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Lila Rose and the Right Resurrect Malicious Child Predator Myth Putting LGBTQ People in Even Greater Danger

…orizes Anthony Comstock, the man who inspired the 1873 Comstock Act in the United States. According to Steven K. Green, this federal law enabled Comstock “to seize objectionable material and prosecute people for transmitting ‘obscene’ items [like birth control] through the US mail.” The law was finally struck down as unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court in the 1965 decision Griswold v. Connecticut—though people like Rose would like…

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Morality Police, Jihadists, Religious Competition, Grindr, & Americans Abroad: Global LGBT Recap

…Crimes reports that police in Beirut are using messaging apps on the cell phones of arrestees to try to entrap other gay men. In related news, the smartphone app Grindr, which allows gay men to find each other, announced it would permanently disable an option that allowed people to see their distance from other users. There have been reports that police in Egypt and Iran have used Grindr to hunt and arrest gay men. Jamaica: Activist Drops Challen…

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White and Latino Catholics “Living in Different Worlds” On Climate Change

…with their populations more supportive of action to combat it than in the United States and Europe. “There’s a political will to do something about it,” he said, and “those transnational ties are influential to their [Latino immigrants to the U.S.’s] attitudes about it.” Francis, the first Latin American Pope, is from Argentina. Latino Catholics in the United States are also more likely to hear about climate change at church than their white coun…

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The University of Vermont Might Be Done With Religion, But Religion Isn’t Done With Us

…ased in cold, hard math: Religion just doesn’t have enough majors. But the number of majors a department has does not equal how much revenue a department generates. Enrollments do that, and UVM’s award-winning faculty members consistently over-enroll their courses. Not to mention that UVM Religion grads are shaping conversations about religion at the national level—you can’t put a price on that kind of impact (no matter how much tuition costs thes…

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Bin Laden’s Death Does Not Prove that Torture Works

…ssible because torture is not understood to be wrong by many people in the United States, and part of the reason for that is because no one has been punished for engaging in it. Officials are able to champion their use of torture—as Bush did in Decision Points—because no one in the Bush Administration has been held accountable for torturing or for authorizing torture despite the overwhelming evidence that they did so. There are some countries to w…

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Did Romney Cynically Cite His Mormon Faith for Impeachment Vote as Critics Claim?

…t to America. It would be easy to make fun of the idea that God tucked the United States away for untold eons until the time was right to fill the Founding Fathers with the Holy Spirit to guide them through the process of writing our nation’s guiding documents. And surely many will make fun of it. It seems outlandish, to put it mildly. But in the words of the Mormon legal scholar Dallin H. Oaks, Perhaps the most important of the great fundamentals…

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The Way We Never Were: Calling Out Evangelicals For Hypocrisy Misses the Point

…rights serve as its contemporary calling card, the religious right in the United States, as some have argued, has its origins in racial segregation, particularly the establishment of private Christian schools as a work-around to the desegregation policies that emerged out of Brown v Board of Education. Given this history, it’s not surprising that those on the religious right would continue to support a president that is, by most sane accounts, a…

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The Critical Role of Jews in Defining Modernity

…cultural pluralists of the early twentieth century. As immigration to the United States rose and its sources changed in those years, growing numbers of Americans began to call for the exclusion or coercive “Americanization” of new immigrants. In contrast, a small minority of dissenting intellectuals—Randolph Bourne, John Dewey, Alain Locke, Horace Kallen, and a few others—promoted the doctrine of cultural pluralism, a view with roots in the Ameri…

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What Fundamentalist Christian Fiction Can Teach Us About Our American Crisis

…and the worldview of the most politically consequential demographic in the United States today. White evangelical Christians wield their disproportionate political power via their domination in the Republican Party, and 81% of them voted for Donald Trump in 2016. They remain his core group of support, standing behind him during his impeachment, and they are a key to his re-election bid in 2020. The evangelical scholar Mark Noll has criticized the…

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Mercy and Justice Can Meet at the Border

…orderly and just position is not denying family reunification to keep the numbers more manageable. When Pope Benedict visited the United States in 2008, he cautioned that the separation of families “is truly dangerous for the social, moral and human fabric.” Working male immigrants who live with almost no prospects for marriage or separated from their family are much more likely to fall into alchoholism and crime. And family life is the engine of…

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