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SCOTUS’ Bladensburg Cross Ruling Is a Church-State Mess

…that Establishment Clause law is fractured and unintelligible because the central test in that area is too. As I wrote back in February, the problem is not with the Lemon test, but with the Court’s unwillingness to apply that test. Instead, the court seeks to reverse engineer politically popular outcomes. At oral argument, justices and attorneys attacked Lemon repeatedly, but continued to come back to its core principles: no religious purpose, no…

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Baptist Resolutions Signal More Culture War

…ity of marriage as between one man and one woman, God’s design for gender, freedom of conscience, and unhindered religious freedom. The ground of what is counted as “traditional culture” shifted during the civil rights years, and white southern-based groups such as the SBC eventually followed. But the place once held by race as a defining principle of God-ordained order has been supplanted by a view where particular notions of gender and sexuality…

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Orlando Massacre and ISIS: The Illusion of Power

…would give the appearance of a global terrorist operation, even though the central ISIS command did little to plan or conduct them. Is this what happened in Orlando? Thus far, there is no evidence that Omar Mateen has had any connection with ISIS leadership. The ISIS news agency that boasted that he was an “ISIS fighter” did not, however, state that his was an ISIS operation. The agency did not imply that it had been planned and orchestrated by th…

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Tribal Trouble: The Changing Nature of American Jews’ Relationship to Israel and the Question of Jewish Unity

…for American Jewish attitudes toward Israel. Before that, Israel was not a central part of American Jewish identity except for those committed Zionists. While today, for supporters of AIPAC on the right and some Jewish supporters of BDS on the left, Israel is a central tenet of their identity, it is a more complicated story given the last almost half century of Jewish life in America. Correction: In an earlier version of this article, an important…

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History Channel’s “Vikings” Subverts and Supports the Violent Heathen Trope

…nt than their enemies. It’s perhaps a small step forward the Vikings series portrays the violent heathen not as a brown, racialized other, but as a remnant of a European past imagined to be more violent than the present. On the other hand, the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump, who was among the loudest of those calling for the heads of the wrongly accused teens in the Central Park Jogger case, and who famously called Mexican immigrants rapists,…

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Why ‘Do You Believe in God?’ Is at the Heart of Our Religious Problem

…rom a taxonomic problem when it comes to religion; namely, making the most central question about whether or not we believe in God. Throughout my life in the United States, the first question I’m asked about religion is: “Do you believe in God?” I use the word god in the singular, as this is the default manner in which I’m asked the question. My answer often confuses people: “You are skipping an important question before asking this. I do not care…

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Can White Jews Still Be White if They’re Reviled By White Supremacists?

…rs”) would be given rights primarily appear to have engaged with religious freedom. Though some have described white Jews as “becoming white” in the mid-20th century, evidence of the colonial-era focus on Jews as a religious (rather than racial) “Other” and the chasm between their lives and those of Native Americans and enslaved Africans demonstrates the longevity of whiteness among white Jews in the U.S. As Hasia Diner writes in The Jews of the U…

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How the COVID-19 Pandemic May Permanently Change Our ‘Good Death’ Narrative

…. Now, just as in the Victorian era, familial presence with the dying is a central feature of our Good Death narratives. But many who die of COVID-19 will die in isolation in a hospital ICU. Families will be unable to attend the bedside of their dying loved one. Hospitals will be largely closed to visitors due to risk of contagion. Many family members will be in quarantine themselves because of their exposure to someone with a positive diagnosis….

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No More Pencils, No More Books: The Ultimate Goal of All Those Anti-Education Bills That Nobody’s Talking About

…gan, partially funded by Betsy Devos’s fortune. Betsy Devos and her family promoted vouchers and school choice “to help advance God’s Kingdom,” as she told “The Gathering,” the annual meeting of the country’s richest Christians. But also because, “The church—which ought to be in our view far more central to the life of the community—has been displaced by the public school as the center for activity.” It’s not enough that Americans have a right to…

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‘Hell is a World Without You’ Shows Readers How Squarely They Would Have Been on Path to Jan 6 if They’d Come of Age in Evangelicalism

…ich caused eerie magic to happen, for better or worse. That brings me to a central theme of the novel: Hell. After reading, I realized that despite all the talk about Jesus, God, and country, the form of Christianity you depict is really all about Hell. More than anything else, the belief in a literal Hell is the heart of this social formation. In an early draft, Hell wasn’t in the title. Did you know how central Hell was when you started? After a…

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