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Extra-Terrestrial Kitsch: Capricology #4

…nts, as normal aspects of youth culture are looked at through a magnifying class and distorted into symptoms of various pathologies. We see surprisingly few representations of mass locker searches or other abuses of power by American schools on television, so the moment in this week’s episode involving the locker search stood out to me. (It especially stood out given the news coverage this weekend of the Pennsylvania school which put spyware on co…

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Art(ful) History in Texas

…ely revamped creationism and was unconstitutional in public school science class. Even though McLeroy will no longer be on the board (he lost his primary reelection bid this spring to a more mainstream Republican), McLeroy said he believes the supplemental materials provision will create greater flexibility in what material may be adopted for the classrooms. Rather than meet all the new standards, the material only has to address some of them. “It…

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The Mystic in the Rye: JD Salinger’s Religious Fiction

…What prompted Franny’s crisis was her introduction to the Russian Orthodox classics, The Way of the Pilgrim and The Pilgrim Continues His Way. These devotional texts relate the story of an illiterate Russian peasant who learns the “Jesus Prayer” and comes to realize that the meditative reiteration of this prayer was what Paul had in mind when he urged his readers to “pray without ceasing.” As the pilgrim internalizes the prayer, his pilgrim’s path…

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Creationism and Global Warming Denial: Anti-Science’s Kissing Cousins?

…fe.” Supporters of this language may have forgotten the lesson from health class that excess carbon dioxide in the bloodstream is fatal to humans. Academic Freedom Just as not all Christians are fundamentalists (indeed, most mainstream faiths have no problem with evolutionary theory), not all conservative Christians deny climate change. The Evangelical Call to Action on Climate Change and its lobbying arm Evangelical Climate Initiative seek to add…

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Capricology: A Robot is Being Tortured

…t week when I was traveling in Israel and the West Bank with my journalism class. Caprica wasn’t aired where I was; neither could I download it. But its themes were present in the “othering,” religious extremism, ethnic tension, violence, and gender performances that constitute everyday life in the region. Fact is an adrenaline rush, but fiction has better sets and costumes. If you want to know about the real deal, my post is here and the students…

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Meet The Liberal Tea Partiers

…labama as one of the ten worst states in overburdening the poor and middle class. Arise is regrouping and thinking about proposing a grocery tax repeal strategy that is not revenue neutral but actually raises additional revenue from the wealthy as a way to secure the support of teachers and other government workers facing cuts. And, Forrister said, in retrospect maybe they should not have bothered spending so much time trying to secure additional…

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Texas Textbook Massacre

…cience textbooks, some of which are used in high school advanced placement classes. Sinauer, along with W.H. Freeman jointly published Hillis’ Science of Biology and Molecular Systemics. President Andrew Sinauer said his company would never consider inserting anti-evolution language into a textbook to make a sale to creationists. “We simply wouldn’t do it and our authors wouldn’t tolerate it,” he said. However, he said that the smaller college tex…

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A Reforming Tradition Struggles With Change

…on and are taking public steps to leave the ELCA or to remain with certain reservations. A dissenting group called Lutheran CORE (formerly Coalition for Reform, now Coalition for Renewal) met in assembly in September of 2009 to discuss the possibility of forming a new Lutheran church body in North America. Those discussions resulted in the announcement of the North American Lutheran Church (NALC), which will include disaffected “confessional” Luth…

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Planetary Profiling: Dr. Who Part II

…ilitary commander who identifies himself as “Father Octavian—Bishop Second Class, 20 clerics at my command.” Clearly there is some interesting church history in the thirty centuries between that future and our present, but the episode doesn’t explore it, beyond a throwaway line to the effect that “it’s the 51st century—the church has moved on.” Of course, Father Octavian isn’t what’s exciting about this episode. It’s the return of the Weeping Ange…

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Magic v. Science: Doctor Who Part III

…they do in order to survive. Because of this insight, the Doctor is not a classic vampire slayer, so much as an ecologist. He stops the Saturnynians for the same reason that environmentalists in North America combat the snakehead fish. Finally, it is fitting that Calvierri offers an alliance with the Doctor. Like the vampire, the Doctor is also an immortal outsider walking among us. He too has unnatural abilities and is alluring to the opposite s…

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