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Nxivm Scam Is Dead, but ‘Brainwashing’ Pseudoscience Lives On

…inwashing” was somehow involved. On June 14, the day that the subhead of a New York Times article asserted that, “Former Nxivm members testified they were brainwashed into being branded and assigned to have sex with him,” Kevin D. Williamson of the National Review published a short post titled, “There Is No Such Thing as ‘Brainwashing,’” in which he pointed out that the concept has “no scientific basis” and is generally regarded as “pseudoscience….

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Does the Multifaith Model Work?

…tical focus. One of her projects involved writing a hypothetical letter to New York’s Mayor Michael Bloomberg around the time of 9/11, advising him how best to broach the topic of the controversial Park51 project with his constituents. Her letter stressed the importance of viewing post 9/11 America as Judeo-Christian-Islamic as opposed to simply Judeo-Christian. Absolute inclusiveness should be the core value of a truly modern society. In NYU-spea…

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The Jersey Shores of Tripoli: MTV and Arab Revolution

…person when I was well into my third decade, after I’d spent some years in New York City. The experience still confuses me. Because where I grew up, I was one of the few minorities. My white friends, classmates and pretty much every white person around me had no specific ethnic identity. They often claimed that they were this percentage Irish or that percentage Lithuanian, but these differences seemed perfunctory. They were just white Americans, t…

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Sex and the (Hipster) Church—Just a Gimmick?

…efinitely doing something right. Both Sexperiment and Real Marriage became New York Times bestsellers almost immediately after publication. There’s no question that their messages, and their aggressive way of communicating them, are reaching people—hipsters included—even if their strategies, and often the messages themselves, are decidedly unhip. But despite the shift toward using more crass language to address a (formerly) taboo subject, Driscoll…

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“This is a Homosexual Bar, Jesus”: Malcolm Boyd, 1924-2015

…, with substantial and respectful obituaries published in the LA Times and New York Times. And now I’m thinking what a remarkable and brave thing it was for such a well-known church leader to out himself 1976, just at the point that Jerry Falwell was about to launch the Moral Majority and Anita Bryant was preparing to unleash her virulently homophobic “Save Our Children” campaign against Dade County’s anti-discrimination ordinance. You can say, an…

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Yoga Guru or CEO? Saving the Brand When Scandal Strikes

…structures,” others go straight to yoga’s roots. In a sardonically titled New York Times article, “Yoga and Sex Scandals: No Surprise Here,” journalist William J. Broad writes: Why does yoga produce so many philanderers? And why do the resulting uproars leave so many people shocked and distraught? One factor is ignorance. Yoga teachers and how-to books seldom mention that the discipline began as a sex cult—an omission that leaves many practitione…

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The “Nones” Are Here… And Have Been for Over 100 Years

…n of “deed rather than creed.” The Sunday morning meetings of the original New York Society for Ethical Culture included music and a spoken address. Membership drew from the upper echelons of New York society, including many prominent Jewish leaders. Adler’s reason for holding such ritualistically bare services are surprisingly relevant, perhaps, to today’s religious “nones.” Said Adler: “You may have holier moods on a Tuesday than on a Sunday; yo…

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Communion or Disunion?

…e, that took place on July 3, 1986, at the Church of St. Vincent Ferrer in New York City. Marge Tuite was an Alinsky-trained organizer (or did she train Saul Alinsky?) before the term was attached to a certain U.S. president. She worked for the ecumenical group Church Women United, and offered a lot of solidarity in Nicaragua. She died suddenly after innings with the Vatican over signing an ad in the New York Times on abortion. Some said she died…

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Burma’s Spirit Festival, and More in This Week’s Global LGBT Roundup

…journalist Masha Gessen published “Why Autocrats Fear LGBT Rights” in the New York Review of Books. She says viewing Trump’s sudden order banning transgender people form the military as a distraction is “not only a grievous insult to transgender people but a basic failure to understand the emotional logic of Trumpism.” Trump got elected on the promise of a return to an imaginary past—a time we don’t remember because it never actually was, but one…

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Occupy in Exile: Sacred Space is Everywhere

…ooks in the Occupy library. Some of those books are being retrieved at the New York Police Department “lost and found.” Sacred space is not one place; and you can grind a book to dust but not destroy it. Judson Memorial Church opened our church’s assembly room for five nights the first week and still have an astonishing collection of notebooks, backpacks, sleeping bags and down comforters, sweaters, sweatshirts, and mittens hanging out in our hall…

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