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Rising Christian Right Movement, New Apostolic Reformation, Emerged as a Mid-20th Century Splinter of White Supremacy

…ay people in the NAR, a movement that has become the face of the Christian Right, openly colluding with White skinheads in an effort to overthrow the US government? As we seek to understand this alliance it may help to keep in mind that, while the 1980s Christian nationalism of Jerry Falwell and his movement was tangentially connected to the Ku Klux Klan, the New Apostolic Reformation actually emerged as a splinter from it. To be clear, the differ…

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Why Has the Critique of Hypocrisy Run Out of Steam?

…he sexual revolution, a more complete history includes the early Christian Right’s energization by anti-Civil Rights politics. These Christian Segregationists—like the early Jerry Falwell and Bob Jones Sr.—had their heritage in the Christian Slavery that Douglass had targeted in his critique a century before. Why this matters is that it gives us a clue as to why the critique of hypocrisy has run out of steam: it never had much steam to begin with…

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Mat Staver vs. the Anti-Immigrant Right

…launched in 2010, was focused on bringing more Latinos into the religious right. But he’s facing the very visible anti-immigrant contingent in the conservative movement, the same contingent that has opposed Rick Perry’s support for in-state tuition for children of undocumented immigrants, so much so that Perry felt compelled to soften his “you don’t have a heart” accusation at the recent debate in Florida. Another sponsor, along with Liberty Univ…

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ABC’s Good Christian Bitches Makes Feminists of Religious Right

…f, the thinking goes, subverts the stigma associated with women being forthright, assertive, and selfish.   This is not an uncontroversial claim among those who give a hoot about equal rights for women; it did not escape my notice, for example, that Yana Walton from the Women’s Media Center (love them, seriously) was quoted by Fox News as saying that “bitch” is an inappropriate word with which to describe any woman ever.   I respectfully disagree,…

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Guns, God and Government — The Coming of White Minority Rule?

…eed not even be “white” for it to be effective, the homogenizing effect of right-wing politics is to minimize difference in the name of Americanness. Black conservatives and right-leaning Hispanics can be included in the lot of “real Americans” or “independent thinkers” as they reject the identity politics of the Left for the identity politics of the Right. It would have been great had there been someone warning us about this possibility before we…

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‘Manufactured’ Smear Campaign Attempts to Intimidate Church ‘Fasting From Whiteness’— It Didn’t Work

…at have been the targets of extremism. It’s been extremely helpful. I knew right away to take this very seriously. I knew right away to document every message that came in. I knew right away to contact both our local law enforcement as well as federal law enforcement in the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI. I’ve learned a lot from this experience, and our work to help prepare other congregations will be much stronger because of it. Can…

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Bishop John Shelby Spong Declares Victory: Is it Premature?

…op Spong, and he doesn’t have to violate his manifesto to answer him. It’s right there on page 24 of Sins of Scripture: “The constant attack of these right wing voices on Christian scholarship is a clear tip-off that they cannot face reality. When people cannot deal with the message, the ancient and still regularly practiced tactic is to shoot the messenger.” The religious right will continue to shoot at those delivering the good news to gay and l…

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Does the President Need Churching?

…ofited off the backs of the poor and outcast. He will put the sheep at his right hand and the goats at the left. Then the king will say to those at his right hand, “Come, you that are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sic…

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Addressing the Culture War Without Touching the Culture War

…uralism, and empiricism,’ he was simply summarizing the consensus liberal ideals of the day. These were ideals held not only by scholars; they were also becoming widely prevalent in business, politics, the media, and everyday life. This had deleterious consequences, he argues, for any significant project of collective action. Basing such values on pleas for more openness, pluralism, and autonomy only led to the undoing of the consensus, but with n…

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The Zimmerman Acquittal: America’s Racist God

…to proclaim that the religious right is over, they’re wrong. The religious right is flourishing, and unlike the right of the 1970s, religious conservatism of the 21st century is in bed with the prison industrial complex, the Koch brothers, the NRA—all while proclaiming that they are “pro-life.” They are anything but. They are the ones who thought that what George Zimmerman did was right, and I am sure my inbox will be full of well-meaning evangeli…

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