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As Psychedelics Experience a Renaissance, Emory’s New Center for Psychedelics and Spirituality Seeks a Novel Approach

…ch designs and clinical practice, without analyzing their history or their various sociopolitical valences. Religious studies scholars and philosophers could provide much needed perspective, here, which can only strengthen our understanding of psychedelics and their various uses. While the end-result of this so-called psychedelic renaissance still remains to be seen, the ECPS seems poised to make a significant contribution to it, especially in are…

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Gen Z’s Religious Affiliation Stats Are Confusing … But Only When Viewed From a Christian-Centric Perspective

…large. Why then do we persist in trying to count American religion? My goal isn’t to get rid of these surveys, but to look at them differently. They are indeed “data,” but not in the way they purport to be. There may not be any solid, observable referent for the numbers of young people who say they “believe” in some kind of “higher power.” But that does not mean we shouldn’t ask. Any survey is a snapshot of a moment, in which the questions reveal…

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Prisoners In the Hands of an Angry God: A Conversation About Religion and Reform

…ample illustrates how, on the topic of prison reform, there can be as much variation within denominations as there are across them. You alluded to this earlier, but what other variables, in your experience, influence people’s stances on criminal justice? It’s tricky, because I don’t think there’s any one variable that will predict a person’s stance on criminal justice. Obviously race has played a major role in our criminal justice system. It’s not…

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Does God Want Jeremy Lin to Win?

…ether in terms of kindness, or humility, or following their dreams, or any number of other positive values—just as it’s at its worst when it takes agency away. The particular myths that Tebow or Lin happen to believe in are secondary (and of course, I mean ‘myths’ in the sophisticated sense of stories that give meaning to human life, not false tales). What’s primary is that they believe, despite ample reasons not to do so, in the possibility of hu…

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The Revolution Will Not Be Fetishized: Taking Resistance Beyond the Spiritual Industrial Complex

…(see RD here, here, and here) at times to serve certain neoliberal, conservative, or nationalist agendas, there are a number of commitments that many of them claim to embrace. These include commitments to the following: religious and cultural pluralism, gender equity, racial and sexual diversity, environmental sustainability, scientific inquiry and historical-critical commentary, and a public space that guarantees both freedom of and from religio…

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Dieting, Sex, Jesus: The Body as Moral Battleground

…in American Christianity. The book discusses many different moments in the vast and varied American religious practices around food, dieting, and the body, including contemporary evangelical weight loss programs. At the time I didn’t know such things existed. But reading the book made it clear that Christian weight loss was a great way to investigate the moral and religious construction of fatness. And the comparison with ex-gay ministries seemed…

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‘Welcome to the War’: What a Creationist Conference Can Teach us About Evangelical Vaccine Resistance

…ttractions. But it is far from alone. An entire extended universe of conservative evangelical talk radio, podcasts, television programs, articles, and Internet forums perpetuate the narrative that their consumers are under attack by a wicked world whose methods change from day to day, but whose goal is always the downfall of Christianity and Christians. Why was I the only person wearing a mask at the Answers in Genesis conference? Because this sop…

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Christian Media Battle Over Controversial Figure

…affiliated ministries like Olivet University in San Francisco, the World Evangelical Alliance, and the Christian Post, a number of these affiliates went on the defensive. No response was more immediate, or more aggressive, than that of the Christian Post. Different Standards At Work The day after CT’s article was published online, the Post published a long piece titled, “Sources in ‘Second Coming Christ Controversy’ Face Scrutiny,” followed days…

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The Role of Faith in the Lives of Abortion Providers

…he didn’t believe the Catholic Church was conservative enough. She joined evangelical groups like Campus Crusade for Christ while in college. Although she was taught abortion was wrong, abortion and contraception were rarely discussed at the Catholic Church the doctor attended as a child. It was from evangelical organizations and friends that she received anti-choice literature—but she eventually found these views to be “judgmental,” she said. By…

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‘Religious Freedom’ Rally Sets Stage for 1st Amendment Collision

…n recommended the website of George Mason University law professor Helen Alvaré, a former counsel to the USCCB and current advisor to Pope Benedict XVI’s Pontifical Council for the Laity. Just the day before, Alvaré spoke on a panel discussing the Department of Health and Human Services mandate sponsored by Georgetown University’s Berkeley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, along with leading constitutional law experts. At that event,…

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