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Everything Was Better When We Had God In Our Schools

…The problem is that gun violence has been a feature of school life in the United States since the latter half of the seventeenth century. Although before 1989 most school-related incidents of gun violence in the U.S. did not reach the level of carnage that has unfortunately become familiar to us, mass murder in schools is still not absent. Writing this week in Slate, Justin Peters has brought attention to the deadliest school-related massacre in…

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Meet the Christian Reconstructionists Behind the Latest Birther Theory

…08). Farah is the editor of WND, the website that has played a key role in promoting birtherism. Lofton said he expected Titus’ theory to figure in Corsi’s forthcoming book, which is already being promoted on WND. (Lofton was critical of WND for focusing too much on the birth certificate rather than on this, in his view, more critical question.) Both Lofton and Titus are admirers of R.J. Rushdoony, the intellectual godfather of Christian Reconstru…

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Your Uterus Is “An Important Subject” About Which Your Fellow Citizens “Wish To Converse”

…other laws – especially regarding harassment – outside abortion clinics.” Today’s decision is limited to the 2007 Massachusetts law, and may not invalidate every buffer zone law currently on the books or that could be enacted in the future. The ruling leaves in place a 2000 decision upholding a Colorado law that imposed a 100 foot buffer zone outside all health care facilities, barring people from coming within eight feet of visitors to counsel t…

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The Suppression of Sin in Evangelical Abolitionism: The Wilberforce Problem

…ted slaves, he had little sympathy for the nascent labor movement at home. Today, as the abolition of modern slavery has become a favorite cause among young evangelicals, Wilberforce has become something of a hero to them; thanks in no small part to a 2006 biopic, Amazing Grace. As the new abolitionism enters the evangelical mainstream, however, it’s clear that his sin-suppressing instincts remain alive and well. Slavery becomes conflated in evang…

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Sex and the Ummah

…n’t seem to realize that the kinds of same-sex relations that are going on today are not like same-sex relations at other times in human history. There were always people of the same sex having sexual relations, but today there are new claims. It’s like our proposals for more equality in marriage over and against the patriarchal marriage of the past. Same-sex couples are making claims as families and asking for thing like marriage. Same-sex Muslim…

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Statement on NAR & Christian Nationalism Answers Few Questions But Exposes Growing Rifts in the Movement

…“The New Apostolic Reformation is a move of God that is sweeping the earth today, and it is important that we understand it, for it is ushering a new era in church history.” One of the main features of this contemporary movement is the emphasis on the five-fold ministry outlined in Ephesians 4:11: Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers. But the statement departs from how these church offices are usually understood. The statement cla…

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…ther Dr. Freud or Allah was at work about my complaining yesterday, and so today I do not fast. In my younger lither days I would have to persevere through out the day fasting without suhur, but not now, not at my age, so I am having my tea as I type. No need to lie about it, no need to pretend. Missing this day is only an offense between me and Allah. The rules for remaking a day of missed fast, for what ever reason, will apply; and to these I hu…

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Why America’s Whitewashed Thanksgiving Needs to Go: A Short Study in the Power of White Christian Mythmaking

…am harping on it because I was seduced by the legend, and I repent myself today for letting myself get sucked in. Two decades ago I was knocked out by Kevin Phillips’ The Cousins’ War, in which Phillips draws out common themes and common threads among the English Civil War, the American Revolution, and our own Civil War. The “good guys” throughout are all Pilgrims, so to speak: doughty English revolutionaries—religious Dissenters, close spiritual…

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The Non-Existent Tea Party-Religious Right God Gap

…ts back to one that many speakers, including Reed and Gingrich, emphasized today: that not only did God ordain a limited role for government, God, and not the government, is the source of individual rights. “God gives you sovereignty,” said Gingrich, and “the government doesn’t define rights.” In other words, if the government tells you to buy insurance under the individual mandate, it’s not only infringing on your God-given rights, but exceeding…

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Noah, Cosmos Controversies Not About Biblical Literalism

…Ham as this may be. What unites Ham with the other religious conservatives today is the same kind of Biblicism that united the religious conservatives a century ago: since the bible is indeed the Word of God, the refuge amid life’s storm, then we ought to read it with complete sincerity, from a position of faith, submitting ourselves to its authority. Though couched in terms of how faithfully the film follows the biblical text, the Noah controvers…

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