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My Womb for His Purposes: The Perils of Unassisted Childbirth in the Quiverfull Movement

…ly, as Vyckie Garrison noted, her Quiverfull convictions led her to desire total reliance on, and trust in, God, neglecting her own instincts and health in favor of obedience and submission. “Our deeply beloved belief system denied us an important safety net,” she wrote to Carri Chmielewski, “that of our own feelings. When our bodies and minds screamed out, ‘Something is wrong!’ our faith calmed us down.” And in some cases, that calm, the “peace t…

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To Serve God and Wal-Mart: The Making of Christian Free Enterprise

…rt stores. The program’s political aspects were woven into its religious tenets and economic policies, both of which supported Christian free enterprise, traditional values and a gendered workforce. Writes Moreton: “They [Walton Scholars] perceived their own careers and free-market policies generally as a form of public service, on the pattern of the Christian business departments they attended. For its part, Wal-Mart and its suppliers reaped tang…

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All You Had to Do Was Express Regret: Pope Benedict XVI’s Rocky Visit to Yad Vashem

…, is insufficient from a Catholic leader. Though some critics cast a wider net than others in the range of complaints, all these examples reflect unhappiness with Benedict’s failure to grapple self-critically with a troubling historical legacy. While their reactions are of course subjective, these assessments are entirely correct. In the speeches of John Paul II and Benedict XVI, as well as in many church documents, there is nothing resembling a d…

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The Two Faces of New Atheism

…n as at best useless and at worst deadly. One of the arguments Dawkins, Dennett, and Hitchens make, for instance, is that one need not be religious to be a moral person. They like to point to the evolutionary origins of our moral sense—or as Dawkins puts it: “the lust to be good”—in order to claim that morality precedes religion and does not require it. While plausible, this argument does not prove that religion has no effect on morality. In fact,…

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Fighting Demons, Raising the Dead, Taking Over the World

…. The same year, it reached the members of a Mat-Su Valley, Alaska, church network (the Valley Pastors Prayer Network) whose pastors were so gripped by the video that they made contact with most of the religious figures shown in George Otis Jr.’s production. And they were so especially taken with Thomas Muthee’s story they brought him to Alaska in 1999 and raised $30,000 so Muthee could buy land in Kenya to build his church. As detailed in a late…

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RDBook: Huckabee ♥’s Nobody

…mney’s entire campaign as a fraud perpetuated solely by the fact that his “net worth bought him instant status … [as] a serious contender.” While Huckabee nurtures a deep personal dislike of Romney, what he truly despises is everything Romney represents: the rich, East Coast, insider elites who dominate the Republican Party. Huckabee, the son of a fireman who struggled to make ends meet, effectively wages class warfare against the party insiders a…

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RD News Round-Up—Oct.14, 2008

…en new life.” The surge in anti-Semitism has been most visible on the Internet. On neo-Nazi and white supremacist websites and blogs, hundreds of comments have been posted “promot[ing] centuries-old stereotypes and conspiracy theories alleging Jewish control of the economy, banking and the government,” YNetNews recently reported. The ADL noted that a number of posts “have gone so far as to resurrect Nazi-era propaganda with threads such as ‘The Je…

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A Lone Blogger vs. the McCain-Hagee Alliance

…rd-Faith evangelist Kenneth Copeland and sent out via Hagee’s broadcasting network, a co-sermon in which Copeland declared divine power to be a technology humans could learn and wield. It was a classic form of Christian heresy and yet, as with many aspects of the evolving Christian right culture, such views have generally been ignored as marginal by the American mainstream. So why did Senator McCain pursue John Hagee’s endorsement for over a year,…

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Despite Religious Violence, Egyptian Mosques Calling for Muslim-Christian Unity

…ke are launching in the coming days a new initiative called ‘TahrirSquared.Net’, that aims to increase common civil society actions in Egypt and the region – wherever the Tahrir Square effect of joining hands against disunity and injustice has been multiplied. It was multiplied in the ‘Today, I am a Muslim too’ rally that took place in New York city, on March 6th. I saw reports of that rally from Cairo, and I saw the same imperative there on my sc…

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New Study Shows 1.7%, 4%, or 10% of Americans are Gay

…ut 4% of the population identifies as LGBT). On the whole, I see that as a net positive and absolutely worth the risk.” Gates’ overall goal, after all, is to get more and more demographic information on the LGBT community so real numbers can be extrapolated from the data. As it is right now, it is impossible to get a true count of gay and lesbian people because many surveys, including the U.S. Census, don’t explicitly ask if respondents indentify…

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