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In His ‘Forgiveness Day’ Sermon — a Slightly More Sophisticated ‘GloboHomo’ Rant — Kirill Lays Out an Authoritarian Vision in Which His Version of God Might Dominate and Rule the Human Race

…tique of freedom, suggesting that the people of Donbas rightly opposed the freedom of western civilization because it brought with it a test of faithfulness to God—i.e. pride parades (это гей-парад). By not giving in to this sin, Kirill argues that Donbas (and seemingly Russia as well) are thus strangers to the world (то они не входят в тот мир, они становятся для него чужими.), not welcome in the West because of their oppositional stances on prid…

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Oh My God…

…r beliefs on a literal reading of the Bible? Is it the same God if some Americans use the term in its personal, theistic sense referring to a transcendent God in heaven and some use it to refer to a pantheistic, immanent power that infuses all of nature? God-hating atheists like Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and others of their narrow-minded ilk have made a killing tearing down a God worshiped by childlike, blind followers not…

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Creationism Makes Its Mark

…ding incident. Rather he said it was because of the Bible on his desk. Because he had refused to remove it, citing religious freedom under the First Amendment, he said he was being persecuted. Students organized a rally for him, bringing their Bibles to school in support. A Web site devoted to Freshwater’s cause is called But Dennis said the issue was never about the Bible on the desk. And nowhere in the lawsuit’s initial c…

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Why ‘Do You Believe in God?’ Is at the Heart of Our Religious Problem

…I do not care if there are gods or not.” Whether unconsciously or not, we use the term “religion” as a substitute for “theism” (belief in divinity). This is partly because Christianity, as the dominant religious system in the United States, normalizes a lot of its characteristics. Religion is not the same as “theism,” nor does it require an institutional affiliation. Often, students remark they are “spiritual” and not “religious,” because they th…

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Douthat, Dionne Push Wrong Lesson on Religious Exemptions

…revious precedents that had been set, or the bishops’ long-term efforts to use conscience exemptions to beat back efforts to expand access to contraception. It was their off-the-cuff, emotional responses to the mandate, which they perceived as an attack (Winters accused the administration of “punch[ing] us Catholics in the nose” while Dionne wrote that “Obama threw his progressive Catholic allies under the bus”) that made the original exemption po…

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From Empire to Shire: Rod Dreher’s Nostalgia for Middle-Earth

…erally not thought of themselves as responsible for the empire. Notably, African Americans and Latinos have been denied citizenship, and the rights of citizens, much less have they had political power. Too often they have merely tried to survive and resist Empire’s demands, domination, and death. Dreher speaks as someone who has lost status and power and laments its loss—he and his people need to regroup and organize their resistance to the insurg…

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Tweeting ISIS Attacks: A Lesson in Not Learning a Lesson

…awi, discovered that female motorists populate America’s highways, but because America had just invaded Iraq. We can and must fight back against ISIL. We have a moral obligation, not to mention a national security obligation. But we must be careful in that response that we do not fall prey to ideas that have already failed before (and in recent memory), and that we do not allow others to freeload on this national and international security priorit…

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Jeffress’ Statement About Trump’s God-Given Authority is Nonsense

…uthority to “execute wrath on the wrongdoer.” He predicts that others will use the previous chapter to argue that Christians should never avenge themselves, “but leave it to the wrath of God; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.’” Jeffress is right in reading Romans 12 as a moral instruction to individuals or communities of Christians, and chapter 13 as dealing with systems of government instead. But then he goes off…

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White Evangelical Leaders Still Too Preoccupied With ‘Order’ to Listen to Black Truth

…y, he expanded on his lament about the need for black bodies to provide American redemption. “Whenever we talk about how God is going to use something evil for good, why does it have to take black bodies being strangled out, to be strangled and killed, on camera?” Regarding the necessary presence of the camera, Johnson also minced no words. “We don’t get this response if there’s no video. And I’m not only talking about white evangelicals, but I’m…

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The Sacred and the Dead: Three Ways to American Beauty

…uplicity. The letters (signs) can be read two ways: they represent both American Beauty and American Reality. In western thought, beauty and reality are of a piece since the good, the true, and the beautiful inform and form each other. But beauty can deceive, money talks, and power attracts. The Dead understand and critique this duplicity. In order to understand it they conjure American figures who exemplify this contradiction, a sort of courageou…

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