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“Split at the Root”: Adrienne Rich and (Religious) Identity

…cross, the empty tomb, the via dolorosa. I am not always sure I want to be numbered among Christians; I know there are a number of Christians who aren’t so sure I should be so numbered. My examination occurs alongside my spouse’s examination. She is an ordained Baptist minister who with unspeakable grace regularly braves misogynistic condescension: the assumption among even thoughtful, well-meaning people that her spouse possesses the professional…

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Union Busting for God: Catholic Colleges Invoke “Religious Freedom” to Violate Catholic Teaching

…nct faculty, and they do not want to.” The university lost their case four times at both regional and national levels, but Seattle University president Stephen Sundborg said in 2016 he expected the case to go as far as the Supreme Court. According to Sundborg, the university is “taking a stand” against the NLRB. The NLRB and a union could require the university to “hire faculty openly hostile to our Jesuit way of teaching and Catholic identity,” a…

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Religious Practices on Trial in Arizona: The Problem With “Experts”

…in the Lakota style, not Navajo, which is the tribal affiliation of a good number of inmates in the Arizona prison system (an amazing fact that is a story for another time). So, even though a non-Indian might be compelled to be put on trial for killing people with his “ceremony,” it is Native American religion which will be the defendant in this case. Consider. James Ray’s defense might be compelled to bring in experts to argue that he did the cer…

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Morality and Marriage Vigilantes and More in Global LGBT Recap

…he goal is to reduce emotional trauma for sexual minorities and reduce the number of suicides and rates of substance abuse in that community, he says. Scotland: Anti-LGBT prejudice falls sharply The Scotsman reports that prejudice toward LGBT people has fallen sharply: Analysis of the 2016 Scottish Social Attitudes (SSA) survey by ScotCen, shared with The Scotsman, reveal the proportion of people who say that they would be unhappy if a close relat…

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RD News Round-Up—Nov. 4, 2008

…venue in 2007. Americans United points out on its website that there are a number of other important religious right organizations to be aware of, including Gary Bauer’s American Values, Rick Scarborough’s Vision America, and Lou Sheldon’s Traditional Values Coalition. An expanded version of the Church & State story is available here. ++++++++++ New Coalition takes on Christian Zionism Before the end of the year, the Los Angeles Times reported in…

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RD10Q: The Fight Against Feminism

…o, and Beginning to See the Light still amazes me for Willis’ equally unsentimental and far-reaching idealism with regards to the possibilities of the women’s liberation movement, starting with her intellectually-rigorous investigation of what’s often dismissed as a 60s-era cliché, “that there really is such a thing as liberation.” Researching Quiverfull, I read many fundamentalists who took that charge seriously enough to counter it, and tell wom…

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The Incredible Shrinking Catholic Church

…o take their spiritual business elsewhere. We have seen an increase in the number of American politicians who are asked to remove themselves from communion lines and, recently, priests have even denied parishioners communion if they vote for a political candidate who favors abortion rights. This exclusion from the sacrament is essentially a form of excommunication. Dogma Over Diplomacy Ironically, at a time when many earnest believers are being tu…

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Restoring Dignity: The Employee Free Choice Act

…ry of brutal union suppression by employers who figured out that it’s much cheaper to take the penalties currently handed out for labor law violations (which are extremely weak and rarely delivered) than to allow workers to unionize without interference in free and fair representation elections. By the Numbers The cold, hard facts are these: Polls consistently report that 60 million Americans would join a union tomorrow if they could, which clearl…

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What Irish Marriage Vote Means for Catholic Church; The Lonely Fight for Equality in Belize; Progress and Backlash in Tunisia; Global LGBT Recap

…lead and legalize gay marriage.” The result of the Irish referendum is the best illustration of the change in popular attitudes toward the LGBT community. Ireland has always been considered a conservative country, and until 1993 homosexuality was a crime. The lack of substantial resistance to the idea of same-sex marriage demonstrates the readiness of the society and its institutions — even the most conservative of them, like the Catholic Church —…

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The War Within: Religion and Our Tangled Relationship with Our Bodies

…aging, I nixed a rather lengthy critique I’d developed of Deepak Chopra’s best-selling, Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, in which he claims that humans need not be “victims of aging, sickness, and death,” that with the right mindset, we can “defeat entropy.” According to Chopra, “the physiology of immortality” is possible because “nothing holds more power over the body than beliefs of the mind.” The reason our flesh ages without our consent or contro…

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