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Five Social Media Trends that are Reshaping Religion

…ministry: I check in everywhere I go… If I can interact with somebody because they know where I am, or they can find me more easily because I’m on Twitter or where I check in on Foursquare, then I think I need to do that simply because it allows me to be more accessible to everyone else who might be looking for me or ask me something. As the reality of part-time, bi-vocational, and otherwise extra-congregational lay and ordained ministry continue…

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If Something About Trump’s Bible Photo-Op Felt Familiar There’s a Good Reason

…lliance, also slammed the gesture, calling it “one of the most flagrant misuses of religion I have ever seen.” Witnessing the sacred word of God used to prop up and justify racism, authoritarianism, violence, and death by one of the most dangerous and unethical men on earth was profoundly disturbing on both theological and moral grounds. But what struck me as I watched, was Trump’s awkwardness with the Bible as an object. He doesn’t even know enou…

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2 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back, 1 Step Sideways: The Chaotic Progression of LGBTQ Inclusion at Christian Colleges

…the organs of both sexes, capable of either active or passive functions—to use the organ by which (s)he is most aroused or the one which (s)he is more susceptible” provided there is no same sex intercourse. “If…(s)he should fail with one organ, the use of the other can never be permitted,” Cantor wrote, “but (s)he must be perpetually celibate to avoid any similarity to the role inversion of sodomy, which is detested by God.” He is merely articulat…

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Buddhism And Politics in Myanmar: An Author Interview

…on to the depth and complexity of this tradition of thought, not least because it’s been actively repressed by a series of military governments in Burma/Myanmar from 1962-2011 and because it’s been actively utilized in recent years to demonize and exclude Muslims from membership in the political community. Despite this, I’m very excited at the re-emergence of a domestic public political discourse in Myanmar over the past few years and hope that th…

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Diplomatic Suckerhood: Why Israel Is Fighting Toward its Own Demise

…m? The whole Zionist project to create a Jewish state began not merely because Jews felt victimized, but because so many felt powerless to do anything about it as long as they lived among the goyim (gentiles). What’s more, many early Zionists were ashamed of their weakness, seeing it as a sign that Jews were “abnormal.” They expected to escape all those feelings once they had their own independent nation, with its own armed forces. It doesn’t seem…

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Religion vs. Science: America’s Perilous Fight

…ht. Teaching ID as science violated the Constitution, the court ruled, because ID promotes religion and the Establishment Clause requires that the government remain neutral on religious issues. If Richard Dawkins was right about evolution disproving God, then teaching evolution presumably would also violate the Constitution. He should temper his claims, especially given the limitations inherent in any effort to use science either to prove or to di…

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Comparing Gender Transition and Surrogacy to War and Human Trafficking, Vatican’s ‘Dignitas Infinita’ is an Intellectually Embarrassing and Harmful Mess

…like feminist, disability, and queer theories. It’s a lost opportunity because Catholic teaching documents are few and far between. Living Catholics, even young ones, might not see much progress if this outdated piece is any evidence of the pace of change. The Declaration, signed by Victor Manuel Cardinal Fernández, Prefect of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, is the product of five years of internal bickering. It begins with an odd and…

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Church’s Lawyers Have SNAP in Their Sights

…ardless of the motives or possible outcomes, is on its face a violation of freedom of speech, freedom of association and freedom of privacy. In the Times piece, SNAP was characterized as a key target for the Church. We are pro-child, anti-abuse, anti-cover-up and pro-prevention. We have in our membership rabid atheists and daily Mass goers. We take no position on any organization, philosophy, denomination or spiritual beliefs, and we never will, b…

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An Evangelical Leader’s Lonely Fight to End an “Unholy Alliance” With the NRA

…e discussion on the moral and ethical dimensions of firearms ownership and use. We need to have that.” He said he has met with pastors and other church leaders, offering advice on how to address these issues from the pulpit, and said he hopes pastors, Sunday schools, and other Christian education programs begin to teach on the “theological and moral implications” of gun ownership and use. He said he plans to give a formal address on the topic at t…

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A Biblical Perspective That Recognizes Black Women

…lain any unfamiliar terminology. I hope that readers will come away with a better understanding of the complexities of the use of the term “womanist” and womanist work. What alternative title would you give the book? I’m happy with the title suggested by my editor, since it describes the contents of the book. Not All Black Women would be a cute title to drive home the point that not all Black women identify as womanists, but it doesn’t capture the…

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