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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise By Bethany Moreton (Harvard University Press, 2009) People like us don’t do Wal-Mart. The very name conjures retrograde rednecks, and the company’s M.O.—its sexism, anti-unionism, low wages, insufficient health care, foreign product sourcing, adverse environmental practices, and toxic impact on local businesses—has made the moniker synonymous with free-market blight. But people li…

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All You Had to Do Was Express Regret: Pope Benedict XVI’s Rocky Visit to Yad Vashem

Pope Benedict XVI’s recent visit to Israel prompted expressions of anger and disappointment among many Israelis and Jews around the world. Surprisingly, few reacted to his political statements on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, one of the rawest controversies in current geopolitics, even though Benedict movingly sympathized with Palestinian suffering, explicitly endorsed a two-state solution, and lamented the building of Israel’s separation bar…

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The Two Faces of New Atheism

If one were to name the most intriguing recent development in America’s religious life, it would have to be the unprecedented rise of disbelief, or what many have dubbed “the New Atheism.” The tendency in the media has been either to hail this phenomenon as the latest cultural fad or to dismiss it as a secular equivalent of religious fundamentalism. In reality, it is neither of these. The New Atheism is a complex movement that has the potential b…

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Fighting Demons, Raising the Dead, Taking Over the World

What is happening to Christianity? In 1996 a team from Ted Haggard’s New Life Church flew to Mali and began furtively anointing entire towns with cooking oil. The strangeness of it gripped Dutch missionary René Holvast, who later wrote: “It was confusing and produced a growing uneasiness. It did not seem to fit our current evangelical theological and anthropological textbooks.” The team from Haggard’s church was a forerunner in a missionary wave…

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RDBook: Huckabee ♥’s Nobody

I have to admit that, during the Republican primary, I developed a genuine affinity for Mike Huckabee. Of all of the Republican and religious right figures I have followed in ten years as an analyst for People For the American Way, Huckabee presented something different: a down-to-earth, funny, and likable guy who was willing to break with his party’s orthodoxy to stand up for the little guy—all while plunking away on his bass guitar. That image,…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

Connecticut Supreme Court Legalizes Gay Marriage On October 10, Connecticut became the third state—after Massachusetts and California—to legalize same-sex marriage. In a 4-3 decision, the Connecticut Supreme Court ruled that the state had “failed to establish adequate reason to justify the statutory ban on same-sex marriage.” In its 85-page decision, the justices noted in the majority opinion that they recognized “as the Massachusetts Supreme Jud…

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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

On May 15, 2008 I posted a short video on YouTube of Pastor John Hagee, assembled with the free iMovie software that came with my three-year-old MacBook [view the video at the end of this article—ed.]. In just a few days, Americans began to absorb the reality that Republican presidential candidate John McCain had sought and accepted an endorsement from a religious leader who’d asserted a divine mandate for the Holocaust and claimed that Jews them…

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Turn Off, Slow Down, Drop In: The Digital Generation Reinvents the Sabbath

My face-to-face connection to Sarah and Adam Walker Cleaveland is thin. Nonetheless, Sarah and I were “friends” on Facebook, which, in turn, linked me to Adam’s robust social media presence. So I was privy to the deep joy that surrounded the couple last fall as they celebrated the halfway mark of Sarah’s pregnancy with twin boys. I also learned almost immediately, it seemed, when the pregnancy came to a wrenching, premature end on October 25, 201…

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Crisis Pregnancy Centers and Obama’s Faith-Based Initiative

Kate Sheppard has a report at Mother Jones about the efforts of Florida Republican Cliff Stearns (who supports ending federal funding of family planning services) to push federal funding for ultrasound equipment for crisis pregnancy centers. Sheppard: Crisis pregnancy centers—often run by religious groups—received $30 million from HHS between 2001 and 2006 for abstinence-only programs and other projects, according to a 2006 House Energy and Comme…

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For Conservatives, the Future Looks Dim… and Gay

It would appear that the only thing standing between equality for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Americans is a religious objection. But, according to a new poll from Pew Research, even those who object on religious grounds believe LGBT equality is inevitable. According to the poll, 52% of those who continue to oppose equality for LGBT people cited “moral objections to homosexuality, that it conflicts with religious beliefs, or that it go…

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