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Devil’s Bookmark: Sex and Drugs and Hating God

…l-good, all-powerful, all-knowing, and eternal deity, but rather by a beastly, malevolent bully by the name of Ialdabaoth. There is nothing subversive, per se, in Anatole France’s incorporation of some basic tenets of Gnosticism in his novel. Where it veers toward apostasy is when Revolt’s narrator informs us that the deity Christians pray to, i.e. Yahweh, is in fact none other than the demiurge Ialdabaoth in disguise. “I believe in the God of the…

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Is Liberalism Islamic?: An Interview with Mustafa Akyol

…h God has set in place, and are not related with our sins. Earthquakes really do not selectively hit cities of vice, such as, say, Las Vegas. They just hit the cities that are placed on tectonic faultlines. Or rain patterns, which really do not show any correlation with levels of godliness or godlessness. Even if people believe that this or that disaster has happened because of this or that sin, this subjective idea cannot be the base of objective…

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Religion as a Front for Tyranny: A Roundtable on the Timeliness of Hulu’s “The Handmaid’s Tale”

…rtion, the ultimate marker of reproductive freedom. I read something recently that really changed the way I think about the 1920s and that makes me think of where we are now. We think of the ’20s as the “roaring twenties” and a time of new sexual freedom, especially for women. But in reality, the 1920s marked the endpoint of the Progressive Era and what were largely women-led social policies to improve the world for women and children—things like…

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Fake Rabbi Showdown

…f a chazan, a cantor, to add a bit of religious yikhes (lineage)to our mostly secular mission. Usually this provided the workday with a pleasant musical interlude, but on one occasion the cantor seemed totally unable to carry a tune. As we listened to him warble, I was approached by an elderly man who waved me close so he could whisper something in my ear. A Polish-born former chicken farmer from New Jersey, he had been a Nazi-killing partisan in…

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Can Atheist Billboards Kill Religion?

…ces. Fundamentalist theology — the type atheists and humanists most typically attack — actually feeds off resistance and intellectual critique; these traditions runs contrary to reason and logic, and there is little hope this will change. This type of theologizing is a prophylactic against thinking: faith trumps reason in such cases in that reason is perceived to be the arrogance of humanity. Pointing out the symbolic or metaphorical nature of the…

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Why The Religious Left Isn’t Coming Together, and Why It Matters

…next couple of decades. But there is one thing Tooley, Mohler, and Mattingly almost certainly agree with me on, which is that current configuration of the religious left doesn’t seem up to challenging the onslaught of Trumpism. For that matter, neither has the Religious Right (or simply conservative Christianity) demonstrated they’ve got what it takes. Faithful people, whether left or right, are increasingly sidelined as racialized demons are set…

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New Mag Provides a Platform for Christians of Color

…as treated the coverage of white evangelicals post-election? To speak bluntly, I don’t really care. We’ve examined white evangelicals for so long—trying to find out how they feel, what they care about, and what they’re doing. That’s important because obviously a huge percentage of that faith group was responsible for Donald Trump being elected. I get that, but let’s do some reflection and look at other groups. There are black Republicans who were…

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Welcome to the Shari’ah Conspiracy Theory Industry

…le East Studies. These efforts in turn work to elevate their work as the only truly accurate, pro-American, and pro-Israel take on Islam, terrorism, and foreign policy. Beinin wrote in 2006 that “Kramer and his ilk were emboldened by their links to officials in the upper-mid levels of the Bush administration,” including Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and Elliott Abrams; as well as neoconservative think tanks and advocacy groups. But…

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After Westboro: The Trouble With “Tolerance”

…ive of locales (e.g. funeral services for fallen soldiers). But theologically, this group is usually written off as ridiculous and wholly out of touch with mainstream Christianity. Though before we become too dismissive of the theological significance of these matters, we should probe beneath the unsophisticated theological surface of Westboro’s colorful signage. In nearly every psychology 101 course, when it comes time to explain Freud’s structur…

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Red Riding Hood Arouses Man’s Inner (Were)Wolf

…e logic for good measure. These werewolves can pass their powers on with a bite, but only in the once-every-thirteen-year interval of a “blood moon.” And in their case, every generation of werewolf becomes stronger, not weaker. The plot amounts to a fairly simple star-crossed lover’s story, but with a twist. The red-clad heroine has been matched in a most spirited way to a local woodcutter since childhood; the two dream of running away together, t…

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