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Glenn Beck’s History “Professor” David Barton On Racism and the Three-Fifths Rule

A few weeks back I reported on a Florida Tea Party event, sponsored in conjunction with Glenn Beck’s 9/12 Project, in which Frantz Kebreau of the National Association for Conservative People of All Colors (NAACPC) reimagined an American history in which slavery was not initially raced-based and the “Christian” founders were anti-slavery. Republicans, in this narrative, have led the fights for abolition, emancipation, voting rights, civil rights,…

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United Methodist Church Votes Against Israel Divestment

…to the future of the church. This year the conference is meeting in Tampa, Florida—and some hot-button issues are on the agenda—among them the call for the church to divest from firms doing business in Israel. On Tuesday the conference voted against a motion that the church divest from three international firms that have business interests related to Israel’s military rule in the Palestinian territories: Caterpillar, Motorola Solutions, and Hewlet…

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Cornel West, Using His Powers for Good

…munities when joblessness became the norm. Barbara Ehrenreich trekked from Florida to Maine to the Midwest and worked as a waitress, hotel maid, cleaning woman, and, most famously, at Wal-Mart for her Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America (2001). Life was so hard in this world, she concluded that it was little wonder that so many turned to otherworldly Pentecostalism. Smiley and West seem to want to draw from all these genres (fiction,…

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Will Romney’s VP Pick Win Catholic Voters?

…here Catholic voters make up a significant population: Pennsylvania (29%), Florida (26%), and even Ryan’s home state of Wisconsin (29%). And some observers believe that Romney’s inclusion of Poland on his foreign policy tour made less sense in terms of a foreign policy agenda than it did in terms of an appeal to Catholic voters—a theory that’s underscored by Romney’s release yesterday of a Catholic-directed campaign advertisement that features pic…

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Tropical Storm Isaac Bears Down on RNC

…eather forecasters are keeping an eye on tropical storm Isaac, heading for Florida with Tampa and the Republican National Convention in its path. Is it a sign from God?  That’s what the Washington Post‘s Dana Milbank cheekily suggested yesterday, stringing together the bad forecast with Missouri Representative Todd Akins’s atrocious comments on “legitimate rape” and the public relations disaster of that sort of blasphemous Republican skinny-dip in…

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Allen West’s Communist Conspiracy Rooted in Christian Anti-Communism?

Rep. Allen West, the Florida Republican who has previously made anti-Islam statements about Muslim members of Congress, is now answering for his assertion that there are about 80 members of Congress who are communists. His remarks were first published in the Palm Beach Post. In a video released to the Daily Caller (via TPM), West is shown responding to a constituent question by saying there are roughly 78-81 members of the “Democrat Party” who ar…

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Books Must be Hardbound, Quotes Whole, and Genitalia Scrubbed

Earlier this week, I wrote on how county officials in Bronson, Florida, declared the area in front of a court house as limited public forum where private groups could give expression to their views by erecting monuments—and then vetoed an atheist monument because its use of “incomplete quotations” did not meet their guidelines. This strategy—in which atheists are legally allowed the same rights as Christians but are silenced on technicalities—is…

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Chris Christie Apologizes. . . For Saying Something True

…s Vegas.  None of the speakers, including Wisconsin’s Scott Walker, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, or embattled New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, is Jewish. But some made efforts to boast (awkwardly, the Times notes)  their loyalty to the Jews. In Christie’s case, this effort quickly turned sour, at least in Republican “pro-Israel” eyes. Like any non-Jewish politician addressing a Jewish audience, Christie fondly recalled a trip to Israel. Bu…

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Manufactured Outrage Over ‘Godless’ Democratic Platform [UPDATE]

…has been reading the supremely misleading David Barton. The same goes for Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who said in his GOP convention address that “faith in our Creator is the most important American value of all.” Of course, God is not actually named in the U.S. Constitution—and it wasn’t an oversight. Founders considered and rejected attempts to make the Constitution an explicitly Christian document. Instead they went with no religious test for pu…

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Is the Satanist Behind 10 Commandments Challenge Sincere?

…lained In January 2013 the Temple’s campaign began with a rally to support Florida governor Rick Scott, who signed a bill allowing religious “inspirational messages” to be read before assemblies in public schools. This was followed by the aforementioned “Pink Mass” at the gravesite of the mother of Westboro Baptist Church leader Fred Phelps, a service that would turn the woman’s spirit gay, according to the Temple. There have also been plans to ad…

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