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American Sin: Why Pope Francis’ Mercy is Not Our Mercy

…litically progressive countries, but it remains an overwhelmingly Catholic country with a dominant Spanish influence. With a dizzying number of languages, economic classes, ethnicities and cultures represented in American Catholic churches, American Catholics resist singularity. And it follows that they are going to be inconsistent in how they define mercy, as the hierarchy of the American church is often wont to demonstrate. Even the variety of A…

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TED-Evangelism Harkens Back to a Forgotten 19th-Century Tradition

…o upwards of 60 original TED lectures, videos of which will then be posted online. The least popular can expect thousands of viewers. The most popular could hit upwards of 30 million. These aren’t exactly Justin Bieber numbers, but for 18 minute-long lectures about science, management, creativity, design, and technology, they’re extraordinary. The TED brand has become synonymous with a certain kind of hip, Silicon Valley-style wonkishness. A viral…

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How Mega-Macho-Pastor Mark Driscoll Helps Explain Trump’s Evangelical Support

…racting publicity and followers. Driscoll’s pugnacious public performances online and in the pulpit weren’t only politically incorrect but generated glee, conviction and hope—the same infectious embodied affects contagiously passed along via the rally cries, raised fists and laughing faces at Trump campaign events. Best to consider Trump and Driscoll’s seemingly paradoxical ascendance in popularity among U.S. evangelicals not as anomaly but as tre…

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Zen and the Art of Zombie Killing: A Buddhist Anti-Tech Manifesto

…rebirth—can be understood allegorically as the condition of someone who misunderstands the self as fixed and desire as something that can be entirely alleviated. You can’t bring your possessions to the grave, nor your addictions. By recognizing existence as impermanent and impulses as fleeting, a Buddhist acknowledges the futility in trying to exhaust human wants by feeding them. Where once a person might have sat pleasantly in a waiting room or…

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Porn-Again Christians: What Happens When a Biblical Literalist Launches a Sex Site?

…rting the site mirrors the reasons I used back in 1996 when I began my own online magazine, Whosoever, for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Christians. I don’t think my site was on the web for five minutes before I started receiving hate mail demanding that I take the site down because it was an affront to God. I was told then, and many still say even today, that there’s no such thing as a “gay Christian” because the two are mutually exclusi…

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How To Talk To “Nones” and Influence People: Rob Bell’s Transrational Experience

…ty. A man who said he drove to Durham from Columbus, Ohio, was starting an online ministry known as “Radical Nation,” and he wanted Bell’s advice in making the decision to go “radically inclusive,” (or “gay-friendly,” to the rest of us), and on how to sustain his and his wife’s energies for pastoring. A serene woman in an orange scarf announced that she had opened what she called “a gym for body and soul,” and she wanted advice on how to reach peo…

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Orlando Massacre and ISIS: The Illusion of Power

…in the numbers that previously had supported the movement. Although their online presence continues to be active on Twitter and on secret sites on the dark web, volunteers seem hesitant to join a losing operation. In this context ISIS needs the illusion of power. There is no doubt that this is what the Paris and Brussels terrorist attacks were meant to achieve. ISIS has also encouraged individuals to conduct their own acts of jihad against disbel…

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#SorryNotSorry: What U.S. Christian Denominations Teach About Homosexuality

…ovement led by More Light Presbyterians, according to Believe Out Loud, an online Cristian LGBT network. 65% of members believe homosexuality should be accepted by society.   African Methodist Episcopal Church (Historically Black Protestant) Members (as of 2009): 2,500,000 Homosexuality “clearly contradicts [their] understanding of Scripture” and same-sex unions are “contrary to the will of god” 61% of members believe homosexuality should be accep…

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The Shared Fantasy of Redemptive Violence Between ISIS and the Islamophobic Right

…shariah law,” Gingrich asserted, they should be forcibly expelled from the country—even if they’re US citizens. Trump himself announced that he would press NATO to declare war on the Islamic State if elected. In France, Marine le Pen, the leader of the far right National Front, blamed Islamic fundamentalism for the violence. In Britain, the conservative commentator Kelvin MacKenzie attacked Channel 4 news for having a reporter wearing a hijab deli…

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Will Getting Rid of Bryan Fischer Get Rid of the AFA’s Problem?

…; called for the deportation of Muslims and for banning them from military service; claimed that gay sex is “domestic terrorism”; called gay adoption a “terrible, terrible, inexcusable, inhumane thing to do to children”; and claimed that Hitler and his stormtroopers were all gay. No one took PFAW up on its suggestion, and AFA’s founder and chairman emeritus Don Wildmon was feted at the Summit’s gala with the James C. Dobson Values & Leadership Awa…

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