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Dear Mr. President: We Get It. You Really Love White Conservative Christians

…o be settled (for a time, at least) by this time next year. What will have changed by then? The Supreme Court will have issued its ruling in at least one (and possibly more) major cases directly addressing the Constitutional right for, say, business owners to turn away customers based on the owner’s “sincerely held religious beliefs.” That’s a question directly addressed in the DOJ’s memo handed down Friday, but it’s also a question that will be a…

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Teaching World Religion in the Dumpster Fire

…stern supremacy, a little less Islamophobic. In other words, yes, I do want to indoctrinate students. I certainly wouldn’t want to overplay the importance of religion in whatever ails humankind, nor do I have delusions of grandeur about the ability of a religion professor to change the course of history. But the way I see it, any reduction in fear (at least about anything other than climate change) is a net gain for the world. Maintaining some lev…

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Praying for a Victory: Packed Supreme Court Takes Up Yet Another Christian Nationalist Cause

…xecutive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer working on this case.) The change in the Court’s personnel should never change the law, but that’s precisely why the Court was packed. So what happens when the Supreme Court adopts the Institute’s weaponized version of religious freedom? Just how bad could it be? In this case, the impact could be devastating. Public education is a sacred trust. Parents of all religions and none can confidently send t…

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Soft Supremacy: When “Liking” Love Is Not Enough

…lyzes and understands power, and love that builds power to make structural change? I’m hearing lots of talk in white liberal circles about drawing a “moral bright line” against the Nazis, KKK, and other haters. I suggest that we draw for ourselves another kind of moral bright line that commits us to active and ongoing and strategic opposition to the power centers that oppress Black people and brown people and working class white people alike, albe…

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Is Trying Really Good Enough? ‘The Good Place’ Has a C-word Problem

…uldn’t it be logical to ask what bolstered her lavish lifestyle of private flights and endless parties and fundraisers? And what, exactly, her wealth did?Remember, this is a show that has clearly demonstrated its concern over climate change, to which the wealthy disproportionately contribute (even as they’re less likely to suffer the consequences). I understand the rage In this final season, because the show runners are brilliant, thinking people…

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If Hillary Wins Big It Won’t Be a Moral Victory—And That’s a Crying Shame

…mpersonation can’t compensate for this defect at the top of the ticket. No number of morally-impassioned surrogates can compensate. We should not forget that a widely-shared yearning for a moral revolution formed the heart of the Sanders movement. We shouldn’t forget that this surge of moral energy surprised the Vermont senator himself, or that it was really a remarkable thing to behold, especially considering the many liabilities of the senator a…

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Not Breathing Much Easier … But Still Breathing: A Modest Plea For Hope to End 2020

…to turn things around is very short. And wokeness by itself does little to change the toxic power relations that are killing us. One way I cope with all of this is to pray for a deeper faith—for myself and for others. I pray every day for fearlessness and for the courage to fight on. But there remains a side of me that suspects the only chance at survival we have is to pass through an apocalyptic event of some kind—something far more apocalyptic t…

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Affordable Care Act Needs “Fix,” Clergy Say

…agree that the exclusion of church health plans from eligibility for the exchanges, which occurred because they do not sell policies to the general public, was an oversight caused by staffers scrambling to draft bill language under tight deadlines. Because employees of religious institutions are usually paid modestly, many will qualify for subsidies made available on a sliding scale to families earning up to 400 percent of the federal poverty leve…

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Let My Preachers Endorse: A Modest Church-State Proposal

…itutional way? It turns out there is one: give congregations the option to change their tax status, from charitable 501(c)(3) to social welfare 501(c)(4) organization. After all, Congress permits social welfare organizations to endorse candidates and keep their tax exemptions, if they can show electioneering isn’t their primary activity. As long as electioneering didn’t become the primary activity of congregations as social welfare organizations,…

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Gay, Black, and Muslim: “Naz & Maalik” Challenges Easy Assumptions About Progress

…scrimination that they face from outside of their community. As Naz notes, change is not the same thing as progress. Naz: “You think the world’s getting better?” Maalik: “Yeah.” Naz: “Mmm. I don’t think so. Change gets too much credit. They confuse it with progress. They don’t even realize the truth” Lesbians and gays in the US have made great strides toward equality, but that does not mean that progress has been achieved for all—especially if thi…

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