising big money to…

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Bloomberg is Right to Say No to Muslim School Holidays

…and which is not. However, it was a bonding experience for all the Muslim students at my school. Fighting the admittedly accommodating administration was a way we created community. It set us apart from other students. Mayor Bloomberg claims he is ready to make unpopular decisions. Let him. Deny the Id holidays, and take a stand for the first amendment. Deny all religious holidays. Stop days off for Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Christmas, and Easte…

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Extra-Terrestrial Kitsch: Capricology #4

…red on a locker search, where our sympathies were clearly aligned with the students, as normal aspects of youth culture are looked at through a magnifying class and distorted into symptoms of various pathologies. We see surprisingly few representations of mass locker searches or other abuses of power by American schools on television, so the moment in this week’s episode involving the locker search stood out to me. (It especially stood out given t…

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Religious Right Attacks Federal Bullying Intervention

…a clarification that bullying of gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered students based on gender stereotypes is considered harassment.” While the letter does not create any new laws for schools to follow, it is, according to Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Russlynn Ali the first time “that the Department has made it clear that students that are members of the gay, lesbian, bi-sexual and transgendered [sic] community are protected by Title…

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Galileo’s Issue Was Satire as Much as Science

“It was a mistake,” the monk said quietly. One of my students had stopped the brown-cloaked Dominican as he strode across the plaza of the Basilica of Santa Maria sopra Minerva in Rome. We had just been reenacting Galileo’s trial just feet from where some of this monk’s brethren had presided over it around 380 years ago. My student wanted to know what this 21st-century monk thought about the whole thing. Just this summer, Florence reopened its hi…

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Still Trying to Get Creationism into Science Classes

…also said legislators should protect the academic freedom of teachers and students to study all of the scientific evidence relating to Darwin’s theory. Mr. Klinghoffer referred to Barbara Forrest as someone who shares my, as he puts it, “conspiracy theory.” But his attempt to trivialize Forrest utterly misrepresents her work. Forrest co-authored with Paul Gross Creationism’s Trojan Horse, which in a blow-by-blow account thoroughly exposed DI’s Ch…

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Focus on the Family Goes to Bat for Bullies

…prevent bullying in schools. The bill defines bullying as “conduct placing students in reasonable fear of physical harm.” The law covers harassment based on race, color, national origin, disability, religion, sex, or sexual orientation. Who would be against a law that seeks to end bullying in school? Enter Focus on the Family. It is, of course, that last classification that has caught the attention of FotF. They claim that the inclusion of sexual…

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Bullies Flourishing with Christian Support

…what his mother and stepfather say was constant harassment from four other students at Hamilton Middle School in the Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District in Houston Texas. Brown, his family said, was “bullied to death” – picked on for his small size, his religion and because he did not wear designer clothes and shoes. Kids also accused him of being gay, some of them performing mock gay acts on him in his physical education class, his moth…

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“Ex-Gay” is Anti-Gay, Disguised as Compassion

…ministry the Exodus youth Web site asks, “What would you do if one of your students came to you and said, ‘I need to talk because I think I’m gay?’” It exhorts pastors to be a “person they can go to for help and advice.” And that accurate information will “breed a heart full of compassion.” Their ideal role for churches includes: “We are a safe place to be open about your struggle! Our vision is for the local church is to be the first place that a…

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