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Eat, Pray, Trash: What the Critics Don’t See

…kle with divinity. Of course, this has typically been understood as a male freedom. Gilbert flips the gender assumptions—she’s the one who leaves a spouse because she needs freedom—and some find the reaction against Eat Pray Love to be rooted in that sexist legacy. Romantic views of travel don’t stop with writers, of course. Quite the contrary: within certain circles, travel has come to be viewed as a marker of a generous, open-minded, cosmopolita…

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A Public Monument to Atheism—In Florida

…think they’ve found a clever way to bring the Commandments in through the back door by invoking a “free speech zone.” They have to understand what that means—free speech means free speech for everyone. Those courthouse plazas may get awfully crowded….

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In a Time of Chaos and Misrule, Mardi Gras’ Subversive Message is Virtually Meaningless

…nsense of sense.” In this world of rigid social structures, carnival was a free-floating utopia, not of location but of duration, found not in a particular place but during a particular time. Carnival signified a subversive promise, a taste of the abolishment of those things which control our lives. Even death, the plague in the midst of the celebration, was to be mocked by the partygoers. Academic debate has long centered around how radical the c…

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The Big Lie Misrepresentation in Louisiana “Seal of Confessional” Case

The systematic abuse of the free exercise clause strikes again. In this latest episode, according to bloggers at Hot Air and the American Conservative, “[t]he Louisiana Supreme Court has ruled that a priest must testify in a case about what he heard in a confessional,” and “Fr. Bayhi will have to go to jail to protect the seal of the confessional.” These pundits can, to some extent, be forgiven for these misleading statements since the Catholic C…

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Why Al Mohler offered to “Host” Kentucky’s U.S. Senate Race Debates

…coming into question. Recently a second Kentucky Baptist College acted to free itself from Kentucky Baptists’ (i.e. Mohler’s) larger fundamentalist agenda by announcing its independence from state convention control. Southern Baptists recently rebuffed Mohler’s demand that a Southern Baptist church be expelled for being soft on the issue of gay inclusion. Southern Baptists are now openly debating the dangers of Mohler’s hyper-Calvinism. In a 2014…

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I Always Knew Santa Was Make-Believe: A Retired Pastor on Losing Her Faith

…Bush declared that he had to invade Iraq because God wanted to set people free. I paced our empty church and told the President: “You just cut my umbilical cord to Christianity.” I had no idea what that meant. If President Bush was like a midwife, cutting my connection to those lifelong beliefs, then what new life was being born? Years later, Phil reminded me that someone else had freed us from our theological assumptions in a far more generous a…

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Misusing Cesar Chavez in Immigration Debate

…me the suffering of the most miserable; So I will know my people’s plight. Free me to pray for others; For you are present in every person. Help me to take responsibility for my own life; So that I can be free at last. Grant me courage to serve others; For in service there is true life. Give me honesty and patience; So that I can work with other workers. Bring forth song and celebration; So that the spirit will be alive among us. Let the spirit fl…

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Krapp’s Last Tweet: The Rise (and Fall?) of Privilege in the Digital Economy

…with cyberspace integrated the spirit of American exceptionalism, faith in free markets, and a view of computer networks as nature’s next evolutionary leap. Together they enacted the game-changing Telecommunications Act of 1996, which laid the foundations for the industry giants of subsequent decades. On Tailspins and Technical Leaps of Faith The celebratory entrance of technical and political elites into the so-called New Economy constituted a le…

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Cardinal Who Once Compared Gay People to Klan Warns Church is Being “Despoiled”

…e of Catholic Bishops enjoyed a personal meeting with the President of the United States on this issue? Or when both the USCCB and Catholic Charities had representatives on the Advisory Council to the Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships? Or when the Chair of a powerful Congressional committee holds hearings at your behest? “When the government couldn’t tell us which of our ministries are Catholic and which are not”=We would please…

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Another Far Right Theocrat Shows up on the Trump Team

…abeled bigoted and narrow-minded. Yet many clamor to deny Muslins the very free exercise rights for which Sekulow, and now also his son Jordan, litigated, with the ACLJ leading the fight against the nonexistent effort by Muslims to take over America by implementing Sharia. We’re seeing the rhetoric around “religious freedom” as Christian privilege, the denial of which is framed as persecution from the Trump Administration—but there are at least tw…

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